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Justin Tadlock edited this page Aug 2, 2018 · 8 revisions

The following is a step-by-step guide for installing and setting up the Mythic starter theme.

Installing the theme

Themes belong in your wp-content/themes folder. You can directly download and install the theme if you wish. Or, you can use the command line to do so.

First, you must switch to the proper folder:

# Go to the themes folder.
cd wp-content/themes

Then, clone the theme:

# Clone the theme.
git clone -b master <theme-name>

After that, you need to make sure that you're in the proper folder to follow the next steps:

# Go the <theme-name> folder.
cd theme-name

Installing PHP dependencies

Mythic has the following dependencies, which must be installed for the theme to work:

That's why we need Composer. While still in the command line and at wp-content/themes/theme-name, type the following command:

composer install

Installing Node dependencies

Mythic has many Node dependencies that it uses for the build process. To install them, you can either use NPM or Yarn.

NPM command:

npm install

Yarn command:

yarn install
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