This is the integration of the JSON language grammar extension to the Kotlin Multiplatform official support to the Tree-sitter library.
It can parse a very large JSON text, potentially with grammar errors, into an AST (Abstract Syntax Tree) in an incremental basis (e.g. the full text is not parsed again when there are small changes). The AST can be used for syntax highlighting, structural analysis, pattern queries, etc..
In build.gradle.kts, put:
Example use:
fun loadNativeLibraries() {
val name = "tree-sitter-json"
val systemArch = if (currentOS() == WindowsOS) {
} else {
val libFileName = when (currentOS()) {
LinuxOS -> "lib${name}-${systemArch}.so"
MacOS -> "lib${name}-${systemArch}.dylib"
else -> "${name}-${systemArch}.dll"
val dest = File("temp", libFileName)
TreeSitterJson.javaClass.classLoader.getResourceAsStream(libFileName).use { `is` ->
`is` ?: throw RuntimeException("Lib $libFileName not found")
FileOutputStream(dest).use { os ->
val language = Language(TreeSitterJson.language())
val parser = Parser(language)
var testString = "{\n" +
" \"a\":\"fasd\",\n" +
" \"fasf\":\"sags\",\n" +
" \"sfgsfg\": \"aewda\"\n" +
val accessor: ParseCallback = { byte: UInt, point: Point ->
if (byte.toInt() in testString.indices) {
} else {
var ast = parser.parse(null, accessor)
println("AST: ${ast.rootNode.sexp()}")
For detailed and latest usage guide & API, please refer to the official documentation. This example will not be updated over time.
, where patch
is a non-negative integer, starting from 0
, indicating the version of the bug fix integration release to that tree-sitter-json version.
As you may observe, there is no custom code added here. You can build on you own.
Note that the C library binaries for each OS / architecture need to be built separately on each OS & architecture combination.
For macOS / Linux,
gradle :ktreesitter-json:generateGrammarFilesEnhanced
pushd build/generated/
cmake CMakeLists.txt
mkdir src/resources
cp lib* src/resources/
gradle :ktreesitter-json:assemble
For Windows,
gradle :ktreesitter-json:generateGrammarFilesEnhanced
cd build/generated/
cmake CMakeLists.txt
cmake --build . --target INSTALL --config Release
mkdir src/resources
cp Release/*.dll src/resources/
cd ../..
gradle :ktreesitter-json:assemble