Normally you would run your Ardor Lightweight Contracts on your private node (well you need a node cause the node will be the node contract runner).
But this has some downside for us:
- you need java to run
- to interact with your laravel application you need to trigger code on your api. That means the applicaiton needs to be available from outside.
To resolve those two issues we created the "Contract runner" on php side.
php artisan ardor:make Test --type=contract
This command will create a Contract file in your app/Contracts folder.
Open your ardor.php (config file) and add the file to the list:
// Contracts
'contracts' => [
// INSERT YOUR Contract here:
class TestContract extends ContractDefault {
public $name = "";
public function run(ArdorPrunableMessage $message):bool {
// If you return true the message will not be
return true;
As long your contract does not return true within the run function the contract will execute the message and a related contract.
The contract execution will be cached for 24 hours.