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service.bat script for installing JBoss 7 / EAP 6 as a windows service

Red Hat JBoss EAP 6 Service Script for Windows Usage:

service install , where the options are:

/startup                  : Set the service to auto start
                            Not specifying sets the service to manual

/jbossuser <username>     : JBoss username to use for the shutdown command.
/jbosspass <password>     : Password for /jbossuser

/controller <host:port>   : The host:port of the management interface.
                            default: localhost:9999

/host [<domainhost>]      : Indicates that domain mode is to be used with an

                            optional domain controller name.
                            default: master
                            Not specifying /host will install JBoss in
                            standalone mode.

Options to use when multiple services or different accounts are needed:

/name <servicename>       : The name of the service

                            default: JBossEAP6
/desc <description>       : The description of the service, use double
                            quotes to allow spaces.
                            Maximum 1024 characters.
                            default: JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 6

/serviceuser <username>   : Specifies the name of the account under which
                            the service should run.
                            Use an account name in the form of
                            default: not used, the service runs as
                            Local System Account.
/servicepass <password>   : password for /serviceuser

Advanced options:

/config <xmlfile>         : The server-config to use
                            default: standalone.xml / domain.xml
/hostconfig <xmlfile>     : domain mode only, the host config to use
                            default: host.xml

/base <directory>         : The base directory for server/domain content
                            default: standalone / domain

/loglevel <level>         : The log level for the service:  Error, Info,
                            Warn or Debug (Case insensitive)
                            default: INFO
/logpath <path>           : Path of the log
                            default depends on domain or standalone mode
                            /base applies when /logpath is not set.

/debug                    : run the service install in debug mode

Other commands:

service uninstall [/name ]

service start [/name ]

service stop [/name ]

service restart [/name ]

/name  <servicename>      : Name of the service: should not contain spaces
                            default: JBossEAP6