ReadME: The purpose of this application was to practice pair programming by creating a shopping list for a visit to a candy store, all in under 45 minutes . Our team was made of Theo, Annie and Salah.
Tech Stack Font-End React.JS JavaScript HTML/CSS
1. User Interface
- Input Fields:
- A text input for entering the name of a candy.
- A number input for entering the quantity of the candy.
- Add Button: A button to add the entered candy item to the inventory list.
- Candy List: A list displaying all added candy items with their quantities.
- Delete Button: A button next to each candy item for removing it from the list.
2. Functionality
- Adding Candies:
- Users should be able to type a candy name and quantity in the input fields.
- Upon clicking the "Add" button or pressing the Enter key, the candy item should be added to the inventory list.
- After adding a candy item, the input fields should be cleared, ready for new entries.
- Displaying Candies:
- Display each candy item as a list item with its name and quantity.
- Each item should display the candy name, quantity, and a "Delete" button.
- Deleting Candies:
- Clicking the "Delete" button should remove the corresponding candy item from the list.
- Empty List Message:
- If there are no candies in the list, display a message like "Your inventory is empty!" to indicate the list is empty.
3. Technical Requirements
- State Management: Use React's useState hook to manage the list of candy items, the current values of the input fields, and their quantities.
- Event Handling:
- Handle changes in the input fields to update the state for candy name and quantity.
- Handle form submission to add new candy items to the inventory list.
- Handle click events on the "Delete" button to remove items.
Project Challenges
- Resizing the kenyan flag image to use for the background
- Using ES6 syntax to update the UI when no more items were in the list
Future Project Improvements / Lessons
- Improve the readability of items after adding the Kenyan Flag
- Make a moodboard / pintrest board for the colours,fonts, emoji's to use to deploy
Overall Experience
- Enjoyable working as a team on code. We covered each others blind spots and made for a more creative end product.
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