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FIWARE IoT Agent for the Ultralight 2.0 protocol


An Internet of Things Agent for the Ultralight 2.0 protocol (with AMQP, HTTP and MQTT transports). This IoT Agent is designed to be a bridge between Ultralight and the NGSI interface of a context broker.

It is based on the IoT Agent Node.js Library. Further general information about the FIWARE IoT Agents framework, its architecture and the common interaction model can be found in the library's GitHub repository.

This project is part of FIWARE. For more information check the FIWARE Catalogue entry for the IoT Agents.

How to use this image

The IoT Agent must be instantiated and connected to an instance of the Orion Context Broker, a sample docker-compose file can be found below.

If the IOTA_REGISTRY_TYPE=mongodb, a MongoDB database instance is also required - the example below assumes that you have a /data directory in your hosting system in order to hold database files - please amend the attached volume to suit your own configuration.

version: "3.1"

    mongodb: ~

        image: fiware/iotagent-ul
        hostname: iot-agent
        container_name: fiware-iot-agent
            - mongodb
            - "4061"
            - "7896"
            - "4061:4061"
            - "7896:7896"
            - "IOTA_CB_HOST=orion"
            - "IOTA_CB_PORT=1026"
            - "IOTA_NORTH_PORT=4061"
            - "IOTA_REGISTRY_TYPE=mongodb"
            - "IOTA_MONGO_HOST=mongodb"
            - "IOTA_MONGO_PORT=27017"
            - "IOTA_MONGO_DB=iotagent-ul"
            - "IOTA_HTTP_PORT=7896"
            - "IOTA_PROVIDER_URL=http://iot-agent:4061"

        image: mongo:4.2
        hostname: mongodb
        container_name: db-mongo
            - "27017:27017"
        command: --bind_ip_all --smallfiles
            - mongodb:/data

        image: fiware/orion
        hostname: orion
        container_name: fiware-orion
            - mongodb
            - "1026"
            - "1026:1026"
        command: -dbhost mongodb

Configuration with environment variables

Many settings can be configured using Docker environment variables. A typical IoT Agent Docker container is driven by environment variables such as those shown below:

  • IOTA_CB_HOST - Hostname of the context broker to update context
  • IOTA_CB_PORT - Port that context broker listens on to update context
  • IOTA_NORTH_PORT - Port used for configuring the IoT Agent and receiving context updates from the context broker
  • IOTA_REGISTRY_TYPE - Whether to hold IoT device info in memory or in a database
  • IOTA_MONGO_HOST - The hostname of MongoDB - used for holding device and service information
  • IOTA_MONGO_PORT - The port that MongoDB is listening on
  • IOTA_MONGO_DB - The name of the database used in MongoDB
  • IOTA_HTTP_PORT - The port where the IoT Agent listens for IoT device traffic over HTTP
  • IOTA_PROVIDER_URL - URL passed to the Context Broker when commands are registered, used as a forwarding URL location when the Context Broker issues a command to a device

Further Information

The full set of overrides for the general parameters applicable to all IoT Agents are described in the Configuration section of the IoT Agent Library Installation Guide.

Further settings for IoT Agent for Ultralight itself - such as specific configurations for MQTT, AMPQ and HTTP - can be found in the IoT Agent for Ultralight Installation Guide.

How to build an image

The Dockerfile associated with this image can be used to build an image in several ways:

  • By default, the Dockerfile retrieves the latest version of the codebase direct from GitHub (the build-arg is optional):
docker build -t iot-agent . --build-arg DOWNLOAD=latest
  • You can alter this to obtain the last stable release run this Dockerfile with the build argument DOWNLOAD=stable
docker build -t iot-agent . --build-arg DOWNLOAD=stable
  • You can also download a specific release by running this Dockerfile with the build argument DOWNLOAD=<version>
docker build -t iot-agent . --build-arg DOWNLOAD=1.7.0

Building from your own fork

To download code from your own fork of the GitHub repository add the GITHUB_ACCOUNT, GITHUB_REPOSITORY and SOURCE_BRANCH arguments (default master) to the docker build command.

docker build -t iot-agent . \
    --build-arg GITHUB_ACCOUNT=<your account> \
    --build-arg GITHUB_REPOSITORY=<your repo> \
    --build-arg SOURCE_BRANCH=<your branch>

Building from your own source files

Alternatively, if you want to build directly from your own sources, please copy the existing Dockerfile into file the root of the repository and amend it to copy over your local source using :

COPY . /opt/iotaul/

Full instructions can be found within the Dockerfile itself.

Using PM2 /Distroless

The IoT Agent within the Docker image can be run encapsulated within the pm2 Process Manager by using the associated pm2 Image.

docker run --name iotagent -d fiware/iotagent-ul:<tag>-pm2

The IoT Agent within the Docker image can be run from a distroless container by using the associated distroless Image.

docker run --name iotagent -d fiware/iotagent-ul:<tag>-distroless

Docker Secrets

As an alternative to passing sensitive information via environment variables, _FILE may be appended to some sensitive environment variables, causing the initialization script to load the values for those variables from files present in the container. In particular, this can be used to load passwords from Docker secrets stored in /run/secrets/<secret_name> files. For example:

docker run --name iotagent -e IOTA_AUTH_PASSWORD_FILE=/run/secrets/password -d fiware/iotagent-ul

Currently, this _FILE suffix is supported for:


Best Practices

Increase ULIMIT in Docker Production Deployments

Default settings for ulimit on a Linux system assume that several users would share the system. These settings limit the number of resources used by each user. The default settings are generally very low for high performance servers and should be increased. By default, we recommend, that the IoTAgent - UL server in high performance scenarios, the following changes to ulimits:

ulimit -n 65535        # nofile: The maximum number of open file descriptors (most systems do not allow this
                                 value to be set)
ulimit -c unlimited    # core: The maximum size of core files created
ulimit -l unlimited    # memlock: The maximum size that may be locked into memory

If you are just doing light testing and development, you can omit these settings, and everything will still work.

To set the ulimits in your container, you will need to run IoTAgent - UL Docker containers with the following additional --ulimit flags:

docker run --ulimit nofile=65535:65535 --ulimit core=100000000:100000000 --ulimit memlock=100000000:100000000 \
--name iotagent -d fiware/iotagent-ul

Since “unlimited” is not supported as a value, it sets the core and memlock values to 100 GB. If your system has more than 100 GB RAM, you will want to increase this value to match the available RAM on the system.

Note: The --ulimit flags only work on Docker 1.6 or later. Nevertheless, you have to "request" more resources (i.e. multiple cores), which might be more difficult for orchestrates (Docker Engine or Kubernetes) to schedule than a few different containers requesting one core (or less...) each (which it can, in turn, schedule on multiple nodes, and not necessarily look for one node with enough available cores).

If you want to get more details about the configuration of the system and node.js for high performance scenarios, please refer to the Installation Guide.

Set-up appropriate Database Indexes

If using Mongo-DB as a data persistence mechanism (i.e. if IOTA_REGISTRY_TYPE=mongodb) the device and service group details are retrieved from a database. The default name of the IoT Agent database is iotagentul. Database access can be optimized by creating appropriate indices.

For example:

docker exec  <mongo-db-container-name> mongo --eval '
	conn = new Mongo();
	db = conn.getDB("iotagentul");
	db.devices.createIndex({"_id.service": 1, "": 1, "_id.type": 1});
	db.devices.createIndex({"_id.type": 1});
	db.devices.createIndex({"": 1});
	db.groups.createIndex({"_id.resource": 1, "_id.apikey": 1, "_id.service": 1});
	db.groups.createIndex({"_id.type": 1});' > /dev/null

The name of the database can be altered using the IOTA_MONGO_DB environment variable. Alter the conn.getDB() statement above if an alternative database is being used.