Pythonic interface for providing:
- Basic ovs-ofctl commands
- Querying topology information
All examples here assume switch 's1' has datapath ID of 0x0000000000000001
Datapath IDs are always specified using hex formatted strings
The equivalent of 'ovs-ofctl add-flow s1 in_port=1,dl_dst=00:00:00:00:00:02,actions=output:2'
This installs a flow table rule that matches any packets coming in from
port 1 with destination MAC 00:00:00:00:00:02, and forwards it via port 2
>>> import ryu_ofctl
>>> flow = ryu_ofctl.FlowEntry()
>>> act = ryu_ofctl.OutputAction(2)
>>> flow.in_port = 1
>>> flow.dl_dst = "00:00:00:00:00:02"
>>> flow.addAction(act)
>>> dpid = '1' # '0x1' or '0000000000000001' works as well
>>> ryu_ofctl.insertFlow(dpid, flow)
The equivalent of 'ovs-ofctl add-flow s1 in_port=2,actions=output:3,output:1'
This installs a flow table rule that matches any packets coming in from
port 2 and forwards a copy of it via port 3 and port 1
>>> import ryu_ofctl
>>> flow = ryu_ofctl.FlowEntry()
>>> act1 = ryu_ofctl.OutputAction(3)
>>> act2 = ryu_ofctl.OutputAction(1)
>>> flow.in_port = 2
>>> flow.addAction(act1)
>>> flow.addAction(act2)
>>> dpid = '1' # '0x1' or '0000000000000001' works as well
>>> ryu_ofctl.insertFlow(dpid, flow)
The equivalent of 'ovs-ofctl del-flows s1 in_port=1'
This deletes any flow table rules that matches on input port of 1
>>> import ryu_ofctl
>>> flow = ryu_ofctl.FlowEntry()
>>> flow.in_port = 1
>>> dpid = '1' # '0x1' or '0000000000000001' works as well
>>> ryu_ofctl.deleteFlow(dpid, flow)
The equivalent of 'ovs-ofctl del-flows s1' (flushing the flow table)
This deletes all flow table rules in the switch
>>> import ryu_ofctl
>>> dpid = '1' # '0x1' or '0000000000000001' works as well
>>> ryu_ofctl.deleteAllFlows(dpid)
To get the list of current actions in a FlowEntry object, or print them
>>> import ryu_ofctl
>>> flow = ryu_ofctl.FlowEntry()
>>> act1 = ryu_ofctl.OutputAction(3)
>>> act2 = ryu_ofctl.OutputAction(1)
>>> flow.addAction(act1)
>>> flow.addAction(act2)
>>> flow.getActions()
[<ryu_ofctl.flow_entry.OutputAction object at 0x19317d0>, <ryu_ofctl.flow_entry.OutputAction object at 0x1931810>]
>>> flow.printActions()
OutputAction: 3
OutputAction: 1
To print the current match fields of a FlowEntry object and validate it
Note: Validating ensures that if either tp_dst or tp_src are set, then dl_type=0x800 and nw_proto is either 0x6 or 0x11
>>> import ryu_ofctl
>>> flow = ryu_ofctl.FlowEntry()
>>> flow.in_port = 3
>>> flow.priority = 60000
>>> flow.dl_src = "00:00:00:00:00:01"
>>> flow.dl_dst = "00:00:00:00:00:02"
>>> flow.dl_type = 0x800
>>> flow.nw_proto = 0x6
>>> flow.tp_dst = 80
>>> flow.printMatch()
{'dl_type': 2048, 'nw_dst': None, 'dl_vlan_pcp': None, 'dl_src': '00:00:00:00:00:01', 'nw_tos': None, 'tp_src': None, 'dl_vlan': None, 'nw_src': None, 'nw_proto': 6, 'tp_dst': 80, 'dl_dst': '00:00:00:00:00:02', 'in_port': 3}
>>> flow.validateMatch()
The following APIs returns either None or some type of dictionary object (i.e. JSON format)
To get a list of switch IDs (a.k.a. datapath IDs or dpids)
>>> import ryu_ofctl
>>> ryu_ofctl.listSwitches()
{'dpids': ['0000000000000001', '0000000000000002', '0000000000000003']}
To query a list of links within the topology
Note: A link is defined as a uni-directional connection between two switches, where
both switches belonged to the list of switches provided by listSwitches()
>>> import ryu_ofctl
>>> ryu_ofctl.listLinks() # Each link is uni-directional
{'links': [{'endpoint1': {'port': 3, 'dpid': '0000000000000002'}, 'endpoint2': {'port': 2, 'dpid': '0000000000000003'}}, {'endpoint1': {'port': 2, 'dpid': '0000000000000002'}, 'endpoint2': {'port': 2, 'dpid': '0000000000000001'}}, {'endpoint1': {'port': 2, 'dpid': '0000000000000003'}, 'endpoint2': {'port': 3, 'dpid': '0000000000000002'}}, {'endpoint1': {'port': 2, 'dpid': '0000000000000001'}, 'endpoint2': {'port': 2, 'dpid': '0000000000000002'}}]}
To query a list of links connected to a given switch ID
>>> import ryu_ofctl
>>> ryu_ofctl.listSwitchLinks('0000000000000001') # Each link is uni-directional
{'links': [{'endpoint1': {'port': 2, 'dpid': '0000000000000002'}, 'endpoint2': {'port': 2, 'dpid': '0000000000000001'}}, {'endpoint1': {'port': 2, 'dpid': '0000000000000001'}, 'endpoint2': {'port': 2, 'dpid': '0000000000000002'}}]}
To query the ingress port of packets with a given source MAC address (i.e. the switch and
physical port where packets from a given source enter the network)
This returns None if the ingress port is unknown (no packets with this source has yet to
be seen by the controller)
>>> import ryu_ofctl
>>> mac = "00:00:00:00:00:03"
>>> ryu_ofctl.getMacIngressPort(mac)
{'port': 1, 'dpid': '0000000000000003'}
>>> mac2 = "de:ad:be:ef:12:34" # Does not exist
>>> ryu_ofctl.getMacIngressPort(mac2)