Unreleased (2021-05-01)
- Don't use waitForCondition outside test, doesn't wait for async, uses browser-incompatible setImmediate. (c98b044)
- login: Remove apiKey login support, no longer supported by core-api. (f37bac5)
- Don't clear message chains on disconnect, allows continued publishing to same chain. (df64089)
5.2.1 (2021-03-29)
This release fixes a subtle but serious memleak in all previous 5.x versions. Upgrading immediately is highly recommended.
- dataunions: Withdraw amount can be a string (bccebcb)
- keyexchange: Remove bad call to cancelTask. (cb576fd)
- pipeline: Fix memleak in pipeline. (86fcb83)
- pushqueue: Empty pending promises array in cleanup, prevents memleak. (1e4892c)
- pushqueue: Transform was doing something unusual. (27dbb05)
- subscribe: Clean up type errors. (1841741)
- util: Clean up dangling Defers in LimitAsyncFnByKey. (1eaa55a)
- util/defer: Rejig exposed functions so resolve/reject can be gc'ed. (2638f2b)
- validator: Only keep a small message validator cache. (de7b689)