Project goal:
- provide a foundation for easy creation of new sorting algorithms
Implemented features:
- executing sorting algorithms written in Java, Scala, OpenCL (on both CPU and GPGPU) and C++
- printing (to standard output) and graphing (using ScalaFX) benchmark results
- generation of CMake projects for native C++ sorts
- portable PRNG implementation (Mwc64x) in Scala, OpenCL (both CPU and GPGPU) and C++
Implemented sorting algorithms:
- wrappers for standard Java sorts: Arrays.sort and Arrays.parallelSort
- Scala sorts: Bitonic Sort, Bubble Sort, Heap Sort, Insertion Sort, Merge Sort, Quick Sort, Radix Sort, Selection Sort, Shell Sort
- OpenCL sorts for CPU: Bitonic Sort, Bubble Sort, Heap Sort, Insertion Sort, Merge Sort, Quick Sort, Radix Sort, Selection Sort, Shell Sort
- OpenCL Bitonic Sort for GPGPU
- native C++ sorts: Bubble Sort, wrapper for std::sort, 25 variants of Heap Sort, Quick Sort
Things to do after project checkout:
- download Typesafe Activator or SBT and make it possible to invoke them from main project directory (e.g. by copying "activator", "activator.bat" and/ or "activator-launch-1.2.10.jar" into main project directory)
- download and install OpenCL driver
- create link to in main directory if needed, for example using "ln -s /usr/lib/
- run tests using "./activator test" or "sbt test"
Current basic goals:
- applying Clean Code principles, making code well tested and testable
- lots of sorting algorithms covered by elegant Scala implementations
- lots (but maybe less) of sorting algorithms covered by performance optimized OpenCL implementations
- thorough tests for Scala implementations
- tests that check whether Scala and OpenCL implementations behave identically by checking if they do comparisons and swaps in the same order
- making parallel performance optimized OpenCL implementations
- making a benchmark suite that measures OpenCL implementations performance and sorting algorithms from Java standard libraries
- make GPGPU implementations of (some) sorting algorithms
Current bonus goals:
- making visualization of sorting in ScalaFX (JavaFX wrapper)
- making performance optimized Scala or Java versions of sorting algorithms
Suggestions welcome.