- Charges a customer succesfully
- Retrieves a charge succesfully
- Updates a charge succesfully
- Retrieves an expanded charge succesfully
- Retrieves all charges
- Captures a charge - 2 Step Payment Flow
- Creates a refund succesfully
- Retrieves a refund succesfully
- Retrieves a refund succesfully with expansion
- Updates a refund succesfully
- Retrieves all refunds for a Charge
- Retrieves all refunds for a Charge with expansion
- Creates an empty customer
- Deletes a customer
- Gets a customer
- Gets a customer expandable
- Gets customers
- Gets customers expandable
- Updates a customer
- Can create a Customer Card by CardNumber
- Can create a Customer Card by TokenId
- Can retrieve a Customer Card
- Can retrieve a Customer's Card with expansion
- Can retrieve a Customer's Cards
- Can retrieve a Customer's Cards with Expansion
- Can delete a Customer's Cards
- Can update a Customer's Card
- Can create a RecipientCard by CardNumber
- Can create a RecipientCard by Card TokenId
- Fails to create a RecipientCard by BankAccount TokenId
- Can retrieve a RecipientCard
- Can retrieve a RecipientCard Expanded
- Can retrieve a Recipient's Cards
- Can retrieve a Recipient's Cards Expanded
- Can delete a Recipient Card Expanded
- Can update a Recipient's Card
- Fails to add a Credit Card to a Recipient
- Succesfully creates a Subscription
- Succesfully retrieves a Subscription
- Succesfully retrieves a Subscription expanded
- Succesfully retrieves a Customer's Subscriptions expanded
- Succesfully retrieves a Customer's Subscriptions
- Succesfully updates a Customer's Subscriptions
- Succesfully cancels a Customer's Subscription
- Succesfully creates a Plan
- Succesfully deletes a Plan
- Succesfully updates a Plan
- Succesfully retrieves a Plan
- Succesfully retrieves a list of Plans
- Succesfully create a coupon
- Succesfully retrieve a coupon
- Succesfully delete a coupon
- Succesfully update a coupon
- Succesfully retrieves all coupons
- Succesfully deletes a discount from a Customer
- Succesfully deletes a discount from a Subscription
- Create an invoice and customer from a line item
- Retrieve an Invoice
- Retrieve an Invoice Expanded
- Retrieve an Invoice's Line Items
- Retrieve Invoices
- Retrieve Invoices Expandable
- Updates an Invoice
- Retrieve an Upcoming Invoice
- Pay an Invoice
- Succesfully creates an invoice item
- Succesfully retrieves an existing invoice item
- Succesfully retrieves an existing invoice item expandable
- Succesfully retrieves invoice items
- Succesfully retrieves invoice items with expansion
- Succesfully updates an existing invoice item
- Succesfully deletes an invoice item
- Creates a Dispute
- Makes Dispute Under Review
- Wins a Dispute
- Loses a Dispute
- Closes a Dispute
- Create a new transfer
- Retrieves a transfer
- Retrieves a transfer expandable
- Retrieves transfers
- Retrieves transfers expandable
- Updates a transfer
- Can't Cancel a committed transfer
- Succesfully creates an Individual Recipient
- Succesfully creates a Corporation Recipient
- Succesfully retrieves a Recipient
- Succesfully retrieves a Recipient
- Succesfully updates a Recipient
- Succesfully deletes a Recipient
- Succesfully fails to retrieve an unknown application fee
- Succesfully retrieves all application fees
- Succesfully fails to refund an unknown application fee
- Succesfully fails to retrieve a Application ID with an unknown Refund id
- Succesfully fails to update an ApplicationRefund for an Invalid Fee ID
- Succesfully fails to retrieve all ApplicationRefunds for an Invalid Fee ID
- Succesfully retrieves account information
- Succesfully retrieves a Balance
- Succesfully retrieves a Balance Transaction
- Succesfully retrieves an Expanded Balance Transaction
- Succesfully retrieves Balance Transaction History
- Can create a Card Token
- Can create a Bank Account Token
- Can retrieve an Existing Card Token
- Can retrieve an Existing Bank Account Token
- Succesfully retrieves events
Finished in 195.9336 seconds 106 examples, 0 failures