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Example Tweet

Getting Started with WebTester

What you'll create

You'll write a simple GUI test for Twitter using WebTester that tests basic login as well as tweeting a simple message. The end result will be similar to this:

Example Tweet

What you'll need

  • About 30 Minutes
  • Eclipse (You can use any IDE, but the guide is using Eclipse)
  • Java 1.8 or newer

Create the project

Open Eclipse and create a new Maven project. Leave the default values until the group and artifact Id need be to specified. Set the group Id to "info.novatec.testit" and the artifact Id to "webtester-example-twitter". Set up the project and create the files as depicted below.

Example Project

Configure the Maven project to look like this and replace ${version.webtester} and ${version.selenium} with the versions you want to use:




        <!-- dependency versions -->


        <!-- Webtester -->

        <!-- Selenium -->


        <!-- Testing -->

        <!-- Logging -->


Create a new file: and set your twitter credentials:


Create PageObject for Login Page

After you've set up the project it's time to start writing some code.

To login into your Twitter account we need to setup a PageObject for the Login Page. Open the TwitterLogin class and have it extend the PageObject class. Now we need to find the respective HTML elements to interact with on the Twitter page. WebTester can identify Objects by id, class, xpath or css using Selenium. After inspecting the HTML source of the Twitter Login Page you'll need to find the Objects you can interact with. In this case the login button, the username field and the password field. We'll identify these two fields by CSS-id, while we'll use the CSS-classes-concatenation to get the login button.

We need to make sure that we are on the correct page @PostConstruct of the PageObject. To achieve this the visibility of a PageObject is verified. In our case the login button is checked.

For all the gory details, please view the source code below at line 16.

For the login process we need the following methods: setUsername, setPassword, clickLogin, and login. Note that these methods return type must extend PageObject. It is a representation of the state of the page opened after the methods execution.

The methods setUsername and setPassword return instances of TwitterLogin while clickLogin and login return instances of TwitterHome.

package pageobjects;

import info.novatec.testit.webtester.conditions.pagefragments.Visible;
import info.novatec.testit.webtester.pagefragments.Button;
import info.novatec.testit.webtester.pagefragments.PasswordField;
import info.novatec.testit.webtester.pagefragments.TextField;
import info.novatec.testit.webtester.pagefragments.annotations.IdentifyUsing;
import info.novatec.testit.webtester.pagefragments.annotations.PostConstructMustBe;
import info.novatec.testit.webtester.pagefragments.annotations.WaitUntil;
import info.novatec.testit.webtester.pages.Page;

public interface TwitterLogin extends Page {

    Button loginButton();
    TextField usernameField();
    PasswordField passwordField();

    default TwitterHome login(String username, String password) {
        return setUsername(username).setPassword(password).clickLogin();

    default TwitterLogin setUsername(String username) {
        return this;

    default TwitterLogin setPassword(String password) {
        return this;

    default TwitterHome clickLogin() {
        return create(TwitterHome.class);

Note: When using @IdentifyUsing with an CSS-Selector, it's not necessary to explicitly define the method used as CSS is the default.

Create PageObject for Home Page

Similar to the Login Page we create a PageObject representation for the Twitter Home Page.

package pageobjects;

import pageobjects.widgets.TwitterBox;

import info.novatec.testit.webtester.conditions.pagefragments.Visible;
import info.novatec.testit.webtester.pagefragments.Button;
import info.novatec.testit.webtester.pagefragments.PageFragment;
import info.novatec.testit.webtester.pagefragments.annotations.IdentifyUsing;
import info.novatec.testit.webtester.pagefragments.annotations.PostConstructMustBe;
import info.novatec.testit.webtester.pagefragments.identification.producers.XPath;
import info.novatec.testit.webtester.pages.Page;

public interface TwitterHome extends Page {

    TwitterBox tweetBox();

    Button sendTweetButton();

    @IdentifyUsing(value = ".//ol[@id='stream-items-id']/li[1]//p[contains(@class, 'tweet-text')]", how = XPath.class)
    PageFragment latestTweet();

    default TwitterHome tweet(String message) {
        return setTweetMessage(message).sendTweet();

    default TwitterHome setTweetMessage(String message) {
        return this;

    default TwitterHome sendTweet() {
        return create(TwitterHome.class);

    default String getMessageOfLatestTweet() {
        return latestTweet().getVisibleText();

As PageObjects can represent either entire pages or just a certain part of it, we use the TweetBox class as a representation of Twitter´s TweetBox.

package pageobjects.widgets;

import info.novatec.testit.webtester.pagefragments.traits.Clickable;

public interface TwitterBox extends Clickable {

    default TwitterBox setMessage(String message) {
        return this;

Create the Test

The TwitterTest makes use of JUnit's @RunWith annotation with the WebTesterJUnitRunner class for automated resource management.

In case your tests are already using another JUnit Runner, you'll have to initialize your Browser instances manually. See the Browser documentation for details!

In this example the @CreateUsing annotation specifies the Browser to be an instance of Firefox.

The @EntryPoint is the initial page used by WebTester. It´s the first page the configured browser navigates to.

The Twitter password and username are taken from the file using the @ConfigurationValue annotation.

@Before test execution a representational instance of the Twitter Login page ( is returned by the Browser as a TwitterLogin (created above) object.

During the @Test WebTester will use twitterLogin to log in with the username and password specified in the properties file. After a successful login a tweet containing the current system time is tweeted and the test then asserts that the tweet has been tweeted. In this case the assertion happens implicit via a Wait. As there is a delay in Ajax calls we have to wait until the tweet is actually posted. The condition which verifies the waiting time also acts as assertion, that the right tweet happened.

package test;

import java.util.Date;
import javax.annotation.Resource;

import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;

import pageobjects.TwitterHome;
import pageobjects.TwitterLogin;

import info.novatec.testit.webtester.browser.Browser;
import info.novatec.testit.webtester.browser.proxy.FirefoxFactory;
import info.novatec.testit.webtester.conditions.Conditions;
import info.novatec.testit.webtester.junit.annotations.ConfigurationValue;
import info.novatec.testit.webtester.junit.annotations.CreateUsing;
import info.novatec.testit.webtester.junit.annotations.EntryPoint;
import info.novatec.testit.webtester.junit.runner.WebTesterJUnitRunner;
import info.novatec.testit.webtester.waiting.Wait;

public class TwitterTest {

    private Browser browser;

    private String username;
    private String password;

    private TwitterLogin twitterLogin;

    public void initStartPage() {
        twitterLogin = browser.create(TwitterLogin.class);

    public void testThatMessageCanBeTweeted() throws InterruptedException {

        String tweetMessage = "Hello World on: " + new Date();
        TwitterHome home = twitterLogin.login(username, password).tweet(tweetMessage);



Congratulations! You´ve just developed a simple Twitter login and tweet test with WebTester.