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SP 4.5 Release Notes

agdarby edited this page Jul 14, 2020 · 7 revisions

(See the changelog for additional details: )

New Default Theme: SPLux

The new default theme (splux) comes in 3 color scheme variants, each associated to a CSS file. To get started:

  1. Update to the latest version of the master branch on GitHub. Make sure your local copy has the following folders and files:




assets/css/public/sp-lux-default.css [blue]




  1. Go to SP Control and navigate to Admin > Edit Config > Basic Settings > Appearance and put "splux" into the Use a Theme and Header Switcher area. Hit save.

theme switcher

In this case, you could switch between the default theme and the splux one on a per guide basis.

If you just wanted to use the splux option, you would remove default (and the comma).

  1. The final step is to go into any existing guides and set the new theme to "splux".

  2. When you view the home page, database list, etc., you will see the blue splux theme.

  3. You can update your logo and menu navigation options by editing the following file: includes/header_splux.php

  4. The new CSS files are uncompressed allowing you to make edits or create your own color scheme variant.

Disabled CKEditor plugins

CKEditor plugins are now disabled by default. This means that the following buttons will not work on the Default Box pluslet when you update to the latest version of SubjectsPlus:

ckeditor plugins

To enable them again go to these files and remove the die("Disabled!"); line at the top:






You should also uncomment lines 29 and 48 on the file ckeditor\config.js:

Line 29: // { name: 'subjectsplus', groups: [ 'subsplus_resource', 'subsplus_asset' , 'subsplus_faq', 'subsplus_cat_link' ] },

Line 48: // ['subsplus_resource', 'subsplus_asset' , 'subsplus_faq' , 'subsplus_cat_link', 'Abbr']

Guides not being added to collections

Github Issue number 1416

The collection_subject table doesn't have a default value for the sort column.

If you already have SubjectsPlus installed, please run the following SQL query in your database:

USE Your-SubjectsPlus-Database-Name;

ALTER TABLE collection_subject;


Layout Updates

To change a section layout the section must be selected first.

What you see if you have not selected a section

layout box

Select a Section

To activate the Layout flyout choices click the arrows button on the appropriate section

Select a section

Choose a Layout

Choose layout

choose layout

Chat Pluslet

A LibraryH3lp pluslet has been added.

To enable it go to Admin > Config Site > API

Chat Config Settings

chat config form

Chat Pluslet View
