Look at
- http://woss.name/2011/01/23/converging-your-home-directory-with-chef/
- http://macnix.blogspot.com/2011/07/change-mac-os-x-107-lion-ical-skin-to.html
- https://github.com/pivotal/pivotal_workstation
- https://github.com/josh/osx-cookbooks
- https://github.com/philips/ghar - So dotfiles can be shared on GitHub. Integrate into chef, maybe?
- Font (get a great programmer's font)
- Use dnsmasq as local caching DNS server
- Use ncutil for setting localhost as DNS server (works on Lion??)
- Write DNS servers from DHCP into /usr/local/etc/resolv.conf that dnsmasq uses
- DNS servers from ipconfig getpacket <interface, eg en0>
- Look at crankd.py for running a script for writing DNS servers on each network change An example: http://glarizza.posterous.com/using-crankd-to-react-to-network-events
- Slink
- Sublime Text 2 (done)
- also include plugins
- Alfred
- GrandPerspective (disk space utility)
- download Xcode command line tools from Apple using adc_download.sh
- Have all (active) github (and other) repos checked out in the correct place
- Maybe use chef for updating all of them too?
- Use mr
- Nice OSX defaults: https://github.com/mathiasbynens/dotfiles/blob/master/.osx
- chefify all packages installed
- brew
- python (pip)
- ruby (gem)
- Scala's conscript/giter8
- Chrome stuff
- Setup as default browser; look at duti.sf.net and default_handlers.duti in nisgits cookbook Also look at http://krypted.com/mac-os-x/lsregister-associating-file-types-in-mac-os-x/
- setup plugins automatically (sync plist to Dropbox?)
- sync open tabs through Dropbox?
- find open tabs from Time Machine backup
- Startup locate as service
- sudo launchctl load -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.apple.locate.plist
- Setting up printers
- Sync licenses through Dropbox? defaults write or something
- Install Java
- Sync Gradle settings through Dropbox
- Sync GnuPG through Dropbox
- Use Hiss (http://collect3.com.au/hiss/) to forward Growl notifications to Mountain Lion's Notification Center
- resty & jsawk for REST on the commandline