Parachute system
Thanks to @k1lly0u to point me in the right direction while i was strungling
Description: A new way to smoothly glide down with a parachute, fully customisable (speed of parachute, fall speed, etc) When navigate to the sides, the parachute will be on the side, to give a bit more reality to it.
Commands: Chat: /parachute Console: parachute
Permissions: Either be an admin, or have oxide's permission: parachute.allowed
Configuration: You may change the cooldown options freely The Parachute option might be tricky to use, so be aware before editing it.
"Cooldown Options": {
"Use Cooldown (true/false)": true,
"Timer (number)": 10.0
"Parachute Options (for advanced users only)": {
"Up force, to counter the gravity fall": 7.0,
"Max drop speed, before the plugin starts to give an extra break from gravity fall": -10.0,
"Forward acceleration strength": 6.0,
"Backward acceleration strength": 4.0,
"Rotation acceleration strength": 0.4,
"Forward resistance (will slow down constantly the parachute)": 0.3,
"Rotation resistance (will reduce the rotation if the player stops pressing rotation)": 0.5,
"Auto release parachute height": 1.5,
"Auto release parachute proximity": 0.5,
"Angular modifier (how much your are on the side depending on your rotation speed)": 50.0
For Developers As i don't have much time to code, my plugins are always welcomed to be improved by others, and may be taken over if you have updates/improvements to do
I kept from the Chute plugin void ExternalAddPlayerChute(BasePlayer player)
bool TryDeployParachuteOnPlayer(BasePlayer player) It will try to add a parachute to the player on his position, but will check if the player is already mounting / on the ground / cooldown blocked
bool DeployParachuteOnPlayer(BasePlayer player)
- It will add a parachute to the player on his position and will ignore all checks*
bool DeployParachuteOnPosition(BasePlayer player, Vector3 position)
- It will teleport the player to the designated position and add a parachute to the player*
bool DeployParachuteOnPositionAndRotation(BasePlayer player, Vector3 position, Vector3 rotation) It will teleport the player to the designated position, set his rotation angle and add a parachute to the player