Yeoman generator to create new Teonet server node-webkit application. The Teonet Server application can execute under Linux or Mac OS only. This readme file shows terminal commands for Debian, Ubuntu or Linux Mint.
First, install Yeoman, generator-teonet-webkit using npm and NWJS (we assume you have pre-installed NodeJS and Build Essential).
npm install -g yo
npm install -g generator-teonet-webkit
yo teonet-webkit
Run you application with NWJS application
nw dist --enable-logging=stderr APPNAME teo-APPNAME
grunt build-nwjs
build-nwjs/teo-nw/linux64/APPNAME --enable-logging=stderr APPNAME teo-APPNAME
Available generators:
Create new Teonet server node-webkit application.
yo teonet-webkit
Generates a controller in app/scripts/controllers.
yo teonet-webkit:controller user
Produces app/scripts/controllers/user.js
angular.module('myMod').controller('UserCtrl', function ($scope, teonet) {
// ...
This project uses git submodule, so after cloning this project from git execute next command:
git submodule update --init
Teonet developer documentation:
Teonet events:
If you haven't already set your NPM author info, now you should:
npm set "Your Name"
npm set ""
npm set ""
npm adduser
Publish project to NPM:
npm publish ./
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