Module | Version |
genie.libs.parser |
20.9 |
- Added ShowLoggingSchema
- Added ShowLogging
- Added ShowProcessesMemory
- show processes memory
- Added ShowApDot11DualBandSummary:
- For 'show ap dot11 dual-band summary'
- Added ShowApSummary:
- show ap summary
- Added ShowSdwanOmpTlocs
- show sdwan omp tlocs
- Added ShowSdwanOmpPeers
- show sdwan omp peers
- Added ShowSdwanOmpTlocPath
- show sdwan omp tloc path
- Added ShowPlatformResources
- show platform resources
- Added ShowPlatformHardwareQfpActiveTcamResourceManagerUsage
- show platform hardware qfp active tcam resource-manager usage
- Updated ShowPlatformHardwareQfpActiveFeatureAppqoe to support 17.4 release output.
- show platform hardware qfp active feature appqoe stats all
- Added ShowSdwanUtdEngine
- show sdwan utd engine
- Added ShowUtdEngineStandardStatus
- show utd engine standard status
- Added c9300 ShowEnvironmentAll:
- for command 'show environment all'
- Added ShowApDot11DualBandSummary:
- Added ShowOmpTlocs
- show omp tlocs
- Added ShowOmpPeers
- show omp peers
- Added ShowOmpTlocPath
- show omp tloc path
- Added ShowOmpTlocs
- Added show_mfib file to parsers
- Added ShowLogging
- Added ShowMfibRouteSummary
- show mfib route summary
- show mfib route summary location {location}
- show mfib vrf {vrf} route summary
- show mfib vrf {vrf} route summary location {location}
- Added ShowProcessesMemory
- show processes memory
- Added ShowRouteReceiveProtocolExtensive:
- 'show route receive-protocol bgp {peer_address} {target_address} extensive'
- Added ShowRouteReceiveProtocolPeerAddressExtensive
- show route receive-protocol bgp {peer_address} extensive
- Added ShowOspfNeighborInstanceAll
- show ospf neighbor instance all
- Added ShowOspf3NeighborInstanceAll
- show ospf3 neighbor instance all
- Added ShowRouteProtocolProtocolExtensiveIpaddress
- show route protocol {protocol} extensive {ipaddress}
- Added ShowSystemConnections
- show system connections
- Added ShowSystemInformation
- show system information
- Added ShowFirewallLog
- show firewall log
- Added ShowRouteReceiveProtocolExtensive:
- Added ShowProcessesMemoryDetail
- show processes memory detail
- show processes memory detail | include {WORD}
- Added ShowProcessesMemoryDetail
- Modified add_parser:
- Now properly accepts parsers with 'cli_command' defined as a string.
- Modified add_parser:
- Modified AdminShowDiagChassis:
- Added support for new style of output
- Changed serial_number, part_revision, mfg_deviation, hw_version, and mfg_bits to Optional
- Modified ShowPlatform:
- Added support for OPERATIONAL state and for fan/power
- Modified ShowIsisStatisticsSchema:
- updated queue_size as optional
- Modified ShowControllersNpuInterfaceInstanceLocation:
- Changed parser to account for hexidecimal values rather than only integers
- Modified AdminShowDiagChassis:
- Added support for new style of output
- Changed serial_number, part_revision, mfg_deviation, hw_version, and mfg_bits to Optional
- Modified ShowPlatform:
- Added support for OPERATIONAL state and for fan/power
- Modified ShowRouteIpv6:
- Updated regex pattern p2 to accommodate various outputs
- Modified AdminShowDiagChassis:
- Updated ShowBgpSummarySuperParser
- Updated Regex in p9 to capture '*'
- Updated test_show_ip_bgp_all_summary_golden2
- Added '*' in test case
- Updated ShowChassisRoutingEngine
- Updated Regex and code to parse wider range of CLI output
- Updated TestShowChassisRoutingEngine
- Added golden_output2/golden_parsed_output2 data for unit test
- Modified ShowAccessListsSchema
- matched_packets key can be a str or int
- Modified ShowAccessLists
- matched_packets captured group in p_ip_acl_standard can now capture a str or int
- use captured group sequence if access list value exists
- Modified
- matched correct output
- Modified
- matched correct output
- Modified ShowBgpDetailSuperParser:
- changed regrex pattern p2_1 and p3_1
- Updated ShowPlatform
- Added code to accomodate wider variety of CLI output
- Updated TestShowInventory
- Added golden_output3/golden_parsed_output3 data for unit test
- Fixed ShowPolicyMapTypeSuperParser
- Modified regex p2 and p5 to support various outputs
- Fixed ShowPolicyMap
- Added regex p2_4 and modified p8_3 and p11 to support various outputs
- Modified ShowIpInterface:
- Added new patterns supporting various outputs based on the user device output
- Added the corresponding unit tests reflecting the applied changes
- Updated c9300 ShowInventory:
- Fix regex p2 to match more various ouput
- Modified ShowLoggingSchema:
- Added new schema
- Modified ShowLogging:
- Added regex patterns to capture data in new schema
- Updated ShowRedundancy
- Modified regex to support different output
- Updated ShowRedundancyStates
- Modified regex to support different output
- Updated ShowBgpSummarySuperParser
- Modified ShowInterface:
- Update p1 regex to match more output
- Modified ShowIpMrouteVrfAll:
- Handles internal in output
- Fixed ShowIpMrouteVrfAll:
- Also handles flags in outgoing interfaces
- Modified ShowInterfaceStatus:
- Fix to parse Nve interface
- Modified ShowIpMrouteVrfAll:
- Updated regex p5 to support various outputs.
- Modified ShowInterfaceBrief:
- Updated regex pattern p6 to accommodate various outputs.
- Modified ShowSpanningTreeDetail:
- Updated regrex pattern p14 to capture negative values
- Modified ShowLldpTimersSchema:
- Added new keys and make to Optional
- Modified ShowInterface:
- Modified ShowRouteProtocolExtensive:
- Handles AS Path better
- Modified ShowSystemUptime:
- Updated regex pattern {p6} to accommodate various outputs.
- Modified ShowRouteReceiveProtocolExtensive:
- Changed key 'active-tag' into Optional.
- Modified ShowRouteReceiveProtocol
- Updated regex p2 to support more outputs.
- Added 'show route receive-protocol {protocol} {peer} {target}' in cli_command
- Modified ShowRouteReceiveProtocol
- Enhanced regex pattern p2, as well as proceeding code to develop parser
- Created regex patterns p3 and p4
- Modified ShowRouteAdvertisingProtocol
- Enhanced regex pattern p2, as well as proceeding code to develop parser
- Created regex patterns p3 and p4
- Modified Ping:
- ping {addr} source {source} count {count}
- Modified ShowBgpNeighbor
- Modified p36 code block in if condition
- Updated ShowSystemUsers
- Fixed regex for output of show system user
- Fixed ShowFirewallCounterFilter
- Fixed Cli command to accept options for filter and counter_name
- Rewrote ShowFirewall
- Modified ShowBgpNeighbor
- Added regex to support more output
- Modified ShowRouteProtocolExtensive
- Added regex to support accepted tag
- Added regex to support peer-as tag
- Modified ShowBgpNeigbor
- show bgp neighbor {neighbor}
- Modified ShowRouteProtocolExtensive
- Added more support by adding regex
- Modified ShowRouteProtocolExtensive: