- [TS-6697] [QA] Menu de dropdown da mídia de video está abrindo no local errado (e928d07)
- [TS-2220] - Texto de uma mensagem prédefinida perde a formatação depois que o Histórico de Mensagens (713145d)
- [#TS-412] Utilizar respostas prontas para agilizar o atendimento (f30e195), closes #TS-412
- [#TS-412] Utilizar respostas prontas para agilizar o atendimento (43808c2), closes #TS-412
- [#TS-412] Utilizar respostas prontas para agilizar o atendimento (37e0728), closes #TS-412
- [#TS-965] Analisar complexidade técnica de manter o texto digitado quando faz scroll das mensagens d (ab44824), closes #TS-965
- [#TS-965] Analisar complexidade técnica de manter o texto digitado quando faz scroll das mensagens d (4cccbd0), closes #TS-965
- [#183781] - Deixar mais claro para usr o motivo do uso de um modelo de mensagem (0e78724), closes #183781
- [#183781] Deixar mais claro para usr o motivo do uso de um modelo de mensagem (962d9dc), closes #183781
- [#183781] Deixar mais claro para usr o motivo do uso de um modelo de mensagem (7d5ca16), closes #183781
- [#183781] Deixar mais claro para usr o motivo do uso de um modelo de mensagem (41cb4f7), closes #183781
- [#183698] Incluir Eventos do GA nos itens associados ao uso do microfone (5f64792), closes #183698
- [#183698] Incluir Eventos do GA nos itens associados ao uso do microfone (4b3dc70), closes #183698
- [#183698] Incluir Eventos do GA nos itens associados ao uso do microfone (b15794f), closes #183698
- [#183698] Incluir Eventos do GA nos itens associados ao uso do microfone (52d61a5), closes #183698
- [#183698] Incluir Eventos do GA nos itens associados ao uso do microfone (c4e4d9f), closes #183698
- [#183698] Incluir Eventos do GA nos itens associados ao uso do microfone (4171b45), closes #183698
- [#183781] Deixar mais claro para usr o motivo do uso de um modelo de mensagem (645d806), closes #183781
- [#183781] Deixar mais claro para usr o motivo do uso de um modelo de mensagem (dd0ef5f), closes #183781
- [#no-us] - ajust chat version (a06cc4f)
- [#no-us] - ajust chat version (1d93101)
- [NO_US] atualização versão do chat (49b4b4c)
- Release 3.12.13 (271bb8f)
- [#183698] Incluir Eventos do GA nos itens associados ao uso do microfone (c4e4d9f), closes #183698
- [#183698] Incluir Eventos do GA nos itens associados ao uso do microfone (4171b45), closes #183698
- [#183803] Alterar cor de fundo das msgs enviadas pelo usr para algo mais parecido com o usado por pa (79be085), closes #183803
- [#182998] Avisar usuário quando o microfone não estiver autorizado pelo navegador (2e68071), closes #182998
- [#182998] Avisar usuário quando o microfone não estiver autorizado pelo navegador (649d5dc), closes #182998
- [#182998] Avisar usuário quando o microfone não estiver autorizado pelo navegador (27d4786), closes #182998
- [#182725] Tornar a visualização das mensagens de uma conversa algo mais próximo daquilo que o client (4bdd92a), closes #182725
- [#180265] - Simplificar uso dos estados, paginar resultados e melhorar uso do websocket no component (9a01430), closes #180265
- [#180096] Substituir o nome do remetente de "Voce" para "Wingo" quando o usuário que enviou a mensag (5b59a98), closes #180096
- [#179074] - No chat, exibir a data/hora que a mensagem foi enviada (SENT) e não a hora que foi lida (0eb06e0), closes #179074
- [#179074] - No chat, exibir a data/hora que a mensagem foi enviada (SENT) e não a hora que foi lida (92ca7c1), closes #179074
- [#177272] - Informar usuário sobre rejeição de sua mensagem pelos motivos 1013 e 471 (3ad12e8), closes #177272
- fix: blocked message parameter on composer (2e2ba8f)
- fix: blocked message parameter to warning component in header (835e11d)
- fix: merge blocked message parameter (a8f1e90)
- [#155090] - Transbordo do diálogo Wingo para o Chat do operador (a60d2b6), closes #155090
- [#155090] - Transbordo do diálogo Wingo para o Chat do operador (6880146), closes #155090
- fix(152791): [chat] Abrir imagem em nova aba (ou modal) (526c435)
- fix(152791): [chat] Abrir imagem em nova aba (ou modal) (0a91a78)
- fix: updating react mic (be6dace)
- fix: updating react mic (8e2a614)
- fix: updating ui-kit (d1fcadf)
- update: att versions material and mdi (ff23bb9)
- update: att versions material and mdi (9e293dc)
- update: att versions material and mdi (f3f551e)
- fix: updating ui-kit (5c38a8d)
- fix: migrating react-mic to tecsinapse custom (red dot bug on browser tab) (b99c3e1)
- feat: added override option to backwards action on chat view (98c343e)
- fix: added more complete dropzone features (8896087)
- feat(status-mensagens): adding support for message status (e88aade), closes #142454
- feat(status-mensagens): fix test errors; added support for DELIVERY_STATUS enum value; Updated statu (13403e7)
- refactor: exposing uploader props (12a7405)
- fix: changing publish tool (c4eb85f)
- #140421 Não exibe o nome do contato no TecChat quando temos mais de um nº para um cliente (8b94b22), closes #140421
- CHANGELOG.md (f00cc91)
- fix test (5426bb6)
- Upgrade dependencies (5c693f3)
- lockfile (d1151b1)
- uuid 3.3.2 (458b12c)
- Open file download on
- Changed warning/error dialog style (b46bcbe)
- Fixing error message displaying (88ae4d7)
- Fixing icons colors when customizing header (0042578)
- #132524 [FA] Chat no Contato Ativo (BDC) (8b0b51f), closes #132524
- 1.4.0-beta.0 (9334d1a)
- Change file structure (1aed57e)
- Fixing bug when clicking twice to dismiss Warning's (40b661f)
- idea file (089b17a)
- Scripts (cf335bb)
- Update .travis.yml (b2a6e4c)
- Update .travis.yml (b03192e)
- Group by day with front (e78c241)
- @tecsinapse/ui-kit@4.0.0 (5857755)
- Fix theme to use secondary (db6a727)
- Update story to remove title on application media; Fix loading state (16d3165)
- Added SB story as Docs (ee5ab83)
- Initial setup to SB docs (81f4de6)
- Moving from preview to source code (3fd48b3)
- Removing unused stuff (411bc7c)
- Reverting icons svg (26c9ef0)
- Add chat list view with dummy storybook (0f9aecb)
- Chat list message without opacity (615c0ca)
- Fix general pull request comments (382942f)
- Fix italo design (0b96d51)
- fix test by using material theme (c6e3c03)
- Fixed mock, need fix palette being null from provider (1f3c130)
- Move TestComponet to test dir and update jest config test files (0bb942e)
- Starting to fix test (0434aa5)
- Fix add a function instead calling it (f65859a)
- Add Status of message and its stories (e3d6390)
- Fix general pull request comments and separate logic components (0b7ae68)
- Fix resend message with localId (b5cfa80)
- Improve css style of loader and tooltip (8e9348b)
- Separate message from maximed and add grouped message logic (5a4dead)
- yarn.lock (7dfc101)
- Added style do selected item background color by props (f2f9489)
- Desabilitar o autocomplete do navegador no Autocomplete do ui-kit (18b92be)
- Exporting Table from root (313d635)
- General modifications to remove docz (62bafbd)
- Remove docz (5efd4b1)
- Added customizable style by using props on Appbar (da3316b)
- Added customizable style on yellow theme for AppBar and Pickers (04364ae)
- Adding form section (489e550)
- Adding icon search/listing (37bbbf9)
- Adding new type of select for mobile screens - WIP (d493395)
- Adding storybook addons (4eb90da)
- Ajustado exemplos (5cf894f)
- Ajuste renderização TableHeader (fa6156a)
- Ajuste renderização TableHeader (467c148)
- Esconder linha de filtros selecionados da tabela quando está vazio (2eb1794)
- Fixed Select component having different style from Input (750c090)
- Fixed Undefined prompt message on mobile Select. Added icon notification on AppBar (18371fb)
- Inclusão da variant default para o botão com cor cinza escuro (e5477df)
- Inclusão de algumas opções avançadas no EditText (1277123)
- Inclusão do EmptyState para a Table (f473502)
- Inclusão do EmptyState para a Table (b4d2dda)
- Inclusão do EmptyState para a Table (b2faa95)
- Inclusão do EmptyState para a Table (84f3fb3)
- New input styles (86e365e)
- Removing doc files (677cc5f)
- Retirada da parametrização 'portal' das opções de filtro avançado, deixando fixo quando for o comp (4c851e7)
- Separado componente para renderizar as linhas e celulas da tabela (64a46e4)
- Updating utils and yarn.lock (a1a6b80)
- [#111004] Criar componente em Principal: geração de timeslots de acordo com as disponibilidades de c (e9bf6d3), closes #111004
- [#111004] Criar componente em Principal: seleção de horário para pessoa (dee009b), closes #111004
- [#112049] - Carrossel (d7dbaa0), closes #112049
- [#112049] - Carrossel (70dbd87), closes #112049
- [#112049] - Carrossel (21caaf6), closes #112049
- [#114910] Criar componente de autocomplete (2824801), closes #114910
- [#115266] DRSUL CAXIAS DO SUL 330- Horário não disponível na agenda mesmo não havendo atendimento (979045e), closes #115266
- [#115578] Botão "Agendar" que abre a modal de agendamento não traz os dados do agendamento anterior. (a72dab0), closes #115578
- [#115578] Botão "Agendar" que abre a modal de agendamento não traz os dados do agendamento anterior. (a7bba32), closes #115578
- [#115578] Botão "Agendar" que abre a modal de agendamento não traz os dados do agendamento anterior. (fafb81c), closes #115578
- [#115578] Botão "Agendar" que abre a modal de agendamento não traz os dados do agendamento anterior. (95cc14d), closes #115578
- [#115578] Botão "Agendar" que abre a modal de agendamento não traz os dados do agendamento anterior. (b7afdb4), closes #115578
- [#115578] Botão "Agendar" que abre a modal de agendamento não traz os dados do agendamento anterior. (3c35cb4), closes #115578
- [#115578] Botão "Agendar" que abre a modal de agendamento não traz os dados do agendamento anterior. (d914d93), closes #115578
- [#116017] Correção nos componentes do agendamento (a14f990), closes #116017
- [#116222] Ajustes no layout dos filtros avancados (b163ac1), closes #116222
- [#116222] Ajustes no layout dos filtros avancados (73020bd), closes #116222
- [#116234] Criar componente de Passoword (44b68c8), closes #116234
- [#117051] - Gestão de conteúdo da home: Carrossel (a410944), closes #117051
- [#117051] - Gestão de conteúdo da home: Carrossel (b496f0e), closes #117051
- [#118618] DRSUL Caxias do Sul -330 - Sistema está perdendo os dados do agendamento (5a5ed46), closes #118618
- on error grouped input (f3e7214)
- #124853 Changing notification colour. (cafe941), closes #124853 #125395
- a (5eb0ac2)
- Accent folding for search logic on drawer (6959ee5)
- Accent folding for search logic on drawer (9403ca8)
- actions prevent propagation (cb7da4f)
- Adapt exmaple to use login-mobile using yalc (dde0445)
- Add a set of configurations props to select (27dd361)
- Add appbar search (94a1761)
- Add attachment file on message list (167ad45)
- Add auto mode to select (74bb9a6)
- Add base API to component (d3abc73)
- Add base files defining the API (f92a68a)
- Add blocked chat state and its story (48a3d57)
- Add box-shadow on bubbles, fix mic timer and red circle blinking (3a0b1bb)
- Add build-all script (8325ec0)
- Add button for social login (just one/google for now) (05e8721)
- Add cep mask (5edd11f)
- Add chat preview with media support, fix rollup and attachment docs breaking (bb9a21c)
- Add checkbox and not re-render menu when selected (af3e8be)
- Add ckeditor (1e2925c)
- Add classNames, theme spacing replacement, use colors const, remove unused css file and add as peer (bf2a2ff)
- Add color to placeholder (00fb058)
- Add ColorPicker and improve other pickers (dc75595)
- Add component login with recover too (5467197)
- Add confirmationAlert (8c18eb9)
- Add css body1 class (1f75104)
- Add css to rest chip element (5c682b5)
- Add delete action (WIP: bug with more than one) (20437ce)
- Add design improvements (4ead104)
- add disable breadcrumb and support button api on emptyState (979e9b3)
- Add div button (95b7c79)
- Add dots, improve slide readbility and fix eslint (707c4c1)
- Add error (0b8bc78)
- Add error to component (d34e25d)
- Add first version of chat desing: no material design and no attachments (d5c2826)
- Add first version of chat desing: no material design and no attachments (e08d153)
- add forceCollapseActions (bed74d0)
- Add form component (101c4cf)
- Add grey from global colors (0a3b2d8)
- add hasImageButton and height prop (da20d7c)
- Add hook state to the carousel and update story (8eac1a1)
- Add hover to buttons, improve recording design and bubble attachment file design (c5a0f76)
- Add initial chat version with live-chat ui-kit (0e06fa2)
- Add initial state and improve layout (3d97259)
- Add initial web/mobile responsive (185cb9c)
- Add lang support (b43c700)
- Add link to carousel slides (1111b77)
- Add loading gif (68b3145)
- Add loading props (d452723)
- Add locale to aria-labels (3e1a7ff)
- Add margin to log header (94be785)
- Add mask cpf, cnpj, cpfcnpj, cellphone and plate. Fix invalid mask (df3c237)
- Add mask deps (44122de)
- Add missing devDependencies (402f0d2)
- Add mobile prop support (62d29a6)
- Add multiselect template (3f3c330)
- add new storybook and docz build (068fa80)
- Add normalize theme to magical numbers and improve story (afb2ab7)
- Add peer deps (47f6cc9)
- Add point date support (7088e7d)
- Add preview basic, componenet of preview list upfile, improve example and fix uploader boxes (ed1cde9)
- Add preview of image (b22a2e1)
- Add prop to lang and show menu (80ec31a)
- Add props to handle appbarsearch info (731b9d8)
- Add ref to button (043c968)
- Add select all options to select (68e2b7c)
- Add skin prop (5cd3c56)
- Add state to save sizeMe information and calculate space (947603b)
- Add status initial and improve item space (ddc8e4e)
- Add storybook for snackbar (a6bd20b)
- Add support for mobile (tested by example not storybook) (5a8656a)
- add table toolbar hide option (5bb816d)
- Add tecsinapse logo as svg (f176986)
- Add test component (a3462db)
- Add theme spacing to all stories (9b258ba)
- Add themes (f349445)
- Add time/date mask (855ce05)
- Add tiny and refactor edit component (e255126)
- Add to export carousel and add square prop (e50edf5)
- Add uploader docz and break docz (adf848e)
- Add web select (0cc5366)
- Add yellow theme (d511d1a)
- Added (dd9034a)
- Added "default sort" display on table header. (6910839)
- Added huskyy (0daeb8e)
- Added no-spreading config to .eslintrc (fd6aa8d)
- Added remove option to advanced filters table (30fa549)
- Added run (6698703)
- adding 2 more variants by theme on buttons (4d879c1)
- adding 2 more variants by theme on buttons and divider (821b450)
- Adding actions to table (4dcc93f)
- Adding actions to table (0cdff67)
- Adding advanced filter to toolbar (b038b11)
- Adding advanced filter to toolbar (5fce6c6)
- Adding advanced filters (bbfdb70)
- adding build procces with babel and moving result to dist folder again (03ba9a9)
- adding build step for link (e1838d2)
- Adding checkbox filter to advanced filters (ed68b58)
- adding className to drawer (7c26ab2)
- adding component for select no value (adf2df9)
- Adding component logic also on search listing (3f2cf8d)
- adding conformToMask function on masks (12de5b3)
- adding conformToMask function on masks (51d744d)
- adding conformToMask function on masks (b30ac50)
- Adding CSV export option (0662c83)
- Adding custom render prop to columns (3b4c119)
- adding description (a8a34dd)
- Adding docz to live website documentation (d73e5b6)
- Adding docz, and initial components (e9a3a6c)
- Adding examples of use the FilteredTable (b114dd0)
- Adding first test with jest and enzyme (bd8ada2)
- adding folder breadcrumb component (7fc5d02)
- Adding graphql-hooks to table server side example (17ddddd)
- adding id to drawer (5d90b59)
- adding id to table (6f2ca3e)
- Adding initial components and solving rollup configuration issue (87e7584)
- Adding initial menu version (d5d3812)
- Adding logic to open menu based on selected option (ce17c30)
- Adding more themes (47202e7)
- Adding pagation to table (e70a1db)
- Adding Provider and documentation (e8e4d2a)
- adding readme (2b110f1)
- adding selectPromptMessage for i18n on select (b4d0190)
- adding shrink label prop (143f9ef)
- Adding startAdornment and endAdornment to Input component (7501c22)
- Adding storybook and docz (c665cb7)
- Adding styles to rows (82dd0d8)
- Adding TableToolbar to perform actions with selected rows (626c221)
- Adding the possibility to render or not an action by a the condition (6add5fe)
- adding travis integration (58b1fea)
- adding wizard component (f676731)
- adicionando nome (b085a50)
- adjusting api and snackbar (8714453)
- adjusting api and snackbar (7c70614)
- Adjusting CSS (4fdd501)
- Adjusting escape to close suggestions (b181b92)
- Adjusting menu (afd3fe2)
- Adjusting menu (3ecc652)
- adjusting right spacing discount for heuristic (b8be395)
- adjusting right spacing discount for heuristic (ecec579)
- Adjusting style and adding classes (71bf5c5)
- Adjustment in icon search aligment (c66c697)
- Advanced filter translation from locale provider (ae33730)
- ajusta calculo do timeSlot (64c7d01)
- Ajusta nome de propriedade que mudou no JSON (0a37615)
- Ajustando release script (1af40b7)
- Ajustando script de release (4f87dce)
- Ajuste de select sobreposto no advanced filter (5b009b6)
- Ajuste na story TableServerSide para contemplar exportação dos dados (d7bb793)
- Ajuste para receber pré-steps no componente. (702a3a6)
- Ajuste para receber pré-steps no componente. (67d4cf4)
- Ajuste para receber pré-steps no componente. (c6664e5)
- Ajuste zIndex do Select (5c45fa1)
- Ajustes build quebrado. (8dfa06e)
- Ajustes cores (28fd665)
- Ajustes de exportação, filtros avançados e filtros de cabeçalho (b099c13)
- Ajustes seleção de users (898b697)
- Ajustes seleção de users (3d9a55f)
- Ajusting some import erros and not declared deps (c312994)
- api for breadcrumbs (2ac9ae6)
- app bar header adjustments (6b2efaf)
- appbar (d7f0a52)
- AppBar (d61f3ec)
- Arrow appear/disapper with numbe of slides (387d424)
- Auto-mode on select (cd3c729)
- back space 12 and fixing select (8a727db)
- Better colors on theming and adding select - "selector" - for filter option on table and locale prov (dc72450)
- better margins on select (704fb57)
- Blocking es-utils last version (087f91c)
- Breaking table component in small files and adding feature to filter data on header (12b2fac)
- build prod (0f4eafa)
- Building docz and storybook (53aede8)
- Building storybook and adding githubpages (1e3b282)
- Bump eslint-utils from 1.3.1 to 1.4.2 in /example (63ede84)
- Bump lodash.template from 4.4.0 to 4.5.0 in /example (a00a1df)
- Bump mixin-deep from 1.3.1 to 1.3.2 in /example (bf774a9)
- bumped (4f7675f)
- bumped (5347592)
- Change client name (1c7f63e)
- Change datepicker default label name (85e693b)
- change forgot password api (31f1666)
- change forgot password api (3b022be)
- Changed error text from GroupedInput (f2788fb)
- changing name to be more clear about what date it is about (c41a77d)
- Clean code (fcca35a)
- Clickaway to fix close on react-select (5769c32)
- Code review changes (038da2b)
- Code review changes (e0c2a5d)
- commiting error (0aaec34)
- commiting error (78431ae)
- correções pontuais (3ad1bd7)
- corrigindo docz (4a650a0)
- corrigindo package json (5398ead)
- corrigindo peer dependencies (3e97ede)
- Create a availability schedule #11 (6dc1a05), closes #11
- Create a availability schedule #11 (bd6458a), closes #11
- Create a availability schedule #11 (ed9f99c), closes #11
- Create a availability schedule #11 (62b7111), closes #11
- Create a availability schedule #11 (a0eea58), closes #11
- Create a availability schedule #11 (805bdc1), closes #11
- Create a availability schedule #11 (b774ac8), closes #11
- Create a availability schedule #11 (d489e67), closes #11
- Create a availability schedule #11 (1b9febb), closes #11
- Create a availability schedule #11 (d022429), closes #11
- Create a availability schedule #11 (a28faa6), closes #11
- Create a availability schedule #11 (0bc1ebc), closes #11
- Create a availability schedule #11 (2014646), closes #11
- Create a availability schedule #11 (eeddc7d), closes #11
- Create a availability schedule #11 (d832c54), closes #11
- Create a availability schedule #11 (3c0bc8a), closes #11
- Create a availability schedule #11 (b27a0d9), closes #11
- Create a availability schedule #11 (9993e6c), closes #11
- Create a availability schedule #11 (65f84a9), closes #11
- Create a availability schedule #11 (177240b), closes #11
- Create a availability schedule #11 (0c623bb), closes #11
- Create a availability schedule #11 (95e4a95), closes #11
- Create date and time picker (2f9115b)
- Create LICENSE.md (9e74d2e)
- Create provider picker and fix some picker locale (4960572)
- create TimeslotSelector component (ff853d7)
- Create Weekly Calendar Component #6 (1e0932e), closes #6
- Create Weekly Calendar Component #6 (1692f7a), closes #6
- Create Weekly Calendar Component #6 (bb15540), closes #6
- Created TableLoading component (20016f9)
- css specificity issues (0d88d48)
- Custom components on menu (3f8ae73)
- Custom components on menu (5a9333c)
- DatePicker forces date props passed as a luxon type (cae7b12)
- Docz root as a subdirectory (506a6d3)
- Drawer being rendered on screen (3a1366e)
- ellipsis on multivalue input (8cd9f12)
- error is now array or string (245706f)
- ES-UTILS update (bc1ed49)
- ES-UTILS update and fix wrong dependencies (5e01909)
- excluding build from webstorm and solving incorrect prop type on alert (c2ba8a2)
- Export a formuploader and update story with it (09e4f08)
- Export esqueceu props label (f00b37c)
- Exporting theme provider (c3a47dd)
- First version of advanced filters (2f1d58c)
- Fix add placeholder (63c4c4a)
- Fix API and style (553503f)
- Fix AppBar: proptype and remove unused filter icon button (a99ce10)
- Fix breaking desing with big text and add thumbnail (cb6e558)
- Fix bug with emptystate/typography and add story for it (57e45ee)
- Fix bugs number, delete and snackbar (5c2a727)
- Fix build docz (7323420)
- Fix button name of slide (0ecb41a)
- Fix calendar style (fb269d7)
- Fix carousel button mobile (6d7e44b)
- Fix centralize audio and remove bubble for image/video adding a border to them (0245411)
- Fix chat to fill inside the given div to it (c1d276a)
- Fix clip to attach all files; add max file size prop; update snackbar messages; change default uploa (3c14a7c)
- Fix colors (910a83b)
- Fix datepicker warn: badge must be a parent (45f56f9)
- Fix EmptyState proptyopes to remove warnings (3fa461f)
- Fix general stuff (ba66d75)
- Fix general stuffs (3b2bd1a)
- Fix general stuffs (67b2ea2)
- fix hooks issues on tableLoading (5cfdbaf)
- Fix IconButton to forward a ref (useful for ToolTips) and spacing replace (432c9c0)
- Fix image fit and add support to load/error background image (c07f510)
- Fix init value state of input (38ee974)
- Fix Lodash (0d19dcf)
- Fix mic recorder clearing the animation and saving accepted state on useRef hook (89887b5)
- Fix mobile version (8cfb37d)
- Fix new size of each list item (9c182eb)
- Fix no pointer event to day out month (00ebee5)
- Fix notifyNumber (42067d6)
- Fix ontouch problem with dialog (27c7108)
- Fix open silent mode same files and preview key list (8cc945a)
- Fix overflox space with several header images (edb1d56)
- Fix package.json (4f9b161)
- Fix pickers (b6442b3)
- Fix proptypes (c570c5c)
- Fix proptypes alert to remove warnings (7f79688)
- Fix proptypes to remove warnings (c189c89)
- Fix rollup to build carousel with mediaQuery (2116847)
- Fix select style removing fixed height (8c1dc18)
- Fix select to follow height of ui-kit inputs style (6d415ac)
- Fix snackbar keep msg onClose (f0376f8)
- Fix snackbar onclose method (8bde203)
- Fix some general bugs (50c1810)
- Fix spacing migration (d1aa6bd)
- Fix story picker should use luxon date (d946127)
- Fix story typo and old image (bc80dad)
- Fix storybook empty state (9dfc4b2)
- Fix style when rendering days (96d1848)
- Fix styled component div adding a prop to it to remove warning (b99fbf1)
- Fix table action button too small (9fd3a89)
- Fix table removing extra padding on action icon (2f4a58d)
- Fix text overflow (ed872cd)
- Fix text overflox options web/mobile; Fix show selected opt (6cc839c)
- Fix theme provider (67a78f9)
- Fix tiny editor locally (69dddf3)
- Fix title/sub (0efd0c5)
- Fix zIndex on modals (59dfdc2)
- Fixe comment (52e5f36)
- Fixed Badge color (3e81a7e)
- Fixed blueGrey breadcrumb color (93ba322)
- Fixed chip color on AutoComplete. (0f035e6)
- Fixed GroupedInput label size, removed flex div from storybook (84d202f)
- Fixed outline colors (154276a)
- Fixed overrides for custom themes (38a000c)
- Fixed theme colors (7fdf6e1)
- Fixed yarn lock and bumped build (248e3c5)
- Fixed zIndex value on Popper (7f10d2e)
- Fixes to export csv to Firefox (bd30f64)
- Fixing defaultProps of table (12d8e6d)
- Fixing problem with no pagination table (bbf5212)
- Fixing rowId (5580fd8)
- flags icons (44c72a7)
- flex missing on select (c103334)
- folder breadcrumbs with link support (1c9c2d8)
- forgot password align on right when no rememberbox (a684bfe)
- Four by each (4ecf57b)
- Fração de slots em 15 minutos (ae35dc5)
- Fração de slots em 15 minutos (4bfa8a7)
- Fração de slots em 15 minutos (7855f18)
- Fração de slots em 15 minutos (25aefbc)
- full width on quick select table row filter (ee28afe)
- generate docs on release (ec83b91)
- generating storybook new version (ddf107a)
- Get newest fixed version of color picker and upgrade es-utils (452750d)
- grouped input release (93d7af6)
- Grouped input story wouldn't remove items (d9a7c9f)
- Handle scenario without file size and fix text overflow (6730ab2)
- husky (c60956e)
- i18n on select all message - select component (a1130f4)
- i18n on uploader and ref props (aee18f9)
- Implement preview list (137341a)
- Implement uploader (743cc79)
- Improve design of drag/drop component (3c51afd)
- Improve material support and fix bugs send attachment action (ad02155)
- Improve ref name (3acdd07)
- Improve Uploader Story (51ed4ba)
- Improvements: (e78dc95)
- init bumped for releases (b323a7c)
- init create-react-library@2.6.6 (73255c2)
- initial boilerplate for library with umd/esm/cjs bundling (653b14b)
- Initial commit (8937b72)
- Initial commit (a334484)
- Initial commit to create a Table component (5e439a2)
- Initial elements location (cdf0e43)
- Initial files (5465918)
- layout and folder bradcrumb adjustments (533f30f)
- Linking made right (c26c583)
- Loading (6efbc77)
- loading screen fix (a346231)
- locale solution for table (61432d0)
- locale solution for table and wizard + corrections (6ef91f2)
- lock (9e84e56)
- Login component adjustments (ae639ca)
- login screen adjustments (6eaa19a)
- logo width on login (2ef76d5)
- logo width on login (aa816cb)
- Make Autorotating fit to space given (120f120)
- make export right (922230b)
- making proptypes right (3ddf081)
- Mask as inputComponent (cpf, phone, cel, currency). Add story example (27555fd)
- Melhorando exemplos (4f27db6)
- menu title can now be a function too (c7c9e66)
- menu title can now be a function too - solving bug (f1405aa)
- Merge old plate and merco plate (98a8fc0)
- migration to material ui v4 (1a11834)
- Missing Deps (6b4c12b)
- Missing Docs (f39fb72)
- Modified with suggested modifications on overrides and grouped input (596f564)
- Move state of pagination to table (9d26eb1)
- Multi Select Web working (6ac3ffd)
- Multi select working at mobile (0b5eea4)
- multiselect autocalculate bug (7a0f66a)
- multiselect now calculating size of text by heuristics (fa8aac0)
- MultiSelect Working (0645274)
- new build (b4085b7)
- New docs (61d9ea9)
- new example for menu documentation (2188045)
- new version (f3331e7)
- No blinking on select (f8a90e5)
- no inline styles (57679dc)
- no shadow on addornment (3ebc73c)
- not releasing on travis anymore, but preserving building docs (1302ca7)
- organizing theme globals (4f56ee8)
- Pagination component adjustment (48d19f5)
- Parametrizing portals (32ffd88)
- parametrizing props (210be16)
- Parent control to enable it to reset app bar state according to his cycle (f31613a)
- Partial commit (b3cab0d)
- Publish npm first version (6fade3a)
- quick fix for title component on menu bug (dcf7a3e)
- Radio Group fix on step1 timeslotselector (8a074b1)
- Recursive menu and search working! \o/ (3985cb6)
- refactor button to css styles (d2893d0)
- Refactor dialog to use material-ui dialog utils (b50266f)
- Release 0.0.100 (f3aa530)
- Release 0.0.101 (7dea304)
- Release 0.0.102 (1d1638f)
- Release 0.0.103 (a041b6e)
- Release 0.0.104 (3c89eb0)
- Release 0.0.105 (c871590)
- Release 0.0.106 (4e2e27d)
- Release 0.0.107 (d41d05e)
- Release 0.0.108 (87fcdd0)
- Release 0.0.109 (7c28bef)
- Release 0.0.110 (c57144d)
- Release 0.0.111 (b90bceb)
- Release 0.0.112 (6e4c678)
- Release 0.0.113 (0763e69)
- Release 0.0.114 (a683104)
- Release 0.0.115 (0f8d913)
- Release 0.0.116 (0f195a1)
- Release 0.0.117 (7f2ba9e)
- Release 0.0.118 (eb951fb)
- Release 0.0.119 (1359bac)
- Release 0.0.120 (b03d35a)
- Release 0.0.121 (8826153)
- Release 0.0.122 (adeb5e8)
- Release 0.0.123 (016c11e)
- Release 0.0.124 (bce54a4)
- Release 0.0.125 (639d973)
- Release 0.0.126 (11eaa5b)
- Release 0.0.127 (c60583e)
- Release 0.0.128 (bf01c17)
- Release 0.0.129 (4426acf)
- Release 0.0.130 (76251f1)
- Release 0.0.131 (695efe2)
- Release 0.0.132 (7fa3361)
- Release 0.0.133 (a6991ef)
- Release 0.0.134 (b90192e)
- Release 0.0.135 (59fdafa)
- Release 0.0.136 (4af4fb7)
- Release 0.0.137 (56f62de)
- Release 0.0.138 (27e5c14)
- Release 0.0.139 (039f171)
- Release 0.0.140 (68c5955)
- Release 0.0.141 (dcb6bcb)
- Release 0.0.142 (9de3011)
- Release 0.0.143 (d44a499)
- Release 0.0.144 (3f34598)
- Release 0.0.145 (35f5446)
- Release 0.0.146 (4881c89)
- Release 0.0.147 (fc17a34)
- Release 0.0.148 (85592ac)
- Release 0.0.149 (42b21c2)
- Release 0.0.150 (a8bdd8b)
- Release 0.0.151 (7c9a457)
- Release 0.0.152 (006e106)
- Release 0.0.153 (a389dc1)
- Release 0.0.154 (071714a)
- Release 0.0.155 (12050ca)
- Release 0.0.156 (727e3fd)
- Release 0.0.157 (0e547ad)
- Release 0.0.158 (56fde5c)
- Release 0.0.159 (de4432b)
- Release 0.0.16 (f75ee63)
- Release 0.0.160 (5a206b3)
- Release 0.0.161 (6b86d1f)
- Release 0.0.162 (0e6dc22)
- Release 0.0.163 (a8b80f8)
- Release 0.0.164 (ccdd250)
- Release 0.0.165 (53814d6)
- Release 0.0.166 (4bad61f)
- Release 0.0.167 (ed5414c)
- Release 0.0.168 (2dd4ad4)
- Release 0.0.169 (8ff2e17)
- Release 0.0.17 (bb1a6b2)
- Release 0.0.170 (343a1d5)
- Release 0.0.171 (c188e81)
- Release 0.0.172 (455b80e)
- Release 0.0.173 (1e3c579)
- Release 0.0.174 (6ed8a3f)
- Release 0.0.175 (abdae49)
- Release 0.0.18 (a10585b)
- Release 0.0.19 (cc845bc)
- Release 0.0.2 (b3f2b5c)
- Release 0.0.20 (6c2723e)
- Release 0.0.21 (6564c2c)
- Release 0.0.22 (28ffb66)
- Release 0.0.23 (e67c605)
- Release 0.0.24 (16159bd)
- Release 0.0.25 (e9f8e8d)
- Release 0.0.26 (8507905)
- Release 0.0.27 (aa13ad3)
- Release 0.0.28 (cf21b0b)
- Release 0.0.29 (265e283)
- Release 0.0.31 (9ee9a78)
- Release 0.0.33 (8345d17)
- Release 0.0.35 (171f8a0)
- Release 0.0.37 (08cde50)
- Release 0.0.38 (b4bdfc6)
- Release 0.0.39 (a271f66)
- Release 0.0.40 (4a5255f)
- Release 0.0.41 (1d7ffd8)
- Release 0.0.42 (6b4756f)
- Release 0.0.43 (40ad5ed)
- Release 0.0.44 (30866d5)
- Release 0.0.45 (71d74d4)
- Release 0.0.46 (1c66b4b)
- Release 0.0.47 (5e79ba5)
- Release 0.0.48 (ecaf54e)
- Release 0.0.49 (54100eb)
- Release 0.0.50 (7533ae4)
- Release 0.0.51 (2ccd118)
- Release 0.0.52 (13fd884)
- Release 0.0.53 (eda2292)
- Release 0.0.54 (0cc8054)
- Release 0.0.55 (b34573a)
- Release 0.0.56 (93a37ac)
- Release 0.0.57 (a844258)
- Release 0.0.58 (94bf99d)
- Release 0.0.59 (757cdab)
- Release 0.0.60 (e7ceceb)
- Release 0.0.61 (c69770d)
- Release 0.0.62 (d22de3e)
- Release 0.0.63 (04df190)
- Release 0.0.64 (e3e5a59)
- Release 0.0.64 (7cdd5d0)
- Release 0.0.65 (195a7f9)
- Release 0.0.66 (2593166)
- Release 0.0.67 (a1eee01)
- Release 0.0.68 (e58b11b)
- Release 0.0.69 (34a78ca)
- Release 0.0.70 (7ef5d44)
- Release 0.0.71 (09052fc)
- Release 0.0.72 (28962de)
- Release 0.0.73 (e6ac36b)
- Release 0.0.74 (ead2b08)
- Release 0.0.75 (de3c1e1)
- Release 0.0.76 (e3bbc9a)
- Release 0.0.77 (1ecdfa1)
- Release 0.0.78 (a39efa9)
- Release 0.0.79 (99fdebe)
- Release 0.0.80 (94f42d6)
- Release 0.0.81 (dce331b)
- Release 0.0.83 (2224958)
- Release 0.0.84 (70b4bb3)
- Release 0.0.85 (212b6ba)
- Release 0.0.86 (07ba1eb)
- Release 0.0.87 (27e9611)
- Release 0.0.88 (46d04ed)
- Release 0.0.89 (ebd2560)
- Release 0.0.90 (d1344d6)
- Release 0.0.91 (474a1db)
- Release 0.0.92 (0b62fb1)
- Release 0.0.93 (783633f)
- Release 0.0.94 (9db882a)
- Release 0.0.95 (0a5c2c4)
- Release 0.0.95 (b416476)
- Release 0.0.96 (d40eb54)
- Release 0.0.97 (a4f89b3)
- Release 0.0.98 (d01d21b)
- Release 0.0.99 (588fa0d)
- Release 1.0.0 (8619932)
- Release 1.0.1 (ca8510e)
- Release 1.0.10 (295ee04)
- Release 1.0.11 (867e80a)
- Release 1.0.12 (db821dc)
- Release 1.0.13 (c13174b)
- Release 1.0.14 (278728c)
- Release 1.0.15 (82cab8d)
- Release 1.0.16 (a542eb9)
- Release 1.0.2 (35eb582)
- Release 1.0.3 (61d3503)
- Release 1.0.4 (983a034)
- Release 1.0.5 (4a62688)
- Release 1.0.6 (7fb28fa)
- Release 1.0.7 (b8ef364)
- Release 1.0.8 (134f8d1)
- Release 1.0.9 (6049dc1)
- Release 2.0.0 (d45554b)
- Release 2.0.1 (db9a00c)
- Release 2.0.10 (e0d0c3c)
- Release 2.0.11 (f1e5e5f)
- Release 2.0.12 (a236db2)
- Release 2.0.13 (412088b)
- Release 2.0.2 (84007f5)
- Release 2.0.3 (d11b83a)
- Release 2.0.4 (388b0a1)
- Release 2.0.5 (cd25d08)
- Release 2.0.6 (b9eae83)
- Release 2.0.7 (5d101b0)
- Release 2.0.8 (a486ff6)
- Release 2.0.9 (ce1914c)
- Release 2.1.0 (7585f62)
- Release 2.1.1 (1df0305)
- Release 2.1.2 (093d5a3)
- rememberMe name on form (0095a1b)
- Remove ckeditor and set prop as undefined (d4fd0d7)
- Remove clsx (c8a6da1)
- Remove comments (74fb0c2)
- Remove component AppBarSearch and merge it function inside AppBar (cd9a2e4)
- Remove engine (5fded6f)
- remove green from select placeholder (06fdc77)
- Remove margin and decrease error icon (6db6861)
- Remove margin from buttons (4ac57e3)
- Remove required of selected date (3055989)
- Remove storybook-material dep (3cd5fb6)
- Remove ternary for null (7fab58b)
- Remove ui-kit deps and add tests failing yet (549239c)
- Remove useless example (2f1d4f1)
- remove yalc example from project (03074af)
- Removed top
on GroupedInput (14dcb10) - Removed unused components (1eb2751)
- Removed unused const (56175fe)
- Removind umd build, and standartizing icon import from ui-kit. Reducing bundle size. (e26fa42)
- Removing blink on select option (c382e89)
- Removing docz from readme (3e4b680)
- Removing old pickers (f9e4845)
- Removing unused component (26ed95b)
- Rename components (01383ef)
- Replace div button for base button (0ad84b8)
- Replace space to 12 as before (0ce4bb6)
- Replace theme spacing (a8bfff9)
- Resolvendo problemas com keys dos componentes (2173dbd)
- Resolving return consistency. (ed82461)
- Resolving suggestion by changing forEach to filter().map() (7876585)
- Resolving value checking condition. (048ee06)
- Return to onBlur solution and fix it (bb53985)
- Revert "Clickaway to fix close on react-select" (5cc6ebd)
- Revert "Fix Lodash" (6e1719a)
- Revert button in GrouppedInput (0a6c261)
- Revert the format text input custom from picker (16ee198)
- Revert the storybook example and create a simple one to show auto (75d38c4)
- Reverted lockfile to da3316bc4e5d5423e24fdd1119ae1b92eea0ad46 version (0214fab)
- reverting modification on rememberBox login (4632261)
- Search Bar (e596f33)
- search bar placeholder (98e6a3e)
- search logic done right (b40928f)
- Selecionar a opção todos se os value tiver a mesma quantidade de options. (e1d2cce)
- Select (af7ee7f)
- Select Multi: (de)seleção automática com base nos itens #12 (ca3694d), closes #12
- Select working \o/ (9a1e22b)
- selected date updating table on reload (9fc271b)
- Selection example update (42c345e)
- Separate components, update drag with button and upgrade list item design (7864a15)
- Separate mask file and improve code format (4f417d1)
- Set apply filters function. (944e4f1)
- Several fix to work example (ec98101)
- show nothing if 0 actions buttons on table (b0acc78)
- Showing items lenght at multi select (7db0428)
- Simplify mask verification (7fabfc6)
- Size normal loading (617f0ee)
- Snackbar exclud/error/add item (c768ed9)
- solving babel loader dependency error (f29583d)
- solving broken breadcrumb (c1f9d38)
- solving end adornment not showing on input (be2c9f1)
- solving flex style problems (2f29e43)
- Solving hook conditional call and adding class api on table (63bb692)
- Solving hook conditional call and adding class api on table - parenthesis (c83f5b1)
- solving login height and snackbar styled error when changing button style (8748338)
- Solving menu scroll problemns (ae3674a)
- solving page props (464a5d9)
- Solving page size on paginated/non paginated table (beefd37)
- solving prop problems (22f16a9)
- solving release problem (382831c)
- solving rollup exports (86f489b)
- solving storybook style error (62d3edb)
- solving storybook style error (5778256)
- solving styles errors on select (b7bff8b)
- solving table not reflecting date change after initial render (2877b57)
- Solving the problem with the CSV export on TableServerSide (7fd5051)
- Sort table story, sort table option and update hooks and functions (18a0859)
- Standard variant naming and adding more buttons (77b7174)
- standartizing login and input margin and padding with addornments (51e99f7)
- standartizing login and input margin and padding with addornments (afc0fa9)
- Story carousel inside component tab (f2da1c7)
- Table server side (1d851fb)
- Test to fix with sizeme (fcbeafb)
- teste (9d0cbf6)
- teste (18ca83e)
- teste (3819f2a)
- teste git (7ed7a84)
- teste git (5c150d6)
- Toolbar must be undefined when it isn't set (b5614a0)
- toolbarOptions as required and default as a empty object (4a8354e)
- travis ci (8b822a3)
- typo (45e34da)
- typo (c601b80)
- Update .bumpedrc (f223783)
- Update .travis.yml (73f92f4)
- Update es-utils (cb47cf7)
- Update github pages (7a66d62)
- Update github pages (0af99af)
- Update node on travis ci (f5ede1d)
- Update package.json (6887d4e)
- Update package.json (2a9394f)
- Update package.json (ddb51e6)
- Update packge to material 4.0 (b31fcea)
- Update README.md (8a21748)
- Update README.md (b378c74)
- Update README.md (d341e88)
- Update README.md (4c09a5a)
- update table on filter function change (629ad58)
- Update version and added build and publish scripts (35c6432)
- updating components (26e4c75)
- updating documentation and storybook (0629eb8)
- Updating es-utils (886e106)
- Updating es-utils (31fc5b2)
- Updating libs (fa94648)
- Updating libs and minor fix (6df8457)
- Updating luxon (40aeb48)
- Updating Node.js (a4caf12)
- Updating packages with last versions of material ui (718d224)
- updating storybook docs/ (8e92a9f)
- Uploader silent (6b4433b)
- Uploader silent and table adjustments (d16969f)
- usage with dialogs (d5fee0f)
- Use breadcrubs from core instead of lab (1c800f8)
- Use theme spacing, fix footer image (1eb00c3)
- using react-select for positioning menu component (e4d8d6e)
- using react-select for positioning menu component (1e6c608)
- v0.0.10 (a3920c8)
- v0.0.11 (4c4a22c)
- v0.0.12 (b425eb7)
- v0.0.13 (fe938ca)
- v0.0.14 (f0aaa03)
- v0.0.2 (c1cd3ae)
- v0.0.3 (20c9adb)
- v0.0.30 (eb15e6c)
- v0.0.32 (0ed4d53)
- v0.0.34 (89bbf19)
- v0.0.36 (e4bb71e)
- v0.0.4 (d7703df)
- v0.0.5 (6de70bf)
- v0.0.6 (c41a0fe)
- v0.0.7 (9411c23)
- v0.0.8 (eebcf47)
- v0.0.82 (eea59fd)
- v0.0.9 (7ac16da)
- vertical actions on table (888d345)
- Wizard back to its size (c8be0b2)
- Workspace (e590b4b)
- wrong divider on login footer (e62cc15)
- Wrong id on map of widths, was using ellipsed for select (3f5674c)
- yarn lock (a05aa04)
- yarn upgrade (1c62e32)
- Select: select não fecha ao clicar no icon de dropdown #40 (0dc8d53), closes #40
- Select: select não fecha ao clicar no icon de dropdown #40 (33c5f15), closes #40
- Select: select não fecha ao clicar no icon de dropdown #40 (e2779df), closes #40
- Select: select não fecha ao clicar no icon de dropdown #40 (99b37c2), closes #40
- Select: select não fecha ao clicar no icon de dropdown #40 (a7a07ee), closes #40
- Select: select não fecha ao clicar no icon de dropdown #40 (89c84f0), closes #40