This solution builds OGC GPKG GeoPackage Map Tiles
Raster Tiles PNG/JPEG
PNG Elevation-Terrain Tiles
Vector Tiles
It accepts MBTILES as your input and stores that into gpkg as seperate table/layer.
Tile Utilities
Map Tiling
We also have mobile apps that work with GeoPackage
Options to use the command line tool
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-i INPUT, --input=INPUT Input path of mbtiles
-o OUTPUT, --output=OUTPUT Output path of gpkg
-p PROJECTION, --proj=PROJECTION ie. 3395/3857/4326
-r RESOURCE, --resource=RESOURCE Directory path of resources folder
-t TABLE, --table=TABLE Table name in geopackage
--proj possible values can be 3395 3957 4326
3395 Projection
python --input "input file path of mbtiles" --output "output gpkg path" --proj 3395 --resource "Resource folder directory path" --table "tbl_hillshades"
3857 Projection
python --input "input file path of mbtiles" --output "output gpkg path" --proj 3857 --resource "Resource folder directory path" --table "tbl_cultural"
4326 Projection
python --input "input file path of mbtiles" --output "output gpkg path" --proj 4326 --resource "Resource folder directory path" --table "tbl_physical"
pip install optparse
pip install pyproj
pip instal sqlite3