Magnets are like fridge magnets that you can move on the blackboard.
Tableaunoir offers a collection of predefined magnets. Go in the menu (Escape), tab "Magnets". Clicking on one of the buttons will insert some predefined magnets.
You can drag-n-drop any image file into Tableaunoir and it will become a magnet.
You can also draw a contour with your chalk and then press Ctrl+X or Ctrl+C to cut/copy the corresponding portion of the blackboard and transform it into a magnet.
You can draw on top of a magnet. To do so, the idea is to move the magnet in the background, behind the board. For that, place the mouse cursor on the magnet and press "b".
You can connect two magnets by drawing a line/curve between. To do that, press Shift to indicate that you want to connect the two magnets (otherwise, you simply draw a normal curve). If you then move the magnets, that curve will follow them.