diff --git a/maubot.yaml b/maubot.yaml
index 3121f5a..f7d828e 100644
--- a/maubot.yaml
+++ b/maubot.yaml
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
maubot: 0.1.0
id: uk.tcpip.nsfwbot
-version: 0.2.0
+version: 0.2.1
license: AGPL-3.0-or-later
- nsfwbot
diff --git a/nsfwbot.py b/nsfwbot.py
index 878f436..233145c 100644
--- a/nsfwbot.py
+++ b/nsfwbot.py
@@ -1,3 +1,10 @@
+NSFW Model Plugin for Maubot
+This plugin detects NSFW content in images and text messages containing image tags,
+and takes appropriate actions based on the configuration.
import os
from typing import List, Tuple, Type
from uuid import uuid4
@@ -21,16 +28,25 @@
class Config(BaseProxyConfig):
- Configuration manager
+ Configuration manager for the NSFWModelPlugin.
def do_update(self, helper: ConfigUpdateHelper) -> None:
+ """
+ Update the configuration with new values.
+ :param helper: Helper object to copy configuration values.
+ """
class NSFWModelPlugin(Plugin):
+ """
+ Plugin to detect NSFW content in images and text messages.
+ """
model = Model()
semaphore = Semaphore(1)
via_servers = []
@@ -39,35 +55,38 @@ class NSFWModelPlugin(Plugin):
def get_config_class(cls) -> Type[BaseProxyConfig]:
+ """
+ Get the configuration class for the plugin.
+ :return: Configuration class.
+ """
return Config
async def start(self) -> None:
- """Initialise plugin by loading config and setting up semaphore."""
+ """
+ Initialise plugin by loading config and setting up semaphore.
+ """
await super().start()
- # Check if config exists
- if not isinstance(self.config, Config):
- self.log.error("Plugin not yet configured.")
- else:
- # Load in config
- self.config.load_and_update()
- # Load via_servers from config, with a default fallback
- self.via_servers = self.config["via_servers"]
- # Load actions from config
- self.actions = self.config["actions"]
- # Initialise the Semaphore based on the max_concurrent_jobs setting
- max_concurrent_jobs = self.config["max_concurrent_jobs"]
- self.semaphore = Semaphore(max_concurrent_jobs)
- # Resolve room ID from alias if it starts with #
- self.report_to_room = str(self.actions.get("report_to_room", ""))
- if self.report_to_room.startswith("#"):
- report_to_info = await self.client.resolve_room_alias(
- RoomAlias(self.report_to_room)
- )
- self.report_to_room = report_to_info.room_id
- elif self.report_to_room and not self.report_to_room.startswith("!"):
- self.log.warning("Invalid room ID or alias provided for report_to_room")
- # Initialise the NSFW model
- self.log.info("Loaded nsfwbot successfully")
+ try:
+ if not isinstance(self.config, Config):
+ self.log.error("Plugin not yet configured.")
+ else:
+ self.config.load_and_update()
+ self.via_servers = self.config["via_servers"]
+ self.actions = self.config["actions"]
+ max_concurrent_jobs = self.config["max_concurrent_jobs"]
+ self.semaphore = Semaphore(max_concurrent_jobs)
+ self.report_to_room = str(self.actions.get("report_to_room", ""))
+ if self.report_to_room.startswith("#"):
+ report_to_info = await self.client.resolve_room_alias(
+ RoomAlias(self.report_to_room)
+ )
+ self.report_to_room = report_to_info.room_id
+ elif self.report_to_room and not self.report_to_room.startswith("!"):
+ self.log.warning("Invalid room ID or alias provided for report_to_room")
+ self.log.info("Loaded nsfwbot successfully")
+ except Exception as e:
+ self.log.error(f"Error during start: {e}")
@@ -75,17 +94,21 @@ async def start(self) -> None:
async def handle_image_message(self, evt: MessageEvent, url: Tuple[str]) -> None:
- """Handle direct image messages."""
- if not isinstance(evt.content, MediaMessageEventContent) or not evt.content.url:
- return
- # Process image
- results = await self.process_images([evt.content.url])
- # Create matrix.to URL for the original message
- matrix_to_url = self.create_matrix_to_url(evt.room_id, evt.event_id)
- # Prepare the response message
- response = self.format_response(results, matrix_to_url)
- # Send responses based on actions
- await self.send_responses(evt, response, results)
+ """
+ Handle direct image messages.
+ :param evt: The message event containing the image.
+ :param url: The URL of the image.
+ """
+ try:
+ if not isinstance(evt.content, MediaMessageEventContent) or not evt.content.url:
+ return
+ results = await self.process_images([evt.content.url])
+ matrix_to_url = self.create_matrix_to_url(evt.room_id, evt.event_id)
+ response = self.format_response(results, matrix_to_url)
+ await self.send_responses(evt, response, results)
+ except Exception as e:
+ self.log.error(f"Error handling image message: {e}")
'^ None
async def handle_text_message(self, evt: MessageEvent) -> None:
- """Handle text messages with possible tags."""
- if isinstance(evt.content, TextMessageEventContent) and evt.content.formatted_body:
- img_urls = self.extract_img_tags(evt.content.formatted_body)
- # Do nothing if no URLs found
- if len(img_urls) == 0:
- return
- # Process all images at once
- all_results = await self.process_images([ContentURI(url) for url in img_urls])
- # Create matrix.to URL for the original message
- matrix_to_url = self.create_matrix_to_url(evt.room_id, evt.event_id)
- # Prepare the response message
- response = self.format_response(all_results, matrix_to_url)
- # Send responses based on actions
- await self.send_responses(evt, response, all_results)
+ """
+ Handle text messages with possible tags.
+ :param evt: The message event containing the text.
+ """
+ try:
+ if isinstance(evt.content, TextMessageEventContent) and evt.content.formatted_body:
+ img_urls = self.extract_img_tags(evt.content.formatted_body)
+ if len(img_urls) == 0:
+ return
+ all_results = await self.process_images([ContentURI(url) for url in img_urls])
+ matrix_to_url = self.create_matrix_to_url(evt.room_id, evt.event_id)
+ response = self.format_response(all_results, matrix_to_url)
+ await self.send_responses(evt, response, all_results)
+ except Exception as e:
+ self.log.error(f"Error handling text message: {e}")
async def process_images(self, mxc_urls: List[ContentURI]) -> dict:
- """Download and process the images using the NSFW model."""
+ """
+ Download and process the images using the NSFW model.
+ :param mxc_urls: List of MXC URLs of the images.
+ :return: Dictionary of results with MXC URLs as keys and predictions as values.
+ """
async with self.semaphore:
temp_files = []
- # Download all images and save to temporary files
for mxc_url in mxc_urls:
img_bytes = await self.client.download_media(mxc_url) # type:ignore
temp_filename = f"/tmp/{uuid4()}.jpg"
@@ -121,22 +150,28 @@ async def process_images(self, mxc_urls: List[ContentURI]) -> dict:
temp_files.append((mxc_url, temp_filename))
- # Predict using the NSFW model
predictions = self.model.predict([temp_filename for _, temp_filename in temp_files])
- # Replace temporary filenames in the results with the original MXC URLs
final_results = {
str(mxc_url): predictions.pop(temp_filename)
for mxc_url, temp_filename in temp_files
return final_results
+ except Exception as e:
+ self.log.error(f"Error processing images: {e}")
+ return {}
- # Ensure all temporary files are removed
for _, temp_filename in temp_files:
def create_matrix_to_url(self, room_id: RoomID, event_id: EventID) -> str:
- """Create a matrix.to URL for a given room ID and event ID."""
+ """
+ Create a matrix.to URL for a given room ID and event ID.
+ :param room_id: The room ID.
+ :param event_id: The event ID.
+ :return: The matrix.to URL.
+ """
via_params = (
str("?" + "&".join([f"via={server}" for server in self.via_servers]))
if self.via_servers
@@ -145,12 +180,23 @@ def create_matrix_to_url(self, room_id: RoomID, event_id: EventID) -> str:
return f"https://matrix.to/#/{room_id}/{event_id}{via_params}"
def extract_img_tags(self, html: str) -> List[str]:
- """Extract image URLs from tags in the HTML content."""
+ """
+ Extract image URLs from tags in the HTML content.
+ :param html: The HTML content.
+ :return: List of image URLs.
+ """
soup = BeautifulSoup(html, "html.parser")
return [img["src"] for img in soup.find_all("img") if "src" in img.attrs]
def format_response(self, results: dict, matrix_to_url: str) -> str:
- """Format the response message based on the results."""
+ """
+ Format the response message based on the results.
+ :param results: Dictionary of results with MXC URLs as keys and predictions as values.
+ :param matrix_to_url: The matrix.to URL for the original message.
+ :return: The formatted response message.
+ """
response_parts = [
f"{mxc_url} in {matrix_to_url} appears {res['Label']} with score {res['Score']:.2%}"
for mxc_url, res in results.items()
@@ -161,33 +207,46 @@ def format_response(self, results: dict, matrix_to_url: str) -> str:
return "\n".join(response_parts)
async def send_responses(self, evt: MessageEvent, response: str, results: dict) -> None:
- """Send responses or take actions based on config."""
- # Check if we should ignore SFW images
- ignore_sfw = self.actions.get("ignore_sfw", False)
- nsfw_results = [res for res in results.values() if res["Label"] == "NSFW"]
- # If all images were SFW and should be ignored
- if ignore_sfw and not nsfw_results:
- self.log.info(f"Ignored SFW images in {evt.room_id}")
- return
- # Direct reply in the same room
- if self.actions.get("direct_reply", False):
- await evt.reply(response)
- self.log.info(f"Replied to {evt.room_id}")
- # Report to a specific room
- if self.report_to_room:
- try:
- await self.client.send_text(room_id=RoomID(self.report_to_room), text=response)
- self.log.info(f"Sent report to {RoomID(self.report_to_room)}")
- except MBadJSON as e:
- self.log.warning(f"Failed to send message to {RoomID(self.report_to_room)}: {e}")
- # Redact the message if it's NSFW and redacting is enabled
- redact_nsfw = self.actions.get("redact_nsfw", False)
- if nsfw_results and redact_nsfw:
- try:
- await self.client.redact(room_id=evt.room_id, event_id=evt.event_id, reason="NSFW")
- self.log.info(f"Redacted NSFW message in {evt.room_id}")
- except MForbidden:
- self.log.warning(f"Failed to redact NSFW message in {evt.room_id}")
+ """
+ Send responses or take actions based on config.
+ :param evt: The message event.
+ :param response: The formatted response message.
+ :param results: Dictionary of results with MXC URLs as keys and predictions as values.
+ """
+ try:
+ # Check if we should ignore SFW images
+ ignore_sfw = self.actions.get("ignore_sfw", False)
+ nsfw_results = [res for res in results.values() if res["Label"] == "NSFW"]
+ # If all images were SFW and should be ignored
+ if ignore_sfw and not nsfw_results:
+ self.log.info(f"Ignored SFW images in {evt.room_id}")
+ return
+ # Direct reply in the same room
+ if self.actions.get("direct_reply", False):
+ await evt.reply(response)
+ self.log.info(f"Replied to {evt.room_id}")
+ # Report to a specific room
+ if self.report_to_room:
+ try:
+ await self.client.send_text(room_id=RoomID(self.report_to_room), text=response)
+ self.log.info(f"Sent report to {RoomID(self.report_to_room)}")
+ except MBadJSON as e:
+ self.log.warning(
+ f"Failed to send message to {RoomID(self.report_to_room)}: {e}"
+ )
+ # Redact the message if it's NSFW and redacting is enabled
+ redact_nsfw = self.actions.get("redact_nsfw", False)
+ if nsfw_results and redact_nsfw:
+ try:
+ await self.client.redact(
+ room_id=evt.room_id, event_id=evt.event_id, reason="NSFW"
+ )
+ self.log.info(f"Redacted NSFW message in {evt.room_id}")
+ except MForbidden:
+ self.log.warning(f"Failed to redact NSFW message in {evt.room_id}")
+ except Exception as e:
+ self.log.error(f"Error sending responses: {e}")