Testing in OpenPoGoBot is performed by the pytest
python modules. Code coverage is performed by
Testing is run on every build and is required to pass for pull requests.
py.test --cov=pokemongo_bot --cov=plugins pokemongo_bot/ plugins/
If you are contributing, we will ask you to write tests for your code. We have developed a test suite that can help you mocking interaction with the niantic API.
Almost every functional test will interact with the PGoApi (the python wrapper that calls niantic's api). We have created a set of mock generators that can help:
import unittest
from pokemongo_bot.tests import create_mock_bot
class ExampleTest(unittest.TestCase):
def example_test(self):
bot = create_mock_bot({
# Any config values you wish to use for a test
mocked_pgoapi = bot.api_wrapper._api
mocked_pgoapi.set_response('get_player', {'username': 'test player'})
player = bot.api_wrapper.get_player()
player.username # 'test player'
# Assert that all the calls have been used
assert mocked_pgoapi.call_stack_size() == 0
For more information, please see the test class.