Magento 2 module to provide OAuth 2.0 support. The module's main purpose was to reuse the same code and credentials in other modules.
cd <magento_root>
composer config repositories.swissup composer
composer require swissup/module-oauth2-client:dev-master --prefer-source --ignore-platform-reqs --update-no-dev
bin/magento module:enable Swissup_OAuth2Client Swissup_Core
bin/magento setup:upgrade
bin/magento setup:di:compile
- original issue
- Beginning September 30, 2024: third-party apps that use only a password to access Google Accounts and Google Sync will no longer be supported
- thephpleague/oauth2-google
- Providers
- Official Provider Clients
- Add support for Microsoft POP3 XOAUTH2
- Project Credentials
- Set Up Email Importing with OAuth2 and Google
- 'Token has been expired or revoked'
- Gmail IMAP OAuth2 returns error code 400