// deploy.php
require 'recipe/sentry.php';
- organization (required): the slug of the organization the release belongs to.
- project (required): the slug of the project to create a release for.
- token (required): authentication token. Can be created at https://sentry.io/api/
- version (required) – a version identifier for this release. Can be a version number, a commit hash etc. (Defaults is set to git log -n 1 --format="%h".)
- ref (optional) – an optional commit reference. This is useful if a tagged version has been provided.
- url (optional) – a URL that points to the release. This can be the path to an online interface to the sourcecode for instance.
- date_started (optional) – an optional date that indicates when the release process started.
- date_released (optional) – an optional date that indicates when the release went live. If not provided the current time is assumed.
- sentry_server (optional) – an optional sentry server (if you host it yourself). default to hosted sentry service.
// deploy.php
set('sentry', [
'organization' => 'example org',
'project' => 'example proj',
'token' => 'd47828...',
'version' => '0.0.1'
send message to Sentry
Since you should only notify Sentry of a successfull deployment, the deploy:sentry task should be executed right at the end.
// deploy.php
after('deploy', 'deploy:sentry');