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spy-collage: Beautiful Album Art Collages for Spotify

Checked with mypy Code style: black

A configurable Python album art collage generator for Spotify with automatic album discovery and color clustering. Featuring a novel and fully generalized approach to album art arrangement within the collage, spy-collage allows for an infinite degree of customization in the final product. Create rainbows, cluster images around predefined colors, or a combination of both! With spy-collage, the choice is yours.



Note: this project requires Python>=3.9.

First, clone the repository:

git clone

Then install with poetry:

poetry install

Additionally, Spotify API credentials are required. After setting up an application on the Spotify Developers site, credentials must be set as environment variables. Before running the application, ensure that SPOTIPY_CLIENT_ID and SPOTIPY_CLIENT_SECRET are set appropriately.


Usage: spy-collage [OPTIONS] [SOURCE]

  A configurable album art collage generator for Spotify, featuring album
  discovery and color clustering.

  [SOURCE]  Albums to generate the collage with. Either a single Spotify
            playlist URI or a text file containing one of: a list of playlist
            URIs, a list of album URIs, or a JSON list of albums collected
            from the Spotify API.

  -d, --dimensions COLLAGESIZE    Dimensions of the generated collage,
                                  specified as nxm  [required]
  -p, --preset TEXT               Color arrangement preset to use for
                                  generating the collage. Available presets
                                  are defined in presets.ini.  [required]
  --discover / --no-discover      Enable/disable automatic album discovery for
                                  singles  [default: no-discover]
  --market TEXT                   When discovering albums, only consider those
                                  available in this market  [default: US]
  --dedupe / --no-dedupe          Experimental: When fetching album art, skip
                                  albums whose art is identical to an already-
                                  fetched album  [default: no-dedupe]
  --save-album-uris               Save processed album URIs to albums.txt
  -r, --album-cover-resolution [small|medium|large]
                                  Resolution to download album covers at
                                  [default: medium]
  --install-completion [bash|zsh|fish|powershell|pwsh]
                                  Install completion for the specified shell.
  --show-completion [bash|zsh|fish|powershell|pwsh]
                                  Show completion for the specified shell, to
                                  copy it or customize the installation.
  --help                          Show this message and exit.

For example, to generate a 12x9 collage from .\example_source_lists\selected_albums.txt using the horizontal_spectrum preset and small art resolution:

poetry run spy-collage -r small -d 12x9 -p horizontal_spectrum .\example_source_lists\selected_albums.txt