This is an Arduino project that uses the cheap ESP8266 WiFi module. For more details see the blog posting:
The sketch connects to and returns current weather conditions for your location every 15 minutes. The returned data is formatted as JSON. The JSON is parsed for display on a serial LCD.
- You will need an API key (free) from
- You must install ArduinoJson in your sketchbook/libraries folder (
- You must be using Arduino 1.0.6 or later for ArduinoJson library to install properly - it uses nested include statements
- Change the following:
- SSID - name of your network
- PASS - password for your network
- LOCATIONID - desired geographic location for weather conditions (eg., US ZipCode, State/City, Int'l)
- YOURKEY - your API key for wunderground
LOCATIONID can be of the following forms:
- #define LOCATIONID "Germany/Munich" (International)
- #define LOCATIONID "94523" (US ZipCode)
- #define LOCATIONID "CA/Pleasant_Hill" (US City)
- Hard Reset
- Connect to WiFi
- Set to single connection
- Set up TCP connection
- Send data (GET) to wunderground
- Use Serial to read the returned json (JavaScript Object Notation) pairs
- Parse the key-value pairs
- Display
- Close the connection
- Wait 15 minutes (to keep within limits of free API license)
The Pro Trinket 3V runs at 12Mhz. SoftwareSerial (required for this project) through Arduino 1.0.6 only has a version of SoftwareSerial that supports 8, 16 and 20MHz. You will need to update the SoftwareSerial.cpp file, available here.
Instructions for updating SoftwareSerial.cpp on a Mac:
- Close Arduino if running
- Open a New Finder Window
- Open Applications, highlight Arduino (or whatever you name your Arduino app)
- Show Package Contents
- Open Resources\Java\libraries\SoftwareSerial
- Copy SoftwareSerial.cpp (downloaded from github) to this folder, replacing the older version of SoftwareSerial.cpp
- Restart Arduino
This code uses the ESP8266WiFi library to do Web client calls via the Feather Huzzah. The older version in this git does straight-up serial AT Command Set calls to the ESP8266 module.
The code update here is based on Mike Rankin's ESP8266 OLED Weather Display:
My version still prints to a 4x20 LCD display. You will still need to use an LM317 voltage regulator as described in the blog post at This is because the 4x20 LCD requires 5v at a hight current than the Feather Huzzah can supply.