Author: | Roman Neuhauser |
Contact: | |
Copyright: | This document is in the public domain. |
All examples assume the following code:
assert = require 'assert' expect = (require 'chai').expect napilo = require 'studio_napi/lib/lo' anapi = napilo.session admin: url: '' user: 'rneuhauser' key: '69sNafUbAR' unapi = napilo.session user: url: '' user: 'rneuhauser' key: '69sNafUbAR'
# GET /api/v2/admin/about anapi GET '/about', (e, r) -> assert.ifError e, "/about failed: #{e}" for p in 'server_name environment git_revision'.split ' ' (expect r) p
# GET /api/v2/user/appliances/42 unapi GET '/appliances/:app', app: 42, (e, r) -> assert.ifError e, "/appliances/:app failed: #{e}" (expect r) 'appliance'
# GET /api/v2/admin/health_check?runner_threshold=75 anapi GET '/health_check', runner_threshold: 75, (e, r) -> assert.ifError e, "/health_check failed: #{e}" for p in 'state kiwi_runners testdrive_runners disks'.split ' ' (expect r) p
All examples assume the following code:
assert = require 'assert' expect = (require 'chai').expect napihi = require 'studio_napi/lib/hi' admin = napihi.session admin: url: '' user: 'rneuhauser' key: '69sNafUbAR' user = napihi.session user: url: '' user: 'rneuhauser' key: '69sNafUbAR'
admin.about (e, r) -> assert.ifError e, "/about failed: #{e}" for p in 'server_name environment git_revision'.split ' ' (expect r) p
admin.health_check, runner_threshold: 75, (e, r) -> assert.ifError e, "/health_check failed: #{e}" for p in 'state kiwi_runners testdrive_runners disks'.split ' ' (expect r) p
app = user.create appliance: named: 'my system' based_on: 'SLES11 SP2' app.configure LVM: enabled: yes group: 'mighty-lvm' comprising: "/var": "800G" "/fuvar": "12T" app.configure PostgreSQL: [ { user: 'db_user', password: 'secret', databases: 'foo bar' } { user: 'db_admin', password: 'top-secret' } ] app.toggle PostgreSQL: on app.toggle MySQL: off runlevel: 3 app.add package: named: 'djbdns' from: 'My Repository' version: '1.2.3' app.add pattern: named: 'development' from: 'His Repository' app.add user: named: 'toor' id: 1000 member_of: 'wheel' identified_by: password: 'secret' locale: language: 'POSIX' keyboard: 'English (US)' app.configure network: hostname: 'thisbox' address: '' netmask: '' gateway: '' resolvers: '' app.configure RAM: '1G' app.configure disk: '3T' app.configure swap: '8G' app.toggle PAE: on app.toggle Xen_DOM0: off app.commit (e) -> assert.ifError e, "app.commit failed: #{e}"