This agent manages the puppet agent, unlike the older puppetd plugin this one supports Puppet 3 and recent changes made to its locking and status files.
In addition to basic support for Puppet 3 this adds a number of new features, most them usable under both Puppet 2.7 and 3.
- Supports noop runs or no-noop runs
- Supports limiting runs to certain tags
- Support splay, no splay, splaylimits
- Supports specifying a custom environment
- Supports specifying a custom master host and port
- Support Puppet 3 features like lock messages when disabling
- Use the new summary plugins to provide convenient summaries where appropriate
- Use the new validation plugins to provider richer input validation and better errors
- Data sources for the current puppet agent status and the status of the most recent run
To use this agent you need:
- MCollective 2.2.0 at least
- Puppet 2.7 or 3.0
- Add a new puppet commander
Follow the basic plugin install guide
By default it just works but there are a few settings you can tweak in server.cfg:
plugin.puppet.command = puppet agent
plugin.puppet.splay = true
plugin.puppet.splaylimit = 30
plugin.puppet.config = /etc/puppet/puppet.conf
These are the defaults, adjust to taste.
The agent allow managing of any resource via the Puppet RAL, by default it refuses to manage a resource also managed by Puppet which could create conflicting state. If you do wish to allow any resources to be managed set this to true:
plugin.puppet.resource_allow_managed_resources = true
The resource action can manage any resource type Puppet can, by default we blacklist the all types due to the potential damage this feature can do to your system if not correctly setup. You can specify either a whitelist or a blacklist of types this agent will be able to manage - you cannot specify both a blacklist and a whitelist.
plugin.puppet.resource_type_whitelist = host,alias
plugin.puppet.resource_type_blacklist = exec
If you supply the value none to type_whitelist it will have the effect of denying all resource management - this is the default.
On Windows, the name of the Puppet service is needed to determine if the service is running. The service name varies between Puppet open source and Puppet Enterprise (puppet vs. pe-puppet); the default is puppet, but it can be explicitly specified:
plugin.puppet.windows_service = puppet
Most basic case is just a run:
$ mco puppet runonce
...against a specific server and port:
$ mco puppet runonce --server
...just some tags
$ mco puppet runonce --tag one --tag two --tag three
$ mco puppet runonce --tag one,two,three
$ mco puppet runonce --tags one,two,three
...a noop run
$ mco puppet runonce --noop
...a actual run when noop is set in the config file
$ mco puppet runonce --no-noop a specific environment
$ mco puppet runonce --environment development
...a splay run
$ mco puppet runonce --splay --splaylimit 120
...or if you have splay on by default and do not want to splay
$ mco puppet runonce --no-splay
...or if you want to ignore schedules for a single run
$ mco puppet runonce --ignoreschedules
These can all be combined to your liking
The status of the agent can be obtained:
$ mco puppet status
* [ ============================================================> ] 2 / 2 Currently stopped; last completed run 9 minutes 11 seconds ago Currently stopped; last completed run 9 minutes 33 seconds ago
Summary of Applying:
false = 2
Summary of Daemon Running:
stopped = 2
Summary of Enabled:
enabled = 2
Summary of Idling:
false = 2
Summary of Status:
stopped = 2
Finished processing 2 / 2 hosts in 45.01 ms
We can show a graph view of various metrics of the last Puppet run using the mco puppet summary command.
$ mco puppet summary
Summary statistics for 28 nodes:
Total resources: ▂▇▂▁▁▃▁▂▂▂▄▁▂▁▁▁▁▁▂▁ min: 332.0 max: 695.0
Out Of Sync resources: ▇▂▁▂▂▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁ min: 0.0 max: 6.0
Failed resources: ▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁ min: 0.0 max: 0.0
Changed resources: ▇▂▁▂▂▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁ min: 0.0 max: 6.0
Config Retrieval time (seconds): ▆▇▂▄▁▂▁▄▁▂▃▃▁▁▂▁▁▁▁▁ min: 3.0 max: 53.4
Total run-time (seconds): ▇▄▂▁▄▄▂▃▁▁▁▂▂▁▁▄▂▁▁▁ min: 6.9 max: 91.6
Time since last run (seconds): ▂▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▅▇▁▁▁▁▂ min: 40.1k max: 42.3k
Here each bar indicates the number of nodes that fall within the region, for example we can see there are a group of nodes on the right that took longer to run than the others.
You can find which of those nodes took longer than 50 seconds:
$ mco find -S "resource().total_time>50"
Not all popular SSH clients display the bars correctly. Please ensure your client has UTF-8 enabled, and uses a suitable font such as dejavu. The following clients have been confirmed to work:
Puppet 3 supports a message when enabling and disabling
$ mco rpc puppet disable message="doing some hand hacking"
$ mco rpc puppet enable
The message will be displayed when requesting agent status if it is disabled, when no message is supplied a default will be used that will include your mcollective caller identity and the time
Often after committing a change you want the change to be rolled out to your infrastructure as soon as possible within the performance constraints of your infrastructure.
The performance of a Puppet Master generally comes down to the maximum concurrent Puppet nodes that are applying a catalog it can sustain.
Using the MCollective infrastructure we can determine how many machines are currently enabled and applying catalogs.
Thus to do a Puppet run of your entire infrastructure keeping the concurrent Puppet runs as close as possible to 10 nodes at a time you would do:
$ mco puppet runall 10
Below is the output from a run using a concurrency of 1 to highlight the output you might expect:
$ mco puppet runall 1
2013-01-16 16:14:26: Running all nodes with a concurrency of 1
2013-01-16 16:14:26: Discovering enabled Puppet nodes to manage
2013-01-16 16:14:29: Found 2 enabled nodes
2013-01-16 16:14:32: Currently 1 node applying the catalog; waiting for less than 1
2013-01-16 16:14:37: schedule status: Started a background Puppet run using the 'puppet agent --onetime --daemonize --color=false' command
2013-01-16 16:14:38: 1 out of 2 hosts left to run in this iteration
2013-01-16 16:14:40: Currently 1 node applying the catalog; waiting for less than 1
2013-01-16 16:14:44: Currently 1 node applying the catalog; waiting for less than 1
2013-01-16 16:14:48: Currently 1 node applying the catalog; waiting for less than 1
2013-01-16 16:14:52: Currently 1 node applying the catalog; waiting for less than 1
2013-01-16 16:14:56: Currently 1 node applying the catalog; waiting for less than 1
2013-01-16 16:15:00: Currently 1 node applying the catalog; waiting for less than 1
2013-01-16 16:15:04: Currently 1 node applying the catalog; waiting for less than 1
2013-01-16 16:15:08: Currently 1 node applying the catalog; waiting for less than 1
2013-01-16 16:15:13: schedule status: Started a background Puppet run using the 'puppet agent --onetime --daemonize --color=false' command
Here we can see it first finds all machine that are enabled and then periodically checks if the amount of instances currently applying a catalog is less than the concurrency and then start as many machines as it can till it once again reaches the concurrency limit.
Note that you can pass flags like --noop and --no-noop but the splay settings will not work as the runall command does forced runs which negates splay.
If you wish to repeat this in a loop forever you can pass the --rerun argument giving it the minimum amount of time a loop over all the nodes must take:
$ mco puppet runall 1 --rerun 3600
This performs the same run logic as before but when it comes to the end of the run it will sleep for the difference between 3600 seconds and how long the run took. If the run took longer than 3600 seconds it will immediately start a new one.
Two data plugins are provided, to see what data is available about the running agent do:
$ mco rpc rpcutil get_data source=puppet
Discovering hosts using the mc method for 2 second(s) .... 1
* [ ============================================================> ] 1 / 1
applying: false
daemon_present: false
enabled: true
lastrun: 1348745262
since_lastrun: 7776
status: stopped
Finished processing 1 / 1 hosts in 76.34 ms
You can then use any of this data in discovery, to restart apache on machines with Puppet disable can now be done easily:
$ mco rpc service restart service=httpd -S "puppet().enabled=false"
You can restart apache on all machine that has File[/srv/www] managed by Puppet:
$ mco rpc service restart service=httpd -S "resource('file[/srv/wwww]').managed=true"
...or machines that had many changes in the most recent run:
$ mco rpc service restart service=httpd -S "resource().changed_resources>10"
...or that had failures
$ mco rpc service restart service=httpd -S "resource().failed_resources>0"
Other available data include config_retrieval_time, config_version, lastrun, out_of_sync_resources, since_lastrun, total_resources and total_time
The Action Policy plugin supports querying the above data plugins to express Authorization rules.
You can therefore use the enabled state of the Puppet Agent to limit access to other actions.
The use case would be that you want:
- Only allow services to be stopped during maintenance periods when Puppet is disabled
- Only allow the site manager to disable Puppet
You can control the service agent with the following policy using the service.policy file:
allow cert=joe stop puppet().enabled=false
And you can then allow the manager user to disable and enable nodes using the puppet.policy file:
allow cert=manager disable * *
allow cert=manager enable * *
Together this allows you to ensure that you both have a maintenance window and a period where Puppet will not start services again without your knowledge
Puppet is built on resource types and providers for those types, an instance of a resource type looks like:
ip => ""
These are known as the Resource Abstraction Layer or the RAL.
You can use MCollective to manage individual parts of your servers using the RAL.
To add a host entry to your webservers matching the above resource you can do the following:
$ mco puppet resource host db ip= -W role::webserver
* [ ============================================================> ] 11 / 11
Result: ip changed '' to ''
Summary of Changed:
Changed = 1
Finished processing 11 / 11 hosts in 118.97 ms
Here we used the RAL to change the hosts entry for the hostname db to and the output shows you it changed from a previous value to this entry.
Any hosts where the operation failed will fail in the normal manner
This is a very dangerous feature as people can make real changes to your machines and potentially cause all kinds of problems.
We support a few restrictions:
- You can whitelist or blacklist which types can be executed, you want to avoid exec types for example
- You can whitelist or blacklist which resource name can be executed, you want to avoid ssh package name for example
- You can allow or deny the ability to change resources that Puppet is also managing as you'd want to avoid creating conflicting state
By default if not specifically configured this feature is not usable as it defaults to the following configuration:
plugin.puppet.resource_allow_managed_resources = true
plugin.puppet.resource_type_whitelist = none
You can allow all types except the exec, service and package types using the following config line:
plugin.puppet.resource_type_blacklist = exec,service,package
You can say which resource names are allowed or denied. You define whitelist or blacklist for resource type by adding resource type after plugin.puppet.resource_name_whitelist or plugin.puppet.resource_name_blacklist, for example:
plugin.puppet.resource_name_blacklist.package = ssh
If you not defined list for resource type, all names are allowed.
You cannot mix and match white and black lists.
So to repeat by default this feature is effectively turned off as there is an empty whitelist by default - no types are allowed to be managed. You should think carefully before enabling this feature and combine it with the Authorization system when you do