A program that fetches tweets by using a list of keywords or screen names and then vocalizes them with text-to-speech.
To run tweetreader.py, keys.py must be given authentication keys from a new Twitter app (if you don't know how, try this. Next, download the following modules:
pip install tweepy
pip install pyttsx3
pip install pypiwin32
After this, set up with preferences in config.py and you should be good to go.
- tweetreader.py: runs the tweet streamer
- config.py: used to change streaming settings
- keys.py: location to put Twitter access keys
- Tweepy: streams tweets
- pyttsx3: used for tts
- LucidProgramming -- helped with creating StdOutListener class
- Status Objects -- easier to navigate than the documentation
- Allow inputing screen names instead of account IDs
- Allow using screen names and search terms in a single filter
- Throw it onto a Raspberry Pi with a speaker, stream a junk Twitter in the config, and use it as a mini-Alexa in my dorm room
- Implement sentiment analysis