diff --git a/_layouts/home.html b/_layouts/home.html
index 7354d99..bc3a1af 100644
--- a/_layouts/home.html
+++ b/_layouts/home.html
@@ -1,39 +1,165 @@
 layout: default
+<!DOCTYPE html>
+<html lang="en">
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+      background-size: cover; /* Cover the entire viewport */
+      background-position: center; /* Center the background image */
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+    .home {
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+      font-size: 1.2em;
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+      margin-bottom: 20px;
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+      text-decoration: none;
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 <div class="home">
   {%- if page.title -%}
     <h1 class="page-heading">{{ page.title }}  </h1>
   {%- endif -%}
+  <div class="hero-section">
+    <img src="images/hero-image.jpeg" alt="AI Vicharana Shala" class="hero-image" width="300" height="500">
+    <div class="hero-text">
+      <h2 style="color: black;">Welcome to AI Vicharana Shala</h2>
+    <p style="font-style: italic; font-family: cursive; color: black;">Empowering the next generation of AI enthusiasts</p>
+      <a href="assets/AI Vicharana Shala Brochure.pdf" class="btn">Brochure</a>
+    </div>
+  </div>
   {{ content }}
-{% comment %}
-  {%- if site.posts.size > 0 -%}
-    <h2 class="post-list-heading">{{ page.list_title | default: "Posts" }}</h2>
-    <ul class="post-list">
-      {%- for post in site.posts -%}
-      <li>
-        {%- assign date_format = site.minima.date_format | default: "%b %-d, %Y" -%}
-        <span class="post-meta">{{ post.date | date: date_format }}</span>
-        <h3>
-          <a class="post-link" href="{{ post.url | relative_url }}">
-            {{ post.title | escape }}
-          </a>
-        </h3>
-        {%- if site.show_excerpts -%}
-          {{ post.excerpt }}
-        {%- endif -%}
-      </li>
-      {%- endfor -%}
-    </ul>
-	<!--The following code is removed-->
-	<!--<p class="rss-subscribe">subscribe <a href="{{ "/feed.xml" | relative_url }}">via RSS</a></p>-->
+ {%- if site.posts.size > 0 -%}
+    <div class="recent-posts">
+      <h2 class="post-list-heading">Recent Posts</h2>
+      <ul class="post-list">
+        {%- for post in site.posts limit: 1 -%}
+        <li>
+          {%- assign date_format = site.minima.date_format | default: "%b %-d, %Y" -%}
+          <span class="post-meta">{{ post.date | date: date_format }}</span>
+          <h3>
+            <a class="post-link" href="https://sudarshansudarshan.github.io/ge103/handbook/">
+              Matrix Mystics
+            </a>
+          </h3>
+          {%- if site.show_excerpts -%}
+            {{ post.excerpt }}
+          {%- endif -%}
+        </li>
+        {%- endfor -%}
+      </ul>
+      <a href="/blog" class="btn">View All Posts</a>
+    </div>
   {%- endif -%}
-{% endcomment %}