Contribute to this project by adding a solution to one of the problems from the Programming Tasks of the rosetta code project.
Each problem has its own sub-directory. It contains a
file that
describes the problem and one or more solution files with the solution itself.
Hint: Follow the Step-by-step guide to contributing on GitHub
- Sign into GitHub
- Fork the project repository
- Clone your fork
- Navigate to your local repository
- Check that your fork is the "origin" remote
- Add the project repository as the "upstream" remote
- Pull the latest changes from upstream into your local repository
- Create a new branch
- Make changes in your local repository
- Commit your changes
- Push your changes to your fork
- Begin the pull request
- Create the pull request
- Review the pull request
- Add more commits to your pull request
- Discuss the pull request
- Delete your branch from your fork
- Delete your branch from your local repository
- Synchronize your fork with the project repository
Do not forget to add a testcase to your solution. Tests in Python-Docstrings
can be tested with python3 -m doctest
Solutions will be tested with a CI-workflow defined in python-app.yml.
Add the solution to the list below.
All solutions to problems.
- fizzbuzz: Printing numbers or the word Fizz, Buzz or FizzBuzz.