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How to make a release

From your local machine


First, create a file in the root of the project with the following properties:

# signing.gnupg.homeDir=gnupg-home
# signing.gnupg.optionsFile=gnupg-home/gpg.conf

# only use this if you're overriding the group id
# groupId=com.nftco


The URLs may differ depending on your setup. The URLs above are for the OSSRH repositories hosted by sonatype. More information on the signing process can be found here, and more information on the release process can be found here here.

You will need to have gpg setup on your machine.

Publishing a snapshot

To release a snapshot version, run the following in the root directory of the repository:

$> ./gradlew \
  -PsnapshotDate=$(date +'%Y%m%d%H%M%S') \
  -x test \
  clean \
  publishToSonatype \

If the version specified in the build.gradle.kts file is 1.2.3 then this script will release a SNAPSHOT version that looks something like this: where the 20210419134847 portion is the year, month, day, hour, minutes, seconds that the build was cut.

Publishing a release

To release a non-snapshot version, run the following in the root directory of the repository:

$> ./gradlew \
  -x test \
  clean \
  publishToSonatype \

Be sure that the version in the build.gradle.kts file is what you want it to be.

Continuous integration & deployment (CI/CD)

In the case of a CI/CD machine you may not want ot have the keyring file(s) on your machine, in this case you can instead use an ascii armored version of the pgp key by passing the following arguments:

$> ./gradlew \
  -Psigning.password=${PGP_KEY_PASSWORD} \
  -Psonatype.nexusUrl=... \
  -Psonatype.snapshotRepositoryUrl=... \
  -Psonatype.username=... \
  -Psonatype.password=... \
  -x test \
  clean \
  publishToSonatype \

Be sure to pass the -PsnapshotDate=$(date +'%Y%m%d%H%M%S') if it's a snapshot

GitHub Actions

There are two GitHub Actions configured:

  • SNAPSHOT: On every commit to the main branch a build is performed and if successful it is deployed as a snapshot version.
  • RELEASE: Whenever a tag is creatd with the pattern of vXXX a version with the name XXX is built and if successful deployed as a release version.

The following GitHub repository secrets configure these actions:

  • FLOW_JVM_SDK_CICD_PUBLISH_ENABLED: (optional) Must be true for the publishing of artifacts to happen (defaults to false)
  • FLOW_JVM_SDK_GROUP_ID: (optional) the groupId defaults to com.nftco
  • FLOW_JVM_SDK_SIGNING_KEY: (required if publish enabled) ascii armored version of the pgp key for signing releases
  • FLOW_JVM_SDK_SIGNING_PASSWORD: (required if publish enabled) password to the pgp key
  • FLOW_JVM_SDK_NEXUS_URL: (required if publish enabled) nexus url for performing releases
  • FLOW_JVM_SDK_SNAPSHOT_REPOSITORY_URL: (required if publish enabled) nexus url for for permforming releases
  • FLOW_JVM_SDK_SONATYPE_USERNAME: (required if publish enabled) sonatype username
  • FLOW_JVM_SDK_SONATYPE_PASSWORD: (required if publish enabled) sonatype password

The Github Actions take care of starting/stopping an emulator for the unit tests.