diff --git a/linuxcommands b/index.html similarity index 99% rename from linuxcommands rename to index.html index 3ad790f..d6d0767 100644 --- a/linuxcommands +++ b/index.html @@ -667,4 +667,4 @@ }

Every Linux Commands I know A-Z

Follow me on twitter: twitter.com/xtremepentest


ACommandCommand Description
Untitled&Start a new process in the background
UntitledaliasCreate an alias •
UntitledaproposSearch Help manual pages (man -k)
UntitledaptSearch for and install software packages (Debian/Ubuntu)
Untitledapt-getSearch for and install software packages (Debian/Ubuntu)
UntitledaptitudeSearch for and install software packages (Debian/Ubuntu)
UntitledaspellSpell Checker
UntitledatSchedule a command to run once at a particular time
UntitledawkFind and Replace text, database sort/validate/index
UntitledbasenameStrip directory and suffix from filenames
Untitledbase32Base32 encode/decode data and print to standard output
Untitledbase64Base64 encode/decode data and print to standard output
UntitledbashGNU Bourne-Again SHell
UntitledbcArbitrary precision calculator language
UntitledbgSend to background
UntitledbindSet or display readline key and function bindings •
UntitledbreakExit from a loop •
UntitledbuiltinRun a shell builtin
Untitledbzip2Compress or decompress named file(s)
UntitledcalDisplay a calendar
UntitledcallerReturn the context of any active subroutine call •
UntitledcaseConditionally perform a command
UntitledcatConcatenate and print (display) the content of files
UntitledcdChange Directory
UntitledcfdiskPartition table manipulator for Linux
UntitledchattrChange file attributes on a Linux file system
UntitledchgrpChange group ownership
UntitledchmodChange access permissions
UntitledchownChange file owner and group
UntitledchpasswdUpdate passwords in batch mode
UntitledchrootRun a command with a different root directory
UntitledchkconfigSystem services (runlevel)
UntitledcksumPrint CRC checksum and byte counts
UntitledclearClear terminal screen
UntitledcmpCompare two files
UntitledcommCompare two sorted files line by line
UntitledcommandRun a command - ignoring shell functions •
UntitledcontinueResume the next iteration of a loop •
UntitledcpCopy one or more files to another location
UntitledcpioCopy files to and from archives
UntitledcronDaemon to execute scheduled commands
UntitledcrontabSchedule a command to run at a later time
UntitledcsplitSplit a file into context-determined pieces
UntitledcurlTransfer data from or to a server
UntitledcutDivide a file into several parts
UntitleddateDisplay or change the date & time
UntitleddcDesk Calculator
UntitledddData Duplicator - convert and copy a file, write disk headers, boot records
UntitledddrescueData recovery tool
UntitleddeclareDeclare variables and give them attributes •
UntitleddfDisplay free disk space
UntitleddiffDisplay the differences between two files
Untitleddiff3Show differences among three files
UntitleddigDNS lookup
UntitleddirBriefly list directory contents
UntitleddircolorsColour setup for 'ls'
UntitleddirnameConvert a full pathname to just a path
UntitleddirsDisplay list of remembered directories
Untitleddos2unixWindows/MAC to UNIX text file format converter
UntitleddmesgPrint kernel & driver messages
UntitleddpkgPackage manager (Debian/Ubuntu).
UntitledduEstimate file space usage
UntitledechoDisplay message on screen •
UntitledegrepSearch file(s) for lines that match an extended expression
UntitledejectEject removable media
UntitledenableEnable and disable builtin shell commands •
UntitledenvEnvironment variables
UntitledethtoolEthernet card settings
UntitledevalEvaluate several commands/arguments
UntitledexecExecute a command
UntitledexitExit the shell
UntitledexpandConvert tabs to spaces
UntitledexportSet an environment variable
UntitledexprEvaluate expressions
UntitledfalseDo nothing, unsuccessfully
UntitledfdformatLow-level format a floppy disk
UntitledfdiskPartition table manipulator for Linux
UntitledfgSend job to foreground
UntitledfgrepSearch file(s) for lines that match a fixed string
UntitledfileDetermine file type
UntitledfindSearch for files that meet a desired criteria
UntitledfmtReformat paragraph text
UntitledfoldWrap text to fit a specified width
UntitledforExpand words, and execute commands
UntitledformatFormat disks or tapes
UntitledfreeDisplay memory usage
UntitledfsckFile system consistency check and repair
UntitledftpFile Transfer Protocol
UntitledfunctionDefine Function Macros
UntitledfuserIdentify/kill the process that is accessing a file
UntitledgawkFind and Replace text within file(s)
UntitledgetoptsParse positional parameters
UntitledgrepSearch file(s) for lines that match a given pattern
UntitledgroupaddAdd a user security group
UntitledgroupdelDelete a group
UntitledgroupmodModify a group
UntitledgroupsPrint group names a user is in
UntitledgzipCompress or decompress named file(s)
UntitledhashRemember the full pathname of a name argument
UntitledheadOutput the first part of file(s)
UntitledhelpDisplay help for a built-in command •
UntitledhistoryCommand History
UntitledhostnamePrint or set system name
UntitledhtopInteractive process viewer
UntitlediconvConvert the character set of a file
UntitledidPrint user and group id's
UntitledifConditionally perform a command
UntitledifconfigConfigure a network interface
UntitledifdownStop a network interface
UntitledifupStart a network interface up
UntitledimportCapture an X server screen and save the image to file
UntitledinstallCopy files and set attributes
UntitlediostatReport CPU and i/o statistics
UntitledipRouting, devices and tunnels
UntitledjobsList active jobs •
UntitledjoinJoin lines on a common field
UntitledkillKill a process by specifying its PID
UntitledkillallKill processes by name
UntitledlessDisplay output one screen at a time
UntitledletPerform arithmetic on shell variables •
UntitledlinkCreate a link to a file
UntitledlnCreate a symbolic link to a file
UntitledlocalCreate a function variable •
UntitledlocateFind files
UntitledlognamePrint current login name
UntitledlogoutExit a login shell •
UntitledlookDisplay lines beginning with a given string
UntitledlpcLine printer control program
UntitledlprPrint files
UntitledlprintPrint a file
UntitledlprintdDelete a print job
UntitledlprintqList the print queue
UntitledlprmRemove jobs from the print queue
UntitledlsattrList file attributes on a Linux second extended file system
UntitledlsblkList block devices
UntitledlsList information about file(s)
UntitledlsofList open files
UntitledlspciList all PCI devices
UntitledmakeRecompile a group of programs
UntitledmanHelp manual
UntitledmapfileRead lines from standard input into an indexed array variable •
UntitledmkdirCreate new folder(s)
UntitledmkfifoMake FIFOs (named pipes)
UntitledmkfileMake a file
UntitledmkisofsCreate a hybrid ISO9660/JOLIET/HFS filesystem
UntitledmknodMake block or character special files
UntitledmktempMake a temporary file
UntitledmoreDisplay output one screen at a time
UntitledmostBrowse or page through a text file
UntitledmountMount a file system
UntitledmtoolsManipulate MS-DOS files
UntitledmtrNetwork diagnostics (traceroute/ping)
UntitledmvMove or rename files or directories
UntitledmmvMass Move and rename (files)
UntitledncNetcat, read and write data across networks
UntitlednetstatNetworking connections/stats
Untitlednftnftables for packet filtering and classification
UntitledniceSet the priority of a command or job
UntitlednlNumber lines and write files
UntitlednohupRun a command immune to hangups
Untitlednotify-sendSend desktop notifications
UntitlednslookupQuery Internet name servers interactively
UntitledopenOpen a file in its default application
UntitledopOperator access
UntitledpasswdModify a user password
UntitledpasteMerge lines of files
UntitledpathchkCheck file name portability
UntitledPerfPerformance analysis tools for Linux
UntitledpingTest a network connection
UntitledpgrepList processes by name
UntitledpkillKill processes by name
UntitledpopdRestore the previous value of the current directory
UntitledprPrepare files for printing
UntitledprintcapPrinter capability database
UntitledprintenvPrint environment variables
UntitledprintfFormat and print data •
UntitledpsProcess status
UntitledpushdSave and then change the current directory
UntitledpvMonitor the progress of data through a pipe
UntitledpwdPrint Working Directory
UntitledquotaDisplay disk usage and limits
UntitledquotacheckScan a file system for disk usage
Untitledramram disk device
UntitledrarArchive files with compression
UntitledrcpCopy files between two machines
UntitledreadRead a line from standard input •
UntitledreadarrayRead from stdin into an array variable •
UntitledreadonlyMark variables/functions as readonly
UntitledrebootReboot the system
UntitledrenameRename files
UntitledreniceAlter priority of running processes
UntitledremsyncSynchronize remote files via email
UntitledreturnExit a shell function
UntitledrevReverse lines of a file
UntitledrmRemove files
UntitledrmdirRemove folder(s)
UntitledrsyncRemote file copy (Synchronize file trees)
UntitledscreenMultiplex terminal, run remote shells via ssh
UntitledscpSecure copy (remote file copy)
UntitledsdiffMerge two files interactively
UntitledsedStream Editor
UntitledselectAccept user choices via keyboard input
UntitledseqPrint numeric sequences
UntitledsetManipulate shell variables and functions
UntitledsftpSecure File Transfer Program
UntitledshiftShift positional parameters
UntitledshoptShell Options
UntitledshufGenerate random permutations
UntitledshutdownShutdown or restart linux
UntitledsleepDelay for a specified time
UntitledslocateFind files
UntitledsortSort text files
UntitledsourceRun commands from a file '.'  •
UntitledsplitSplit a file into fixed-size pieces
UntitledssSocket Statistics
UntitledsshSecure Shell client (remote login program)
UntitledstatDisplay file or file system status
UntitledstraceTrace system calls and signals
UntitledsuSubstitute user identity
UntitledsudoExecute a command as another user
UntitledsumPrint a checksum for a file
UntitledsuspendSuspend execution of this shell •
UntitledsyncSynchronize data on disk with memory
UntitledtailOutput the last part of a file
UntitledtarStore, list or extract files in an archive
UntitledteeRedirect output to multiple files
UntitledtestEvaluate a conditional expression
UntitledtimeMeasure Program running time
UntitledtimeoutRun a command with a time limit
UntitledtimesUser and system times
UntitledtmuxTerminal multiplexer
UntitledtouchChange file timestamps
UntitledtopList processes running on the system
UntitledtputSet terminal-dependent capabilities, color, position
UntitledtracerouteTrace Route to Host
UntitledtrapExecute a command when the shell receives a signal •
UntitledtrTranslate, squeeze, and/or delete characters
UntitledtrueDo nothing, successfully
UntitledtsortTopological sort
UntitledttyPrint filename of terminal on stdin
UntitledtypeDescribe a command •
UntitledulimitLimit user resources •
UntitledumaskUsers file creation mask
UntitledumountUnmount a device
UntitledunaliasRemove an alias •
UntitledunamePrint system information
UntitledunexpandConvert spaces to tabs
UntitleduniqUniquify files
UntitledunitsConvert units from one scale to another
Untitledunix2dosUNIX to Windows or MAC text file format converter
UntitledunrarExtract files from a rar archive
UntitledunsetRemove variable or function names
UntitledunsharUnpack shell archive scripts
UntitleduntilExecute commands (until error)
UntitleduptimeShow uptime
UntitleduseraddCreate new user account
UntitleduserdelDelete a user account
UntitledusermodModify user account
UntitledusersList users currently logged in
UntitleduuencodeEncode a binary file
UntitleduudecodeDecode a file created by uuencode
UntitledvVerbosely list directory contents ('ls -l -b')
UntitledvdirVerbosely list directory contents ('ls -l -b')
UntitledviText Editor
UntitledvmstatReport virtual memory statistics
UntitledwShow who is logged on and what they are doing
UntitledwaitWait for a process to complete •
UntitledwatchExecute/display a program periodically
UntitledwcPrint byte, word, and line counts
UntitledwhereisSearch the user's $path, man pages and source files for a program
UntitledwhichSearch the user's $path for a program file
UntitledwhileExecute commands
UntitledwhoPrint all usernames currently logged in
UntitledwhoamiPrint the current user id and name ('id -un')
UntitledwgetRetrieve web pages or files via HTTP, HTTPS or FTP
UntitledwriteSend a message to another user
UntitledxargsExecute utility, passing constructed argument list(s)
Untitledxdg-openOpen a file or URL in the user's preferred application.
UntitledxxdMake a hexdump or do the reverse
UntitledxzCompress or decompress .xz and .lzma files
UntitledyesPrint a string until interrupted
UntitledzipPackage and compress (archive) files
Untitled.Run a command script in the current shell
Untitled!!Run the last command again
Untitled###Comment / Remark
\ No newline at end of file +

ACommandCommand Description
Untitled&Start a new process in the background
UntitledaliasCreate an alias •
UntitledaproposSearch Help manual pages (man -k)
UntitledaptSearch for and install software packages (Debian/Ubuntu)
Untitledapt-getSearch for and install software packages (Debian/Ubuntu)
UntitledaptitudeSearch for and install software packages (Debian/Ubuntu)
UntitledaspellSpell Checker
UntitledatSchedule a command to run once at a particular time
UntitledawkFind and Replace text, database sort/validate/index
UntitledbasenameStrip directory and suffix from filenames
Untitledbase32Base32 encode/decode data and print to standard output
Untitledbase64Base64 encode/decode data and print to standard output
UntitledbashGNU Bourne-Again SHell
UntitledbcArbitrary precision calculator language
UntitledbgSend to background
UntitledbindSet or display readline key and function bindings •
UntitledbreakExit from a loop •
UntitledbuiltinRun a shell builtin
Untitledbzip2Compress or decompress named file(s)
UntitledcalDisplay a calendar
UntitledcallerReturn the context of any active subroutine call •
UntitledcaseConditionally perform a command
UntitledcatConcatenate and print (display) the content of files
UntitledcdChange Directory
UntitledcfdiskPartition table manipulator for Linux
UntitledchattrChange file attributes on a Linux file system
UntitledchgrpChange group ownership
UntitledchmodChange access permissions
UntitledchownChange file owner and group
UntitledchpasswdUpdate passwords in batch mode
UntitledchrootRun a command with a different root directory
UntitledchkconfigSystem services (runlevel)
UntitledcksumPrint CRC checksum and byte counts
UntitledclearClear terminal screen
UntitledcmpCompare two files
UntitledcommCompare two sorted files line by line
UntitledcommandRun a command - ignoring shell functions •
UntitledcontinueResume the next iteration of a loop •
UntitledcpCopy one or more files to another location
UntitledcpioCopy files to and from archives
UntitledcronDaemon to execute scheduled commands
UntitledcrontabSchedule a command to run at a later time
UntitledcsplitSplit a file into context-determined pieces
UntitledcurlTransfer data from or to a server
UntitledcutDivide a file into several parts
UntitleddateDisplay or change the date & time
UntitleddcDesk Calculator
UntitledddData Duplicator - convert and copy a file, write disk headers, boot records
UntitledddrescueData recovery tool
UntitleddeclareDeclare variables and give them attributes •
UntitleddfDisplay free disk space
UntitleddiffDisplay the differences between two files
Untitleddiff3Show differences among three files
UntitleddigDNS lookup
UntitleddirBriefly list directory contents
UntitleddircolorsColour setup for 'ls'
UntitleddirnameConvert a full pathname to just a path
UntitleddirsDisplay list of remembered directories
Untitleddos2unixWindows/MAC to UNIX text file format converter
UntitleddmesgPrint kernel & driver messages
UntitleddpkgPackage manager (Debian/Ubuntu).
UntitledduEstimate file space usage
UntitledechoDisplay message on screen •
UntitledegrepSearch file(s) for lines that match an extended expression
UntitledejectEject removable media
UntitledenableEnable and disable builtin shell commands •
UntitledenvEnvironment variables
UntitledethtoolEthernet card settings
UntitledevalEvaluate several commands/arguments
UntitledexecExecute a command
UntitledexitExit the shell
UntitledexpandConvert tabs to spaces
UntitledexportSet an environment variable
UntitledexprEvaluate expressions
UntitledfalseDo nothing, unsuccessfully
UntitledfdformatLow-level format a floppy disk
UntitledfdiskPartition table manipulator for Linux
UntitledfgSend job to foreground
UntitledfgrepSearch file(s) for lines that match a fixed string
UntitledfileDetermine file type
UntitledfindSearch for files that meet a desired criteria
UntitledfmtReformat paragraph text
UntitledfoldWrap text to fit a specified width
UntitledforExpand words, and execute commands
UntitledformatFormat disks or tapes
UntitledfreeDisplay memory usage
UntitledfsckFile system consistency check and repair
UntitledftpFile Transfer Protocol
UntitledfunctionDefine Function Macros
UntitledfuserIdentify/kill the process that is accessing a file
UntitledgawkFind and Replace text within file(s)
UntitledgetoptsParse positional parameters
UntitledgrepSearch file(s) for lines that match a given pattern
UntitledgroupaddAdd a user security group
UntitledgroupdelDelete a group
UntitledgroupmodModify a group
UntitledgroupsPrint group names a user is in
UntitledgzipCompress or decompress named file(s)
UntitledhashRemember the full pathname of a name argument
UntitledheadOutput the first part of file(s)
UntitledhelpDisplay help for a built-in command •
UntitledhistoryCommand History
UntitledhostnamePrint or set system name
UntitledhtopInteractive process viewer
UntitlediconvConvert the character set of a file
UntitledidPrint user and group id's
UntitledifConditionally perform a command
UntitledifconfigConfigure a network interface
UntitledifdownStop a network interface
UntitledifupStart a network interface up
UntitledimportCapture an X server screen and save the image to file
UntitledinstallCopy files and set attributes
UntitlediostatReport CPU and i/o statistics
UntitledipRouting, devices and tunnels
UntitledjobsList active jobs •
UntitledjoinJoin lines on a common field
UntitledkillKill a process by specifying its PID
UntitledkillallKill processes by name
UntitledlessDisplay output one screen at a time
UntitledletPerform arithmetic on shell variables •
UntitledlinkCreate a link to a file
UntitledlnCreate a symbolic link to a file
UntitledlocalCreate a function variable •
UntitledlocateFind files
UntitledlognamePrint current login name
UntitledlogoutExit a login shell •
UntitledlookDisplay lines beginning with a given string
UntitledlpcLine printer control program
UntitledlprPrint files
UntitledlprintPrint a file
UntitledlprintdDelete a print job
UntitledlprintqList the print queue
UntitledlprmRemove jobs from the print queue
UntitledlsattrList file attributes on a Linux second extended file system
UntitledlsblkList block devices
UntitledlsList information about file(s)
UntitledlsofList open files
UntitledlspciList all PCI devices
UntitledmakeRecompile a group of programs
UntitledmanHelp manual
UntitledmapfileRead lines from standard input into an indexed array variable •
UntitledmkdirCreate new folder(s)
UntitledmkfifoMake FIFOs (named pipes)
UntitledmkfileMake a file
UntitledmkisofsCreate a hybrid ISO9660/JOLIET/HFS filesystem
UntitledmknodMake block or character special files
UntitledmktempMake a temporary file
UntitledmoreDisplay output one screen at a time
UntitledmostBrowse or page through a text file
UntitledmountMount a file system
UntitledmtoolsManipulate MS-DOS files
UntitledmtrNetwork diagnostics (traceroute/ping)
UntitledmvMove or rename files or directories
UntitledmmvMass Move and rename (files)
UntitledncNetcat, read and write data across networks
UntitlednetstatNetworking connections/stats
Untitlednftnftables for packet filtering and classification
UntitledniceSet the priority of a command or job
UntitlednlNumber lines and write files
UntitlednohupRun a command immune to hangups
Untitlednotify-sendSend desktop notifications
UntitlednslookupQuery Internet name servers interactively
UntitledopenOpen a file in its default application
UntitledopOperator access
UntitledpasswdModify a user password
UntitledpasteMerge lines of files
UntitledpathchkCheck file name portability
UntitledPerfPerformance analysis tools for Linux
UntitledpingTest a network connection
UntitledpgrepList processes by name
UntitledpkillKill processes by name
UntitledpopdRestore the previous value of the current directory
UntitledprPrepare files for printing
UntitledprintcapPrinter capability database
UntitledprintenvPrint environment variables
UntitledprintfFormat and print data •
UntitledpsProcess status
UntitledpushdSave and then change the current directory
UntitledpvMonitor the progress of data through a pipe
UntitledpwdPrint Working Directory
UntitledquotaDisplay disk usage and limits
UntitledquotacheckScan a file system for disk usage
Untitledramram disk device
UntitledrarArchive files with compression
UntitledrcpCopy files between two machines
UntitledreadRead a line from standard input •
UntitledreadarrayRead from stdin into an array variable •
UntitledreadonlyMark variables/functions as readonly
UntitledrebootReboot the system
UntitledrenameRename files
UntitledreniceAlter priority of running processes
UntitledremsyncSynchronize remote files via email
UntitledreturnExit a shell function
UntitledrevReverse lines of a file
UntitledrmRemove files
UntitledrmdirRemove folder(s)
UntitledrsyncRemote file copy (Synchronize file trees)
UntitledscreenMultiplex terminal, run remote shells via ssh
UntitledscpSecure copy (remote file copy)
UntitledsdiffMerge two files interactively
UntitledsedStream Editor
UntitledselectAccept user choices via keyboard input
UntitledseqPrint numeric sequences
UntitledsetManipulate shell variables and functions
UntitledsftpSecure File Transfer Program
UntitledshiftShift positional parameters
UntitledshoptShell Options
UntitledshufGenerate random permutations
UntitledshutdownShutdown or restart linux
UntitledsleepDelay for a specified time
UntitledslocateFind files
UntitledsortSort text files
UntitledsourceRun commands from a file '.'  •
UntitledsplitSplit a file into fixed-size pieces
UntitledssSocket Statistics
UntitledsshSecure Shell client (remote login program)
UntitledstatDisplay file or file system status
UntitledstraceTrace system calls and signals
UntitledsuSubstitute user identity
UntitledsudoExecute a command as another user
UntitledsumPrint a checksum for a file
UntitledsuspendSuspend execution of this shell •
UntitledsyncSynchronize data on disk with memory
UntitledtailOutput the last part of a file
UntitledtarStore, list or extract files in an archive
UntitledteeRedirect output to multiple files
UntitledtestEvaluate a conditional expression
UntitledtimeMeasure Program running time
UntitledtimeoutRun a command with a time limit
UntitledtimesUser and system times
UntitledtmuxTerminal multiplexer
UntitledtouchChange file timestamps
UntitledtopList processes running on the system
UntitledtputSet terminal-dependent capabilities, color, position
UntitledtracerouteTrace Route to Host
UntitledtrapExecute a command when the shell receives a signal •
UntitledtrTranslate, squeeze, and/or delete characters
UntitledtrueDo nothing, successfully
UntitledtsortTopological sort
UntitledttyPrint filename of terminal on stdin
UntitledtypeDescribe a command •
UntitledulimitLimit user resources •
UntitledumaskUsers file creation mask
UntitledumountUnmount a device
UntitledunaliasRemove an alias •
UntitledunamePrint system information
UntitledunexpandConvert spaces to tabs
UntitleduniqUniquify files
UntitledunitsConvert units from one scale to another
Untitledunix2dosUNIX to Windows or MAC text file format converter
UntitledunrarExtract files from a rar archive
UntitledunsetRemove variable or function names
UntitledunsharUnpack shell archive scripts
UntitleduntilExecute commands (until error)
UntitleduptimeShow uptime
UntitleduseraddCreate new user account
UntitleduserdelDelete a user account
UntitledusermodModify user account
UntitledusersList users currently logged in
UntitleduuencodeEncode a binary file
UntitleduudecodeDecode a file created by uuencode
UntitledvVerbosely list directory contents ('ls -l -b')
UntitledvdirVerbosely list directory contents ('ls -l -b')
UntitledviText Editor
UntitledvmstatReport virtual memory statistics
UntitledwShow who is logged on and what they are doing
UntitledwaitWait for a process to complete •
UntitledwatchExecute/display a program periodically
UntitledwcPrint byte, word, and line counts
UntitledwhereisSearch the user's $path, man pages and source files for a program
UntitledwhichSearch the user's $path for a program file
UntitledwhileExecute commands
UntitledwhoPrint all usernames currently logged in
UntitledwhoamiPrint the current user id and name ('id -un')
UntitledwgetRetrieve web pages or files via HTTP, HTTPS or FTP
UntitledwriteSend a message to another user
UntitledxargsExecute utility, passing constructed argument list(s)
Untitledxdg-openOpen a file or URL in the user's preferred application.
UntitledxxdMake a hexdump or do the reverse
UntitledxzCompress or decompress .xz and .lzma files
UntitledyesPrint a string until interrupted
UntitledzipPackage and compress (archive) files
Untitled.Run a command script in the current shell
Untitled!!Run the last command again
Untitled###Comment / Remark