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Supported Motherboards & Wiring Guide

Keith Bennett edited this page Jul 29, 2024 · 20 revisions


To simplify wiring, I recommend picking up an SKR Extension Cable Kit which converts Prusa's wiring to JST connectors (not needed for BTT002).


Prusa MK2.5S users must swap to a 12V hotend cooling fan (4010) since the stock fan is 5V. Stock parts cooling fan (5015) is 12V, so that should work without an issue.

Table of Contents



SKR V3.0 EZ Pins Diagram

Source: SKR V3.0 EZ Pins Diagram

Pin Number / Name
Hotend Heater PB3 (HE0)
Bed Heater PD7 (BED)
Hotend Thermistor PA2 (TH0)
Bed Thermistor PA1 (TB)
Hotend Cooling Fan PB6 (FAN1)
Part Cooling Fan PB7 (FAN0)
Motherboard Fan (Optional) PB5 (FAN2)
PINDA V2 / SuperPINDA PC13 (Probe)
PINDA V2 Thermistor PA3 (TH1)
PINDA 5V (5V pin in PWRDET)*
BLTouch PE5 + PC13 (SERVOS + Probe)
Filament Runout PC2 (E0DET)
NeoPixels / RGB PE6 (RGB)
X Motor (XM)
Y Motor (YM)
Z1 Motor (ZAM)
Z2 Motor (E1M)
Extruder Motor (E0M)


* PINDA 5V source can be any available/unused 5V pin


Prusa MK3/S/+: Motherboard DIAG jumpers must be installed for X & Y and removed for Z, Z2 (E1), & E0 or homing and filament runout will not work correctly.

Prusa MK2.5S: Motherboard DIAG jumpers must be removed for X, Y, Z, Z2 (E1), & E0 or homing and filament runout will not work correctly.

SKR V3.0

SKR V3.0 Pins Diagram

Source: SKR V3.0 Pins Diagram

Pin Number / Name
Hotend Heater PB3 (HE0)
Bed Heater PD7 (BED)
Hotend Thermistor PA2 (TH0)
Bed Thermistor PA1 (TB)
Hotend Cooling Fan PB6 (FAN1)
Part Cooling Fan PB7 (FAN0)
Motherboard Fan (Optional) PB5 (FAN2)
PINDA V2 / SuperPINDA PC13 (Probe)
PINDA V2 Thermistor PA3 (TH1)
PINDA 5V (5V pin in PWRDET)*
BLTouch PE5 + PC13 (SERVOS + Probe)
Filament Runout PC2 (E0DET)
NeoPixels / RGB PE6 (RGB)
X Motor (XM)
Y Motor (YM)
Z1 Motor (ZAM)
Z2 Motor (E1M)
Extruder Motor (E0M)


* PINDA 5V source can be any available/unused 5V pin


Prusa MK3/S/+: Motherboard DIAG jumpers must be installed for X & Y and removed for Z, Z2 (E1), & E0 or homing and filament runout will not work correctly.

Prusa MK2.5S: Motherboard DIAG jumpers must be removed for X, Y, Z, Z2 (E1), & E0 or homing and filament runout will not work correctly.

SKR V2.0 (All Versions)

SKR V2.0 Pins Diagram

Source: SKR V2.0 Pins Diagram

Pin Number / Name
Hotend Heater PB3 (HE0)
Bed Heater PD7 (BED)
Hotend Thermistor PA2 (TH0)
Bed Thermistor PA1 (TB)
Hotend Cooling Fan PB6 (FAN1)
Part Cooling Fan PB7 (FAN0)
Motherboard Fan (Optional) PB5 (FAN2)
PINDA V2 / SuperPINDA PE4 (Probe)
PINDA V2 Thermistor PA3 (TH1)
PINDA 5V (5V pin in PWRDET)*
BLTouch PE5 + PE4 (SERVOS + Probe)
Filament Runout PC2 (E0DET)
NeoPixels / RGB PE6 (RGB)
X Motor (XM)
Y Motor (YM)
Z1 Motor (ZMA)
Z2 Motor (E1M)
Extruder Motor (E0M)


* PINDA 5V source can be any available/unused 5V pin


Prusa MK3/S/+: Motherboard DIAG jumpers must be installed for X & Y and removed for Z, Z2 (E1), & E0 or homing and filament runout will not work correctly.

Prusa MK2.5S: Motherboard DIAG jumpers must be removed for X, Y, Z, Z2 (E1), & E0 or homing and filament runout will not work correctly.

SKR V1.4 (All Versions)

SKR V1.4 Pins Diagram

Source: SKR V1.4 Pins Diagram

Pin Number / Name
Hotend Heater P2.7 (HE0)
Bed Heater P2.5 (BED)
Hotend Thermistor P0.24 (TH0)
Bed Thermistor P0.25 (TB)
Hotend Cooling Fan P2.4 (HE1)
Part Cooling Fan P2.3 (FAN0)
PINDA V2 / SuperPINDA P0.10 (Probe)
PINDA V2 Thermistor P0.23 (TH1)
PINDA 5V (5V pin in PWRDET)*
BLTouch P2.0 + P0.10 (SERVOS + Probe)
Filament Runout P1.26 (E0DET)
NeoPixels / RGB P1.24 (NeoPixel)
X Motor (XM)
Y Motor (YM)
Z1 Motor (ZMA)
Z2 Motor (E1M)
Extruder Motor (E0M)


* PINDA 5V source can be any available/unused 5V pin


Prusa MK3/S/+: Driver DIAG pins must be cut or desoldered from Z, Z2 (E1), & E0 drivers or homing and filament runout will not work correctly.

Prusa MK2.5S: Driver DIAG pins must be cut or desoldered from X, Y, Z, Z2 (E1), & E0 drivers or homing and filament runout will not work correctly.

SKR V1.3

SKR V1.3 Pins Diagram

Source: SKR V1.3 Pins Diagram

Pin Number / Name
Hotend Heater P2.7 (HE0)
Bed Heater P2.5 (BED)
Hotend Thermistor P0.24 (TH0)
Bed Thermistor P0.23 (TB)
Hotend Cooling Fan P2.4 (HE1)
Part Cooling Fan P2.3 (FAN)
PINDA V2 / SuperPINDA P1.25 (Z-)
PINDA V2 Thermistor P0.25 (TH1)
PINDA 5V (5V pin in Z+)*
BLTouch P2.0 + P1.25 (SERVOS + Z-)
Filament Runout P1.28 (X+)
X Motor (X)
Y Motor (Y)
Z1 Motor (Z)
Z2 Motor (E1)
Extruder Motor (E0)


* PINDA 5V source can be any available/unused 5V pin


Prusa MK3/S/+: Motherboard DIAG jumpers must be installed for X & Y and removed for Z, Z2 (E1), & E0 or homing and filament runout will not work correctly.

Prusa MK2.5S: Motherboard DIAG jumpers must be removed for X, Y, Z, Z2 (E1), & E0 or homing and filament runout will not work correctly.

BTT002 V1.0

BTT002 V1.0 Pins Diagram

Source: BTT002 V1.0 Pins Diagram

Pin Number / Name
Hotend Heater PE6 (HE)
Bed Heater PE5 (BED OUT)
Hotend Thermistor PA2 (T0)
Bed Thermistor PA1 (T2)
Hotend Cooling Fan PB9 (FAN0)
Part Cooling Fan PB8 (FAN1)
PINDA V2 Thermistor PC3 (Shared with Z-PROBE)
PINDA 5V (Shared with Z-PROBE)
BLTouch N/A
Filament Runout PA15 (Shared with EXP3)
NeoPixels / RGB N/A
X Motor (XM)
Y Motor (YM)
Z1 Motor (ZAM)
Z2 Motor (ZBM)
Extruder Motor (EM)


Prusa MK3/S/+: Driver DIAG pins must be cut or desoldered from Z & E drivers or homing and filament runout will not work correctly.

Prusa MK2.5S: Driver DIAG pins must be cut or desoldered from X, Y, Z, & E drivers or homing and filament runout will not work correctly.

SKR Mini E3 V3.0

SKR Mini E3 V3.0 Pins Diagram

Source: SKR Mini E3 V3.0 Pins Diagram

Pin Number / Name
Hotend Heater PC8 (E0)
Bed Heater PC9 (HB)
Hotend Thermistor PA0 (TH0)
Bed Thermistor PC4 (THB)
Hotend Cooling Fan PC7 (FAN1)
Part Cooling Fan PC6 (FAN0)
Motherboard Fan (Optional) PB15 (FAN2)
SuperPINDA PC14 (Shared with Z-PROBE)
SuperPINDA 5V (Shared with Z-PROBE)
BLTouch PA1 + PC14 (Shared with Z-PROBE)
Filament Runout PC15 (E0-STOP)
NeoPixels / RGB PA8 (Neo-PWR1)
X Motor (XM)
Y Motor (YM)
Z1 Motor (ZAM)
Z2 Motor (ZBM)
Extruder Motor (EM)


Prusa MK3/S/+: Motherboard DIAG jumpers must be installed for X & Y and removed for Z & E or homing and filament runout will not work correctly.

Prusa MK2.5S: Motherboard DIAG jumpers must be removed for X, Y, Z, & E or homing and filament runout will not work correctly.

SKR Mini E3 V3.0.1

SKR Mini E3 V3.0 Pins Diagram

Source: SKR Mini E3 V3.0.1 Pins Diagram

Pin Number / Name
Hotend Heater PA15 (E0)
Bed Heater PB3 (HB)
Hotend Thermistor PC5 (TH0)
Bed Thermistor PC4 (THB)
Hotend Cooling Fan PA8 (FAN1)
Part Cooling Fan PC9 (FAN0)
Motherboard Fan (Optional) PC8 (FAN2)
SuperPINDA PA1 (Shared with Z-PROBE)
SuperPINDA 5V (Shared with Z-PROBE)
BLTouch PA0 + PA1 (Shared with Z-PROBE)
Filament Runout PC15 (E0-STOP)
NeoPixels / RGB PA14 (RGB-PWR1)
X Motor (XM)
Y Motor (YM)
Z1 Motor (ZAM)
Z2 Motor (ZBM)
Extruder Motor (EM)


Prusa MK3/S/+: Motherboard DIAG jumpers must be installed for X & Y and removed for Z & E or homing and filament runout will not work correctly.

Prusa MK2.5S: Motherboard DIAG jumpers must be removed for X, Y, Z, & E or homing and filament runout will not work correctly.

SKR Mini E3 V2.0

SKR Mini E3 V3.0 Pins Diagram

Source: SKR Mini E3 V2.0 Pins Diagram

Pin Number / Name
Hotend Heater PC8 (E0)
Bed Heater PC9 (HB)
Hotend Thermistor PA0 (TH0)
Bed Thermistor PC3 (THB)
Hotend Cooling Fan PC7 (FAN1)
Part Cooling Fan PC6 (FAN0)
SuperPINDA PC14 (Shared with Z-PROBE)
SuperPINDA 5V (Shared with Z-PROBE)
BLTouch PA1 + PC14 (Shared with Z-PROBE)
Filament Runout PC15 (E0-STOP)
NeoPixels / RGB PA8 (NEOPIXEL)
X Motor (XM)
Y Motor (YM)
Z1 Motor (ZAM)
Z2 Motor (ZBM)
Extruder Motor (EM)


Prusa MK3/S/+: Motherboard DIAG jumpers must be installed for X & Y and removed for Z & E or homing and filament runout will not work correctly.

Prusa MK2.5S: Motherboard DIAG jumpers must be removed for X, Y, Z, & E or homing and filament runout will not work correctly.

Makerbase / MKS

Robin Nano V3 (All Versions)

Robin Nano V3.0 Pins Diagram

Source: Robin Nano V3.0 Pins Diagram

Pin Number / Name
Hotend Heater PE5 (HE0)
Bed Heater PA0 (H-BED)
Hotend Thermistor PC1 (TH1)
Bed Thermistor PC0 (TB)
Hotend Cooling Fan PB1 (FAN2)
Part Cooling Fan PC14 (FAN1)
Motherboard Fan (Optional) PB0 (HE1)
PINDA V2 / SuperPINDA PC8 (Z-)
PINDA V2 Thermistor PA2 (TH2)
PINDA 5V (5V pin in Z- or Z+)*
BLTouch PA8 + PC8 (BLTouch + Z-)
Filament Runout PA4 (MT_DET1)
NeoPixels / RGB N/A
X Motor (X)
Y Motor (Y)
Z1 Motor (Z1)
Z2 Motor (E1)
Extruder Motor (E0)


* PINDA 5V source can be any available/unused 5V pin


Prusa MK3/S/+: Motherboard DIAG jumpers must be installed for X & Y and removed for Z, Z2 (E1), & E0 or homing and filament runout will not work correctly.

Prusa MK2.5S: Motherboard DIAG jumpers must be removed for X, Y, Z, Z2 (E1), & E0 or homing and filament runout will not work correctly.

Eagle V1.0

Eagle V1.0 Pins Diagram

Source: Eagle V1.0 Pins Diagram

Pin Number / Name
Hotend Heater PE5 (HE0)
Bed Heater PA0 (H-BED)
Hotend Thermistor PC1 (TH1)
Bed Thermistor PC0 (TB)
Hotend Cooling Fan PB1 (FAN2)
Part Cooling Fan PC14 (FAN1)
Motherboard Fan (Optional) PB0 (HE1)
PINDA V2 / SuperPINDA PC8 (Z-)
PINDA V2 Thermistor PA2 (TH2)
PINDA 5V (5V pin in Z- or Z+)*
BLTouch PA8 + PC8 (BLTouch + Z-)
Filament Runout PA4 (MT_DET1)
NeoPixels / RGB N/A
X Motor (X)
Y Motor (Y)
Z1 Motor (Z1)
Z2 Motor (E1)
Extruder Motor (E0)


* PINDA 5V source can be any available/unused 5V pin


Prusa MK3/S/+: Motherboard DIAG jumpers must be installed for X & Y and removed for Z, Z2 (E1), & E0 or homing and filament runout will not work correctly.

Prusa MK2.5S: Motherboard DIAG jumpers must be removed for X, Y, Z, Z2 (E1), & E0 or homing and filament runout will not work correctly.


SGEN_L V2.0 Pins Diagram

Source: SGEN_L V2.0 Pins Diagram

Pin Number / Name
Hotend Heater P2.7 (HE0)
Bed Heater P2.5 (BED)
Hotend Thermistor P0.23 (TH1)
Bed Thermistor P0.24 (TB1)
Hotend Cooling Fan P1.4 (FAN2)
Part Cooling Fan P2.4 (FAN1)
Motherboard Fan (Optional) P2.6 (HE1)
PINDA V2 / SuperPINDA P1.25 (Z-)
PINDA V2 Thermistor P0.25 (TH2)
PINDA 5V (5V pin in Z- or Z+)*
BLTouch P1.24 + P1.25 (SERVO + Z-)
Filament Runout P1.28 (X+)
NeoPixels / RGB N/A
X Motor (X)
Y Motor (Y)
Z1 Motor (Z1)
Z2 Motor (E1)
Extruder Motor (E0)


* PINDA 5V source can be any available/unused 5V pin


Prusa MK3/S/+: Motherboard DIAG jumpers must be installed for X & Y and removed for Z, Z2 (E1), & E0 or homing and filament runout will not work correctly.

Prusa MK2.5S: Motherboard DIAG jumpers must be removed for X, Y, Z, Z2 (E1), & E0 or homing and filament runout will not work correctly.

Robin E3 (All Versions)

Robin E3 Pins Diagram

Source: Robin E3 Pins Diagram

Pin Number / Name
Hotend Heater PC9 (HE0)
Bed Heater PC8 (H-BED)
Hotend Thermistor PA0 (ETEMP)
Bed Thermistor PA1 (B-MOT)
Hotend Cooling Fan N/A (Wire to 24V)
Part Cooling Fan PA8 (FAN0)
SuperPINDA PB1 (Probe)
SuperPINDA 5V (5V pin in Probe)*
BLTouch PA3 + PB1 (SERVO + Probe)
Filament Runout PB10 (MT-DET)
NeoPixels / RGB PA2 (NeoPixel)
X Motor (X)
Y Motor (Y)
Z1 Motor (Z1)
Z2 Motor (Z2)
Extruder Motor (E)


* SuperPINDA 5V source can be any available/unused 5V pin


Prusa MK3/S/+: Motherboard DIAG jumpers must be installed for X & Y and removed for Z & E or homing and filament runout will not work correctly.

Prusa MK2.5S: Motherboard DIAG jumpers must be removed for X, Y, Z, & E or homing and filament runout will not work correctly.

Robin E3D (All Versions)

Robin E3D Pins Diagram

Source: Robin E3D Pins Diagram

Pin Number / Name
Hotend Heater PC9 (HE0)
Bed Heater PC8 (H-BED)
Hotend Thermistor PA0 (ETEMP)
Bed Thermistor PA1 (B-MOT)
Hotend Cooling Fan N/A (Wire to 24V)
Part Cooling Fan PA8 (FAN0)
SuperPINDA PB1 (Probe)
SuperPINDA 5V (5V pin in Probe)*
BLTouch PA3 + PB1 (SERVO + Probe)
Filament Runout PB10 (MT-DET)
NeoPixels / RGB PA2 (NeoPixel)
X Motor (X)
Y Motor (Y)
Z1 Motor (Z1)
Z2 Motor (Z2)
Extruder Motor (E)


* SuperPINDA 5V source can be any available/unused 5V pin


Prusa MK3/S/+: Motherboard DIAG jumpers must be installed for X & Y and removed for Z & E or homing and filament runout will not work correctly.

Prusa MK2.5S: Motherboard DIAG jumpers must be removed for X, Y, Z, & E or homing and filament runout will not work correctly.