This the Changelog file for the shellerate project. 'shellerate' is pun between 'shell' and 'scellerato', the Italian word for 'wicked'.
'shellerate' is a shellcode generation framework born from the assignments I took for the SecurityTube Linux Assembly Expert certification process.
You can feature custom encoders, custom crypters, polymorphism and all stuff I learned in the SLAE certification process.
- nop_sled(): creates a NOP sled
- XORity custom encoder
- math, asm_x86 and strings modules
- zero_with_and(): generates a shellcode zeroing a register using 2 ADD instructions.
- get_esp_address_in_eax(): saves ESP value into EAX using push and pop strategy
A lot of work it has been down on encoder classes. Biggest change is the introduction of encoding strategies support. For such a reason, we must implement specialized classes doing encoding.
The file is moved on a adhoc directory and it will be the main encoding class with all basic functionalities.
I made the package flat in shellerate directory to make imports easier, will refactor back later on.
- Adding Win32 bind shell shellcode (taken as is from msfvenom)
- Minor tweaks to binary script
- Adding encoder class
- Adding encoder support for bind_shell shellcode
## [0.2.0] - 2018-09-05
- logging facilities in tcp bind shellcode
- added egg hunter generator for tcp bind shellcode
- now shellcode() is a method returning the internal shellcode representation. From a semantic versioning point of view, this could reserve a major version upgrade, however we didn't reach version 1.0.0 so I can bump only minor version.
## [0.1.0] - 2018-09-04
- x86/Linux: TCP Bind shell shellcode added