An Artificial Intelligence university work that focus on the study and implementation of search algorithms and their appliance in the famous N-Puzzle game.
Providing the initial and final (solution) state (game board) of an N-Puzzle game you'll be able to test the following search strategies performance on reaching the solution:
- A*
- Greedy
Also, thes solvability of the provided states is tested, so you'll be notified on an unsolvable game.
[Miguel Ramos]( Your C++ compiler should support **C++11**. If you're using a debian distro and anything wrong happens in the compilation process try to run this commands to update your system:$ sudo apt-get update
- From the project source directory, run
$ make
to compile the program. - Run
$ ./N-Puzzle {board-size}
to execute. If not specified, the default board size (side length) is 4. - (optional) After using the program, you can run
$ make clean
to remove all the executables and object files.