- protect against page crush when switching from infinite scroll mode to pagination
- added a description to package.json and to README.md file
- added more sections to the readme file
- added a homepage to packacge.json
- table width issue: added a known problem to list in side of README.md
- Table is now using useColumnResizeHook, but it's still imperfect. It affected the table's ability to go 100% in width.
- added table images to the README.md file, one in light mode & one dark mode
- fixed white-space nowrap issue.
- fixed support for group headers - now is available !
- same code - different folder structure
- TableBody component now only gets getRowModel & onCellClick. Now it is the one which is responsible for calculating the virtual rows.
- encapsulated the reach to bottom mechanism of the table - useReachToBottomMechanism
- encapsulated another Table functionality: useFilterHook
- Table now supports basic sorting and also multi-sorting
- better handling the switch between pagination mode and infinite scroll mode
- added a README.md file
- changed the handling way of the outerRef
- added white-space nowrap to table headers. because of sticky solution to th, header value cannot wrap
- supporting row selection now
- Table supports pagination now
- exposing a new component of TableFooter
- table css made perfect
- removed unnecessary responsibilities from table
- first release