Generate a CHANGELOG from git metadata
It's recommended you use the high level standard-version library, which handles the the entire tagging and CHANGELOG generation process.
Alternatively, the conventional-changelog-cli allows you to generate a CHANGELOG from the command line.
The conventional-changelog repo is managed as a monorepo; it's composed of many npm packages.
The original conventional-changelog/conventional-changelog
API repo can be
found in packages/conventional-changelog.
- conventional-changelog-cli - the full-featured command line interface
- standard-changelog - command line interface for the angular commit format.
- conventional-github-releaser - Make a new GitHub release from git metadata
- conventional-recommended-bump - Get a recommended version bump based on conventional commits
- conventional-commits-detector - Detect what commit message convention your repository is using
- commitizen - Simple commit conventions for internet citizens.
- angular-precommit - Pre commit with angular conventions
- conventional-changelog-lint - Lint commit messages against your conventional-changelog preset