This is a pipeline for 2D zebrafish brain visualization.
This easy-to-use pipeline has three functions.
- Show the range of 2p image scanning.
- CSV files of ROI coordinates.
- Atlas and masks downloaded from mapzebrain.
- PyCharm or any python IDE.
- Fuji (imageJ).
import csv
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import tifffile
import os
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from PIL import Image
import fileinput
For each dataset, we have n fish (n=6 in our example). For each fish, we have 9 planes.
Modify your path in
file1 = "E:\\new_roi1107\\2023-07-05_F2_highintensity\\Plane2_roi_coordinates_0.5_reg.csv"
file2 = "E:\\new_roi1107\\transformation\\2023-07-13_F5_lowintensity\\Plane2_roi_coordinates_0.5_reg.csv"
file3 = "E:\\new_roi1107\\transformation\\2023-08-04_F5_highintensity\\Plane2_roi_coordinates_0.5_reg.csv"
file4 = "E:\\new_roi1107\\transformation\\2023-08-11_F2_lowintensity_2\\Plane2_roi_coordinates_0.5_reg.csv"
file5 = "E:\\new_roi1107\\transformation\\2023-08-11_F5_lowintensity_2\\Plane2_roi_coordinates_0.5_reg.csv"
file6 = "E:\\new_roi1107\\transformation\\2023-08-11_F8_lowintensity\\Plane2_roi_coordinates_0.5_reg.csv"
file7 = "E:\\new_roi1107\\transformation\\2023-09-21_F3_2deg\\Plane2_roi_coordinates_0.5_reg.csv"
file8 = "E:\\new_roi1107\\transformation\\2023-09-22_F1_2deg_2\\Plane2_roi_coordinates_0.5_reg.csv"
file9 = "E:\\new_roi1107\\transformation\\2023-09-22_F6_2deg\\Plane2_roi_coordinates_0.5_reg.csv"
Don't forget to change output file name.
output_directory = "E:\\new_roi1107\\fivefish\\"
output_file_name = "merged_plane2.csv"
output_path = output_directory + output_file_name
Do 9 planes one by one.
There are two ways to get horizontal, sagittal and coronal views.
- Directly use ImageJ, Image -> Z Project.
- Change path and axis direction in
Change atlas path. It could be the path of atlas or masks.
mask_path="Your path..."
Change axis.
average_xy = np.mean(tif_data, axis=1)
Input merged planes' coordinates. Change your path.
# Input csv
csv_file1 = "E:\\new_roi1107\\result1107\\RGB_Values_plane2.csv"
df1 = pd.read_csv(csv_file1)
csv_file2 = "E:\\new_roi1107\\result1107\\RGB_Values_plane3.csv"
df2 = pd.read_csv(csv_file2)
csv_file3 = "E:\\new_roi1107\\result1107\\RGB_Values_plane4.csv"
df3 = pd.read_csv(csv_file3)
csv_file4 = "E:\\new_roi1107\\result1107\\RGB_Values_plane5.csv"
df4 = pd.read_csv(csv_file4)
csv_file5 = "E:\\new_roi1107\\result1107\\RGB_Values_plane6.csv"
df5 = pd.read_csv(csv_file5)
csv_file6 = "E:\\new_roi1107\\result1107\\RGB_Values_plane7.csv"
df6 = pd.read_csv(csv_file6)
csv_file7 = "E:\\new_roi1107\\result1107\\RGB_Values_plane8.csv"
df7 = pd.read_csv(csv_file7)
csv_file8 = "E:\\new_roi1107\\result1107\\RGB_Values_plane9.csv"
df8 = pd.read_csv(csv_file8)
csv_file9 = "E:\\new_roi1107\\result1107\\RGB_Values_plane10.csv"
df9 = pd.read_csv(csv_file9)
Input different views in different python programs.
Horizontal View:
Sagittal View:
Coronal View:
tif_file = "E:\\Atlas\\AVGxy_HSA.tif"
Change your path in
import csv
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import tifffile
import os
import numpy as np
folder_path = "Your directory" # Path of output csv file.
mask_path = "Path of Your masks." # Be careful, folder name should follow a structure of two stages of folder as the figure below shows.
csv_file ="Your ROI coordinates" # Path of registered coordinates
points = [] # save coordinates
plane_num = "_pc" # remember to change this for prey capture and strike or any other behavior.
Check if x,y,z are in the correct row number.
with open(csv_file, 'r') as file:
csv_reader = csv.reader(file)
next(csv_reader) # Skip title
for row in csv_reader:
x, y, z = map(float, row[4:7]) # read reg_x,reg_y,reg_z
points.append((int(round(x)), int(round(y)), int(round(z)))) # approximity
Output will be two csv files, recording how many neurons are in each brain region and which areas every neuron belongs to.
Change your path and color setting in,,
Change your path and color setting in
- Save three views of chosen masks.
- Open them in Fuji, click Lookup Table, set different color for different masks and save.
- Run Change your path and get three views atlas with colored masks.
- You can also change the opacity.
if __name__ == "__main__":
grayscale_path = "E:\\Atlas\\HSA_yz.tif" # Path of one view of your atlas.
color_channel_paths = [
output_path = "E:\\Atlas\\final\\coronal_view.tif"
object_opacity = 0.25 # Set opacity
merge_channels(grayscale_path, color_channel_paths, output_path, object_opacity)
Run Get 2 csv files.
Set a proper threshold.
Manually delete noise neurons in generated csv file in step.
Add one row titled [G] in the first csv file with "RGB" in name. (No meaning just for plotting)
You can add some rows in the first csv file with "RGB" in its name to your original coordinates, for they are well-matched in position(before filter). Need to run step2 differently! Record all values at first.
for point in points:
x, y, z = point
for mask_filename, mask_data in point_to_mask.items():
if mask_data.shape[0] > z:
frame = mask_data[z]
rgb_value = frame[y, x]
writer.writerow({'Mask': mask_filename, 'Frame': z, 'Point_X': x, 'Point_Y': y, 'RGB_Value': rgb_value})
# if rgb_value != 0: # Only save rows where RGB value is not 0
# writer.writerow(
# {'Mask': mask_filename, 'Frame': z, 'Point_X': x, 'Point_Y': y, 'RGB_Value': rgb_value})
Then run and sequentially.
You might need to check title name and modify a bit before running.
You can get every neurons' position information, including neurons belongs to no brain areas.
After that, you should copy the row of new information to the original coordinates csv file, and named it Combined_label.
Finally you have the information of neuron coordinates, fish number, brain areas, which helps you to plot according to different groups.
Change your path in,,
If you did the 4th step, you can scatter them differently.
PRs accepted.
Small note: If editing the Readme, please conform to the standard-readme specification.