Try this if the fast auto-installer script doesn't work for you.
On Ubuntu 14/15/16 or Debian 8/9 (64bit) as root do:
for Ubuntu there are Ruby binaries, so compilation is not needed and installation is much faster
Create isolated user 'potrust' to do not touch anything in the system and to limit process permissions
adduser potrust --disabled-password --gecos potrust --quiet cd /home/potrust
Install some required packages
On a fresh server recommended to do first:
apt-get update; apt-get upgrade
apt-get install sudo curl p7zip-full screen -y
apt-get install build-essential
— may be needed additionally for Debian 8 -
Install RVM for user potrust (but still as root)
sudo -H -u potrust bash -c 'gpg --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys 409B6B1796C275462A1703113804BB82D39DC0E3 7D2BAF1CF37B13E2069D6956105BD0E739499BDB' sudo -H -u potrust bash -c '\curl -sSL | bash -s stable'
Install Ruby (still as root)
. .rvm/scripts/rvm rvm list remote
pick the latest ruby-2.7.x name and use in
rvm install {name} --binary
— should be likervm install ruby-2.7.8 --binary
if there are no ruby-2.7.x binaries — compile from sources:
rvm install 2.7.8
(it can take 5 mins)chown -R potrust .rvm su potrust source .rvm/scripts/rvm
rvm -v
— should show RVM version
type rvm | head -1
— should showrvm is a function
rvm list
— should show installed Ruby
ruby -v
— should be similar toruby 2.7.8p225 ...
Create base folder structure
wget tar -zxf pack.tgz --strip-components=1 rm pack.tgz
Install 40+ required gems (-v 2.4.22 needed for Ruby 2.7, not for Ruby 3.1+)
gem install bundler -v 2.4.22 --no-document cd app bundle install --without dev rvm cleanup all
Install MondoDB
cd ~ # Linux x64 (no SSL, no depenecies) wget -O mongodb.tgz -- or -- (see here for better options Ubuntu 18: wget -O mongodb.tgz Ubuntu 16: wget -O mongodb.tgz Debian 9: wget -O mongodb.tgz Debian 8: wget -O mongodb.tgz tar -zxf mongodb.tgz -C platform/mongodb --strip-components=1 rm mongodb.tgz
platform/mongodb/bin/mongod --version
— should showdb version v4.0.10
Auto-start on boot (needed for supernode)
echo '@reboot sleep 5;./' >> tempcron crontab tempcron rm tempcron
crontab -l
— should show the added tasks -
— configure your node if needed (seeconf_base.rb
script /dev/null
— resolves annoying problem with the terminal -
Now at anytime under the user
you can do:*switch from root with:
su potrust -c'script /dev/null'
— start node (it it was stopped)
screen -r
— check windows
screen -dm
— start node-screen if it was terminatedInside screen hotkeys:
Ctrl+a, space/backspace
— navigate windows (Node, Web-client, top)
Ctrl+a, w
— list windows
Ctrl+a, [123]
— switch to wnd by N
Ctrl+a, Esc
— enter the scrolling mode to read an output history
— restart process (if terminated)
Ctrl+c, r
— restart working process
Ctrl+a, d
— detach (return to the main terminal)
Ctrl+a, \
— terminate this screen with all the processes -
— check Web-Client UI in any browser -
For supernode
- If incoming connections are firewalled by default, you will need to add and exception for the node port
(TCP). - You can also open external access to your Web-Client on port
(TCP - http) and3080
(TCP - WebSocket) (useful for supernode, but danger for personal node).
- If incoming connections are firewalled by default, you will need to add and exception for the node port
Yura Babak —