Spring Boot server with secure user auth(jwt) using H2 Database
clone the repository
Follow editor procedures to install Maven Dependencies included in pom.xml
use this command to run the server on port 8080
./mvnw spring-boot:run
Go to this url and set confirm the User Model in the H2 Database
1. /api/auth/signup
2. /api/auth/signin
3. /api/auth/signout
4. /api/hello
Implements a REST API that includes endpoints for user login and signup functionality.
The login endpoint verifies user credentials and generate a web token upon successful authentication.
The signup endpoint allows users to create new accounts and store their information securely in the H2 database.
There is a hello endpoint which works only post the Auth and returns “Hello from Tanmay”
Security and Web Tokens:
Implements appropriate security measures to protect user data and prevent unauthorized access.
Uses web tokens (JWT - JSON Web Tokens) for user authentication and authorization.
Ensures that only authenticated users can access protected resources.
Utilizes the H2 database for storing user account information.