Just install as usual:
rpm -iVh keypass.rpm
Once installed, configure your environment settings in /etc/keypass.yml
, like
database connection. Please note that currently the application is shipped only
with Mysql drivers.
If needed, create the database and user with the following SQL commands:
CREATE USER keypass;
GRANT ALL ON keypass.* TO keypass@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'keypass';
Populate database
$ sudo service keypass upgradedb
Start the server
$ sudo service keypass start
The application can be started from the command line in any OS (with Java installed). It's pakaged as a single jar with all libraries embedded.
First, adjust the configuration file to fit your setup (mainly database connectivity configuration).
If needed, create the database and user with the following SQL commands:
CREATE USER keypass;
GRANT ALL ON keypass.* TO keypass@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'keypass';
Populate database
java -jar keypass-0.2.0.jar db migrate config.yml
Start the server
java -jar keypass-0.2.0.jar server
Keypass already ships with Mysql drivers. You can use any other database configuring it and adding the drivers.
To configure, change the database driver, JDBC URL and dialect.
driverClass: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
url: jdbc:mysql://localhost/keypass
hibernate.dialect: org.hibernate.dialect.MySQLDialect
The driver class name and URL are provided by the driver vendor.
The dialects are defined by Hibernate: http://docs.jboss.org/hibernate/orm/4.3/javadocs/org/hibernate/dialect/Dialect.html
Perform the usual operations (database setup, server launch) adding the driver to the classpath.
java -cp <driver.jar> -jar keypass-0.2.0.jar db migrate config.yml
java -cp <driver.jar> -jar keypass-0.2.0.jar server