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Shell M. Shrader edited this page Mar 24, 2019 · 12 revisions

Better Grbl Support Plugin for Octoprint


This plugin was inspired by mic159's Grbl Support plugin ( His plugin gets you 90% of the way there for adding Grbl support to Octoprint but had a couple limitations and lacked some bells and whistles from a UI and configuration perspective.

Better Grbl Support utilizes mic159's gcode receiver parser (with minor changes at the moment) and does much, much more:

  • Rewrites Octoprint's annoying hardcoded M115 (Hello) queries as M5 requests
  • Rewrites M105 (temperature updates) as Grbl status updates
  • Suppresses M110 (reset line #) requests
  • Rewrites M400 (Finish moves) using Grbl Dwell
  • Reswrites M114 (current position) using Grbl Positioning
  • Implements M999 for reseting Grbl (^X)
  • Hides the Octoprint Temperature and GCode Viewer tabs
  • Adds Laser Commands and State sections to the Control tab
  • Suppresses status update reporting during GCODE streaming
  • No need to ignore firmware errors or track down other Octoprint nuance settings
  • Automatically disables Model Size Detection
  • Automatically disables sending checksums
  • Automatically disables the Printer Safety Check plugin


Install via the bundled Plugin Manager or manually using this URL:

NOTE: Installing this pluging directly from the URL above ensures you always have the latest version, but this comes with risk. I do not follow a traditional gitflow which means commits to the master branch may not be fully tested and could cause unforeseen issues. Proceed at your own risk.


There are some meaningful caveots regarding the installation and configuration of this plugin. If you use it in a multi-printer / profile environment it will very likely cause problems for your other profiles as it makes GLOBAL configration changes behind the scenes. A future version may resolve this, but understand that currently multi-profile installations are not currently supported.

Furthermore, a number of global configuration changes are made blindly and I have no way of reverting these changes. Be prepared to manually edit your config.yaml and/or manually revert global settings if you uninstall / disable this plugin to restore your Octoprint installation to its prior state.

Pay special attention to the following config.yaml configuration parameters:

  • appearance / components / temperature tab
  • controls (any / all customizations made to it)
  • feature / temperatureGraph
  • feature / gcodeVisualizer
  • feature / modelSizeDetection
  • serial / neverSendChecksum
  • serial / checksumRequiringCommands
  • serial / helloCommand
  • plugins / _disabled / printer_safety_check
  • appearance / components / disabled / tab
  • gcodeViewer