Name | Type | Description | Notes |
id | Integer | Internal ID of this entity. | |
created | OffsetDateTime | The time this entity was created. | |
programID | Integer | The ID of the loyalty program that owns this entity. | |
status | String | Status of the loyalty card. Can be `active` or `inactive`. | |
blockReason | String | Reason for transferring and blocking the loyalty card. | [optional] |
identifier | String | The alphanumeric identifier of the loyalty card. | |
usersPerCardLimit | Integer | The max amount of customer profiles that can be linked to the card. 0 means unlimited. | |
profiles | List<LoyaltyCardProfileRegistration> | Integration IDs of the customers profiles linked to the card. | [optional] |
ledger | LedgerInfo | [optional] | |
subledgers | Map<String, LedgerInfo> | Displays point balances of the card in the subledgers of the loyalty program. | [optional] |
modified | OffsetDateTime | Timestamp of the most recent update of the loyalty card. | [optional] |
oldCardIdentifier | String | The alphanumeric identifier of the loyalty card. | [optional] |
newCardIdentifier | String | The alphanumeric identifier of the loyalty card. | [optional] |
batchId | String | The ID of the batch in which the loyalty card was created. | [optional] |