A simple mobile app to generate invoices and get the pdf output of the file.
App Details
App Name : Invoice Generator
Platform : Android and iOS
Version : 1.0
App Size : 9 MB
Language : Dart with Flutter
Backend : Google Sheet with console API
- Click Here to open the Google Sheet used in the app
- Fetching item lists and details from a database.
- Providing a form with dropdown and auto-fill option matching the provided data.
- Generating INVOICE with auto Bill No.
- Creating PDF outputs of the invoices and printing or sharing directly from the app.
- Using Google Sheets as a database.
- Save invoice pdf in local storage. (coming soon)
- Automatically send the invoice to any specific email or WhatsApp contact. (coming soon)
- DropDown FormField
- Gsheet - Gives full potential to work with Google Sheets.
- PDF - A revolutionary pdf producer in dart. The main output pdf of the invoices is totally generated with the help of this package.
- Printing - It helps to handle the generated pdf by PDF package. It allows you to preview, save or share the pdf in just one click.
- INTL - Helps to format dates and times.
- Number to Character - It does the converting total amount in word under the hood.
- Flutter launcher icon - This makes the icon and splash screen works more convenient.
- Creating User interface.
- Intreagrate Google Sheets as a database.
- Creating pdf based on the product selected.
- Preview or Share the pdf.
- Save the pdf in local storage.
- Automatically send the invoice to any specific email or WhatsApp contact.
You will also find the apk files in 'Release' section.