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39 lines (35 loc) · 1.62 KB

Adding a Vertex Shader to Visual Studio Project

  • In Visual Studio, right-click on the project in the Solution Explorer, and select Add -> New Item.
  • In the window opened, select HLSL in the left menu then select Vertex Shader File (.hlsl). If you don't have this option, simply choose any other options and name it with .hlsl as the format.
  • Right-click on the new .hlsl file you've just created, and select Properties at the bottom of the menu.
  • In the properties window, select General on the left, make sure the Item Type is set to HLSL Compiler.
  • Head to the HLSL Compiler -> General menu on the left, set the Shader Type to Vertex Shader (/vs), and Shader Model to Shader Model 3(/3_0).

Compiling a Vertex Shader

  • We will explain the code later, just make sure it is compilable for now.
  • Paste the code below and simply hit Build (Ctrl+B).
  • It should build a file named *.cso in your out directory.
    cbuffer cbPerFrame : register(c0)
        matrix WorldViewProj : register(c0);
    float4 main(float3 pos : POSITION) : SV_Position
        return mul(float4(pos, 1.f), WorldViewProj);

Compiling a Pixel Shader

  • Simply do the steps above for Vertex Shader, but in the properties window, set the Shader Type to Pixel Shader (/ps).
  • Paste the code below and simply hit Build (Ctrl+B).
    cbuffer cbPerFrame : register(c0)
        float4 color : register(c0);
    float4 main() : SV_TARGET
        return color;