This file is a overview of a gantry arm based car painting application developed in simulation using Gazebo, under the mentorship of Mr. Lentin Joseph..
Here, I shall go over the approach taken and briefly discuss how one can implement the same. Unfortunately, this work is not open-source, but I am working on a similar implementation for the same and it will roll out soon! Here are the steps:
First, we start of by setting up cameras around the gantry, such that it covers all the parts of the car.(later used for 3D reconstruction of the car in pointcloud format.)
We then collect images from these cameras and these images correspond to the parts of the car that is recorded in the camera frame, to be painted.
-We also collect the point cloud from each camera, and concatenate them together, to acquire entire car in a 3D pointcloud format.
This is used for creating an octomap to perform collision avoidance while performing painting action.
Using the segmented images and it's corresponding pointcloud, we generate waypoints for computing cartesian plan.
Checkout the demo gif below!
Happy Exploring!