- Python, Node.js, Go code 작성
- main.py must be created in case of python and hanlder function
- Cloud Function create in Google cloud console
- Assuming name of Function-1, trigger : http
- Function in main.py must be same as the name of Handler function
- Create deploy.sh in local as following
rm -rf ./libs
pip3 install -r requirements.txt -t ./libs
rm *.zip
zip function-1.zip -r ./main.py ./libs
gsutil rm gs://[bucket name]/function-1.zip
gsutil cp ./function-1.zip gs://[bucket name]/
gcloud functions deploy function-1 --runtime=python37 --trigger-http --region=asia-northeast3 --source=gs://[bucket name]/function-1.zip
- Confirm the action in console and the command as the following
gcloud functions call function-1 --data='{"message": "hello workd"}' --region=asia-northeast3
- requrements.txt
- setup.cfg