Releases: telefonicaid/fiware-cygnus
Releases · telefonicaid/fiware-cygnus
- [cygnus-common][MongoBackend] Proper processing of mongo errors in create index operations (#1756)
- [cygnus-common] Fix: Changing cygnus port does not work (#1698)
- [cygnus-ngsi] Support for NGSIv2 notifications (#953)
- [cygnus-ngsi][ArcGIS] Fix classpath for instantation of arcgis sink (#1741)
- [cygnus-ngsi][PostGIS, PostGRESQL] Insert right SQL types values (Null), non stringify (#1661)
- [cygnus-ngsi][PostgisSink] Alignement with PostgresqlSink: add try catch for row aggregator
- [cygnus-ngsi][PostgisSink, PostGRESQLSink] Support for native Postgres and Postgis types (#1780)
- [cygnus-ngsi][PostgisSink, PostGRESQLSink, MySQL] Add generic aggregation for SQL sinks. This generic aggregation also handles null empty columns for batch purposes (#1787)
- [cygnus-ngsi][MySQL] Support for native MySQL types (#1780)
- [cygnus-ngsi][HDFS] Dissable metadata files creation when they are empty (#1805)
- [cygnus-ngsi][HDFS] Dissable metadata persistance (empty or not empty) by flag (#1706)
- [cygnus-ngsi] Make CygnusPersistenceError more descriptive (#1768)
- [cygnus-ngsi] Changed log level for some events (#1769)
- [cygnus-ngsi] Unattach dockerfile from git
- [cygnus-common][HDFSSink] Check attribute value before use it
- [cygnus-common][PostgreSQL][MySQL] catch exception close invalid connection
- [cygnus-common] Upgrade MongoDB driver from 3.0.4 to 3.11.0
- [cygnus-common] Fix for index name creation in Mongo and STH Sinks (#1714)
- [cygnus-ngsi][NGSISink] Catch generic exception and rollback in transaction
- [cygnus-commons][cygnus-ngsi][cygnus-twitter][doc] Add Install section in (#1576)
- [cygnus-commons][cygnus-ngsi][cygnus-twitter] Enable JAVA_OPTS for Flume (#1704)
- [cygnus-commons][cygnus-ngsi][cygnus-twitter] Adjust build cygnus to use Java 1.8 (#1718)
- [cygnus-ngsi][MySQL] Insert right SQL types values (Null), non stringify (#1661)
- [cygnus-ngsi] Fix error response code from 501 to 404 in case of invalid API (#1630)
- [cygnus-ngsi][ArcGis] Add ArcGis sink (#1672)
- [cygnus-ngsi][Postgis, Cartodb] Fix double precision for coordinates
- [cygnus-ngsi][Docker] Build Cygnus in Dockerhub raises OutOfMemory Java (#1709)
- [cygnus-ngsi] Build Cygnus with all dependencies using standard RPM (#1716)
- [cygnus-ngsi] Fix for Index Creation of Data Expiration (#1714)
- [cygnus-ngsi][ElasticSearchSink] Add ElasticSearch sink (#1516, #1521)
- [cygnus-ngsi][PostGISSink, PostgreSQLSink] Insert right SQL types values, non stringify (#1661)
- [cygnus-ngsi][MySQLSink] Fix datetime format used (#1646)
- [cygnus-ngsi][PostGISSink] Fix geo location persistence bug in column mode
- [cygnus-ngsi][MySQLSink,PostGISSink,PostgreSQLSink] Check values for Insert before insert
- [cygnus-ngsi][*Sink] Change log level from DEBUG to WARN for configuration errors
- [cygnus-ngsi][CKANSink, Docker] Fix docker entrypoint about namemapping
- [cygnus-ngsi][Docker] Add datamodel option to postgresql and postgis sinks
- [cygnus-ngsi][Docker] Add multisink mode with single config agent (non multiagent mode) (#1675)
- [cygnus-ngsi][Docker] Add skip agent sinks conf generation env vars
- [cygnus-ngsi][Docker] Add skip name mappings generation env vars
- [cygnus-common][NMI] Allows th Original values to be omitted in the configuration file (#1466)
- [cygnus-ngsi][MysqlSink] Adds support for dm-by-entity-type data model (#687)
- [cygnus-ngsi][NGSIMongoSink][NGSISTHSink][NGSISink] Close flume transaction at exception (#1635)
- [cygnus-ngsi][STHSink] Adds mongodb indexes management for STH collections (#1637)
- [cygnus-common][PostgreSQL] Add connection pool
- [cygnus-common][YAFS][bugfix] Fixed issue, missmatching Jetty threads causes Cygnus crash (#1616)
- [cygnus-common][YAFS] Fixed issue, stopping Cygnus after config reloading (#1624)
- [cygnus-ngsi][NGSIHandler] Fix unexpected exception, instead 400 is returned when a non valid API request (#1588)
- [cygnus-ngsi][PostGIS] Add PostGIS sink based on PostgreSQL backend (#1618)
- [cygnus-common] Upgrade flume-ng-node version from 1.4.0 to 1.9.0
- [cygnus-common][mongo] Upgrade mongo driver from 3.0.0 to 3.0.4
- [cygnus-common][mysql] Upgrade mysql connector from 5.1.31 to 5.1.47
- [cygnus-common][feature] Add /v1/namemappings route to API (#1277)
- [cygnus-common][MySQLBackend] Implement connection pooling (#1598, #1597)
- [cygnus-common][bugfix] Support empty files in mamemappings
- [cygnus-common][bugfix] Support empty servicenames in mamemappings
- [cygnus-ngsi][Docker] Set default agent file names for "agent_"
- [cygnus-ngsi][Docker] Set default truncate size to 0.5GB for sth collections
- [cygnus-ngsi][KafkaSink] Upgrade libthrift dependency from 0.9.1 to 0.12.0 due to github vulnerability report
- [cygnus-ngsi][NGSIRestHandler]Fix Content Type header validation issue (#1609)
- [cygnus-twitter] Upgrade flume-ng-node version from 1.4.0 to 1.9.0