#> Last Update: 2024-02-07 13:36:06.037206
Released - 2024-02-07
- refactor: Update GitHub Actions to v2; usethis::use_github_actions(“foo”)
- docs: Update Readme badge for CRAN check
Released - 2023-10-13
- fix: Update base URL for plots to CBP location
Released - 2023-10-13
- fix: Update buildspec.yml, line 21
Released - 2023-10-12
- refactor: Bump version number prior to deployment to CBP servers
Released - 2023-10-12
- refactor: Modify leaflet map (basic and advanced) pop up text
- Add layer
- Add DIN and PO4 plots back to the links for surface plots
- Update text on no plot graph
- style: Formatting style in server.R
Released - 2023-10-06
- fix: Update Shiny app to update Basic map on changing data file, Issue #78
Released - 2023-08-03
- refactor: Update global baytrends_files reference for file
- tetratech/baytrends_files#4
- CBP version of app does not need to be update
Released - 2022-12-19
- refactor: Update Dockerfile, rocker/geospatial
- 4.2.1 to latest
Released - 2022-12-19
- refactor: Update Dockerfile packages
- Add grid, leaflet, sf, and cowplot
- Remove rgdal and sp
Released - 2022-12-19
- docs: Create new release version on GitHub
Released - 2022-12-19
- docs: Update DESCRIPTION with missing packages (shinyalert and leaftlet)
Released - 2022-12-16
- refactor: Modify source files to use CBP server
- docs: Create new release version on GitHub
Released - 2022-12-16
- refactor: Upload to Tt
Released - 2022-12-16
- refactor: Update Help tab text
Released - 2022-12-15
- refactor: Update Help tab text
- refactor: Update Background tab (2nd paragraph) text
Released - 2022-12-06
- refactor: Move data-raw file processing for 2019 to baytrends-files
- Script and rda
- feature: Add DC inset to static maps, Issue #75
- docs: Add cowplot to Imports in DESCRIPTION
Released - 2022-07-21
- refactor: Update DOCKERFILE
Released - 2022-07-21
- docs: Update version number for a new release and posting of app to CBP
Released - 2022-07-21
- refactor: CRAN check updates
- docs: Add BugReports to DESCRIPTION
Released - 2022-07-21
- refactor: Update remote data from GitHub to CBP, Issue #64
Released - 2022-07-19
- fix: Update pop up modal so don’t get warning, Issue #74
Released - 2022-07-19
- fix: Update bay shapefile datum on import in global.R, Issue #73
Released - 2022-07-19
- fix: Update zoom feature for custom maps, Issue #72
Released - 2022-07-19
- fix: Update linked plot from leaflet maps, Issue #71
Released - 2022-07-18
- fix: Auto open custom map file ext to avoid failure on save
Released - 2022-07-18
- fix: Change leaflet map plot links to show “no plot” for DIN and PO4
Released - 2022-07-18
- fix: Use consistent terminology in all locations for Long Term, Issue
- Included updates to “no plot” plot for dynamic map
- Continuation of Issue #65
- fix: Update typos on background tab, Issue #68
- fix: Update saved maps to force white background, Issue #69
- fix: Update text on map types, change map, triangles, Issue #70
Released - 2022-07-15
- refactor: Modify data files from 6 to 4 options, Issue #65
- refactor: Change location of data and plots to GitHub for testing, Issue #64
Released - 2022-07-15
- refactor: Change spelling for consistency on Background tab, Issue #66
Released - 2022-07-14
- refactor: Change location of data and plots linked to from map, Issue #64
Released - 2022-07-14
- refactor: Format initial pop up text, Issue #62
Released - 2022-07-14
- refactor: Update initial pop up icon, Issue #61
Released - 2022-07-14
- refactor: Update background tab, Issue #63
Released - 2022-07-11
- refactor: Update shiny help and background
Released - 2022-06-22
- docs: Add contributors
Released - 2022-06-15
- refactor: Update shiny help
Released - 2022-05-12
- refactor: Update text on background tab, Issue #60
Released - 2022-05-12
- refactor: Add pop up modal at start up, Issue #59
- Add shinyalert package to DESCRIPTION and global.R
Released - 2022-05-09
- refactor: Update shiny help
Released - 2022-05-09
- refactor: Update shiny help
Released - 2022-04-27
- update: Replace rgdal and sp packages with sf package, Issue #58
- ProcessData_GIS_cbseg.R
- global.R
- style: Remove “test” code at bottom of global.R
Released - 2022-03-23
- refactor: Update shiny app
- leaflet maps, add missing space after “GAM:”
- Replace “trends” with “change” for map names
Released - 2022-03-07
- refactor: Update shiny app
- Basic maps
- Load with default map when app opens
- Save buttons for range and trend moved to map tab
- Basic maps
Released - 2022-03-03
- refactor: Update shiny app
Released - 2022-01-19
- fix: Update URL for plots for interactive map, Issue #56
Released - 2022-01-19
- refactor: Complete updates to Shiny interface
- Basic download button
- Enable/disable save buttons in Shiny to guide order of operations
- DESCRIPTION, IMPORTS, add shinyjs package
- style: Add style to some shiny code files
Released - 2022-01-18
- refactor: Continued updates to Shiny interface
- Split interface into basic and advanced
- Link to Background PDF
Released - 2022-01-14
- refactor: Update ‘filtered data summary’ table without rownames
- style: Update outline of global.R
- feature: Add default map
- Uses first remote file and first mapLayer
- refactor: Redesign Shiny interface
- Interim version for testing online
Released - 2021-09-15
- refactor: Update remote file directory structure, Issue #54 and Issue
- Update remove file pick_files.csv with plot directory name
- refactor: Update shiny to use new files
Released - 2021-08-17
- feat: Added plot creation script for “no data” in Shiny leaflet map pop up, Issue #49
Released - 2021-08-17
- refactor: Add remote data URL to global.R
- refactor: Update data and plot URL to reference global.R for base URL
- refactor: Update Trends leaflet map to use all plots for import
- Previously tested only chla_S plots
Released - 2021-08-16
- refactor: Update Shiny app to import data files from remote repo, Issue #54
Released - 2021-08-16
- feat: Update Shiny app to auto update data import pick list from saved table, Issue #54
Released - 2021-08-09
- fix: Update DESCRIPTION to accurately include second author
- fix: Update range map in Shiny to use all categories when user supplies custom classes, Issue #51
- docs: Update README to use
instead ofdevtools
in install example
Released - 2021-06-09
- refactor: Shiny lealfet map, change order of base layers
- Make Positron the default
Released - 2021-06-04
- feat: Add leaflet map as demonstration for trend map.
- chrore: Fix filtering
- style: Trim lines to 80 characters
Released - 2021-01-26
- chore: Update to version 1.2.1 for release; Issue #45
Released - 2021-01-06
- chore: Update trend (change) map color blind palette; Issue #46
Released - 2021-01-06
- chore: Edit spelling of “palette” in shiny app map pages
Released - 2021-01-06
- chore: Add ability to select colors for change (trend) map; Issue #46
- chore: Add .groups = “drop_last” to summarize to avoid warning message
Released - 2021-01-04
- chore: Update version number and create release on GitHub
Released - 2021-01-04
- chore: Move docker and buildspec.yml back to root folder
- chore: Add docker and buildspec.yml to .Rbuildignore
Released - 2021-01-04
- chore: Remove docs (pkgdown) folder from root
Released - 2021-01-04
- refactor: lintr clean up
- docs: DESCRIPTION add + file LICENSE
- refactor: Add non-standard files/folders to .Rbuildignore
- folder data-raw
- NEWS.rmd
- README.html
- shiny rsconnect folder
- chore: Move files from root to inst folder
- buildspec.yml
- Dockerfile
- docs: Document data_GIS_cbpseg in Data.R
- chore: Add GitHub Action, CMD check
- chore: Add GitHub Action, pkgdown
- chore: Remove _pkgdown.yaml from root directory
- docs: Add badges to README
- style: Trim lines to 80 characters, run_shiny.R
Released - 2020-12-18
- Replace “final” data with revised 2019 data; Issue #44
- Update text on Shiny app sidebar (6 instead of 4 radio buttons); Issue #44
- Widened sidebar for select data so no wrapping of radio button choices.
Released - 2020-07-16
- Update help file for occassional bad file import; Issue #40
Released - 2020-07-16
- Update column widths in data tables (import and filter); Issue #39
Released - 2020-07-15
- Update maps to use defaults if no map options selected; Issue #23
- Avoids map creation error.
- Range and Change maps.
Released - 2020-07-09
- Update version number after merging in development branch; Issue #37
- Create a “release” on github.
- Upload latest version to
Released - 2020-07-07
- Update map legend code; Issue #27
- User/final files and range/change maps.
Released - 2020-07-06
- Change name of change map file; Issue #33
- Replace “trend” with “change”.
- Internal and download file.
Released - 2020-07-06
- Change map output size; Issue #26
- server.R
- Modified range and change maps to use values set in global.R
- global.R
- plot_h <- 9
- plot_w <- plot_h/map_coord_ratio
- plot_units <- “in”
- plot_scale <- 1.25
- Use map_coord_ratio so has the same value as coord_fixed when create plots.
- server.R
Released - 2020-07-06
- Unwind change to DESCRIPTION URL and packageVersion() in global.R.
- Unable to get to use the development branch when installing.
Released - 2020-07-06
- Modify URL for Shiny since using development not main branch.
Released - 2020-07-06
- global.R
- Use packageVersion() instead of manually setting the version.
- Tests failed before when on
Released - 2020-07-06
- Loaded file type text, official to final; Issue #35.
- server.R
Released - 2020-07-01
- Map tabs move save button to top of column alongside apply button.
Released - 2020-07-01
- Modify range map to included lowest value in legend; Issue #8 and #30
Released - 2020-06-30
- Update filters to sort unique values; Issue #28
Released - 2020-06-30
- Modify auto-generated map titles (range and change) for ‘user’ files; Issue #27
Released - 2020-06-30
- Range map; Issue #34
- Fix spelling for palette.
Released - 2020-06-30
- Modify trend map tab; Issue #33
Released - 2020-06-29
- Revised “final” data files; Issue #26
Released - 2020-06-29
- Modify auto-generated map titles (range and change) for ‘final’ files; Issue #27
Released - 2020-06-29
- Modify help file; Issue #29
Released - 2020-06-29
- Modify filter tab; Issue #32
- Modify trend map tab; Issue #33
- Left variables beyond filename as ‘trend’.
Released - 2020-06-24
- Modify help file; Issue #29
Released - 2020-06-24
- Modify data tab; Issue #31
- Modify filter tab title; Issue #32
Released - 2020-06-24
- Modify filter tab; Issue #32
Released - 2020-06-17
Increase file size from 10 MB to 100 MB; Issue #25
Released - 2020-06-16
- Interface changes complete; Issue #19
Released - 2020-06-16
- Changes related to interface update; Issue #19
- Filter duplicates summary.
- Different table for different data file types.
- Works for each file type (official and user).
- Fails (filters and dups) to varying degrees when switch between file types.
- Filter duplicates summary.
Released - 2020-06-15
- Modified Filtered Data Summary tab; Issue #19
- Individually official and user ok.
- Only have issues when change between them in the same session.
Released - 2020-06-15
- Modified input data (official vs. user); Issue #19
- Removed “reset” button as handle internally with a reactiveValues.
- Filtered Data Summary tab (number of dups and table) still needs work; Issue #19
Released - 2020-06-12
- Modify filters for user or official files; Issue #19
- Still some lingering issues with the changes.
Released - 2020-06-12
- Modify file import to be able to use base files saved in-app; Issue
- Remaining issue of if select upload cannot select ‘official’ file
from radio buttons.
- Added ‘reset’ button but it is not active.
- Remaining issue of if select upload cannot select ‘official’ file
from radio buttons.
Released - 2020-06-11
- Error checking for required columns in imported file; Issue #7
- Revise Error message text for p-value for consistency; Issue #24
Released - 2020-06-10
- Remove trend map p-value restriction for sum > 1; Issue #24
- Added in v1.0.0.9016
Released - 2020-06-10
- Fix range map palatte selection; Issue #21
Released - 2020-06-09
- Trend map, constrain p-value; Issue #24
- 0.0 <= p(significant) < p(possible) <= 1.0
Released - 2020-06-07
- Add trend map p-values to auto-generated title; Issue #10
Released - 2020-06-07
- Update “save map” button; Issue #9
- No changes other than formatting and comments.
Released - 2020-06-07
- Modify range map variable pull-down to descriptive names; Issue #18
Released - 2020-06-07
- Modify trend map p-values; Issue #10
Released - 2020-05-28
- Add placeholder code to “open” collapsed filters and map options; Issue #23
Released - 2020-05-28
- Filter data tab change “entries” to “stations”; Issue #17
Released - 2020-05-28
- Fix reset filter button display text spelling; Issue #14
Released - 2020-05-28
- Update map titles in case of multiple selections; Issue #11
Released - 2020-05-28
- Update Table captions, Issue #15
Released - 2020-05-28
- Shiny, Issue #16
- Remove numbers (3a and 3b) from map options headers.
Released - 2020-05-28
- Shiny, Issue #20
- Rename ‘1. Import Data’ tab to ‘1. Select Data’.
- Default to ‘1. Import Data’ tab instead of ‘HELP’.
Released - 2020-05-28
- Update install example repo from leppottto tetratech
- Update install example to use dependencies = TRUE, Issue #22
- Default of NA does not include packages listed as Suggests in DESCRIPTION
- Commented out Set.sysenv() since on R v4 and only needed for R v3.6
Released - 2020-05-15
- Moved GitHub repo from leppott to tetratech.
- Redo pkgdown.
Released - 2020-04-03
- Added files for use with Docker.
- buildspec.yml
- Dockerfile
Released - 2020-01-29 (work in progress)
Updated from rhub::check_for_cran()
Title to title case and no ending period.
Update maintainer and author names to match.
.github folder to .gitbuildignore.
More stuff from check
- checking installed package size … NOTE installed size is 31.7Mb sub-directories of 1Mb or more: data 3.9Mb extdata 10.0Mb shiny-examples 17.7Mb
License components which are templates and need ‘+ file LICENSE’: MIT
- checking top-level files … NOTE File LICENSE is not mentioned in the DESCRIPTION file.
Non-standard files/directories found at top level: ‘NEWS.rmd’ ‘README.html’ ‘data-raw’
Released - 2019-11-18
Release version with all updates and edits.
Update pkgdown website.
Released - 2019-11-18
Fix zoom level buffer. Issue #6.
- Both Trend and Range maps.
Released - 2019-11-18
- Remove leaflet references
Released - 2019-11-18
- Remove leaflet package.
Released - 2019-11-18
Fix Up Is Good, Issue #5
- Trend Map, change color only, not direction.
- App title to use package version as defined in global.R.
Released - 2019-11-06
Fixed Zoom code. Issue #4.
Added vignette for use with pkgdown website.
- Add URL of pkgdown website.
Released - 2019-11-06
Add custom breaks/classes for range map. Issue #3.
Add filtered data set for testing.
Zoom code not working so commented out. Issue #4
Restructured NEWS.
Released - 2019-11-05
Add a pkgdown website.
Replace map zoom code with plotly. Issue #4
Released - 2019-10-31
Shiny, Maps
Add zoom feature, Issue #4
Fixed ratio of 1.3 (better sizing).
Miscellaneous formatting.
Released - 2019-10-30
- Map, Trend, Add point outlines, Issue #2.
- Keep file rather than delete.
Released - 2019-10-30
Map, Range, Add point outlines, Issue #2.
Update Help text., Issue #1
Released - 2019-10-29
- Update Help screen, Issue #1.
Released - 2019-09-24
- Release stable version with updates.
Released - 2019-09-24
- Update “clearFilters” button.
Released - 2019-09-24
Test map zoom in global.
Make Shiny load silently as well.
Added 2nd test data file.
- Fix typo.
Trend map
NS points
- Change “gray” to “dark gray”.
Modified (removed debug mode):
p value significant threshold
p value possible threshold
Proper map is created for title and river names.
Range map
“Pretty” option ignores number of breaks.
- Added error trapping to use number of breaks output from pretty option.
Add “ClearFilters” button.
- Inactive at this point.
Released - 2019-09-19
- Interim release.
Released - 2019-09-19
Trends map
Edits to global test.
Create Trends tab; similar to Range tab.
Create map.
Remove dynamic version number from title.
- Causes to fail.
- Base map declare fill color so don’t use scale_fill_manual.
Reorder tabs with filter summary before data.
Rename data tabs.
Released - 2019-09-18
Trends map, legend to include range of values.
DESCRIPTION; add packages
- Add grid, lubridate, and sp
Suppress messages
range map
Add button to auto-generate map title based on filtered selections.
Make auto-title wrap lines.
Add cut (break) numbers to legend.
Released - 2019-09-18
Add number of non-“one” entries on “Data Filter Summary” tab.
Modifty title to include dynamic package version number.
Released - 2019-09-05
Reduced required R version from 3.6.0 to 3.2.0.
Matches baytrends package.
Released - 2019-09-04
- Returned to use of shp file.
Released - 2019-09-04
GIS shapefile (cbpseg) to RDA.
- Speed and file size improvement.
Released - 2019-09-03
- Range map working.
Released - 2019-08-30
- Range map selection buttons (not finished).
Released - 2019-08-29
Range map options.
Default Range map.
Released - 2019-08-29
Add dplyr package to global and DESCRIPTION.
- Need for filter summary table.
Released - 2019-08-29
Filters working.
Structure for maps.
Filter summary so can find non-uniques and re-apply filters.
Packages to global.R.
Package updates to DESCRIPTION.
Released - 2019-08-28
- Filters and other additions.
Released - 2019-08-26
- Redesign interface.
Released - 2019-08-23
Add test data to create new map.
Modify Shiny app to use imported data file.
Released - 2019-08-21
- Update Readme with usage directions.
Released - 2019-08-21
- Update Readme with installation directions.
Released - 2019-08-21
Updated repository with working files.
Rename without underscore to baytrendsmap.
Released - 2019-08-21
- Initial commit to GitHub