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TiBigData Unified Batch & Streaming

TiBigData supports reading snapshot data from TiDB, and then merging the TiCDC data after this snapshot to build a real-time TiDB table snapshot.

Table of Contents

1 Environment

Component Version
Maven 3.6+
Flink 1.13.x / 1.14.x
TiCDC 4.x / 5.x
Kafka All versions supported by Flink

2 Configure Flink cluster

See Flink-TiDB-Connector.

3 Configure Kafka cluster

See Apache Kafka QuickStart.

4 Configure TiCDC

This section describes how to use TiUP to launch a simple TiCDC component for testing. You need to replace the following address with your real address.

Start cdc server:

tiup cdc server --pd=http://localhost:2379 --log-file=/tmp/ticdc/ticdc.log --addr= --advertise-addr= --data-dir=/tmp/log/ticdc

Send change log to Kafka:

tiup cdc cli changefeed create --pd= --sink-uri="kafka://localhost:9092/test_cdc?kafka-version=2.4.0&partition-num=1&max-message-bytes=67108864&replication-factor=1&protocol=default"

5 Reading TiDB in Streaming Mode

Create a table with a unique index in tidb:

# Connect to TiDB
mysql --host --port 4000 -uroot --database test
CREATE TABLE `test`.`test_cdc`(
    name VARCHAR(16) 

Start Flink SQL client in streaming mode, create TiDB Catalog and query:

SET 'sql-client.execution.result-mode' = 'table';

  'type' = 'tidb',
  'tidb.database.url' = 'jdbc:mysql://localhost:4000/',
  'tidb.username' = 'root',
  'tidb.password' = '',
  'tidb.streaming.source' = 'kafka',
  'tidb.streaming.codec' = 'json',
  'tidb.streaming.kafka.bootstrap.servers' = 'localhost:9092',
  'tidb.streaming.kafka.topic' = 'test_cdc',
  '' = 'test_cdc_group',
  'tidb.streaming.ignore-parse-errors' = 'true'

SELECT * FROM `tidb`.`test`.`test_cdc`;

Modify the data in tidb and observe the results in Flink SQL client:

INSERT INTO `test`.`test_cdc` VALUES(1,'zs');
INSERT INTO `test`.`test_cdc` VALUES(2,'ls');
DELETE FROM `test`.`test_cdc` WHERE id = 1;
UPDATE `test`.`test_cdc` SET id = 1 WHERE id = 2;

You will find that the data in Flink is the same as the real data of tidb and is updated in real time.

6 Delete in Streaming Mode

Create source table and target table with same schema in TiDB:

CREATE TABLE `test`.`source_table`(
    name VARCHAR(16) ,
    PRIMARY KEY (`id`) /*T![clustered_index] CLUSTERED */

CREATE TABLE `test`.`target_table`(
    name VARCHAR(16) ,
    PRIMARY KEY (`id`) /*T![clustered_index] CLUSTERED */

Start Flink SQL client in streaming mode, create TiDB Catalog and insert:

SET 'sql-client.execution.result-mode' = 'table';

  'type' = 'tidb',
  'tidb.database.url' = 'jdbc:mysql://localhost:4000/',
  'tidb.username' = 'root',
  'tidb.password' = '',
  'tidb.streaming.source' = 'kafka',
  'tidb.streaming.codec' = 'json',
  'tidb.streaming.kafka.bootstrap.servers' = 'localhost:9092',
  'tidb.streaming.kafka.topic' = 'test_cdc',
  '' = 'test_cdc_group',
  'tidb.streaming.ignore-parse-errors' = 'true',
  'tidb.sink.impl' = 'tikv',
  'tidb.write_mode' = 'upsert',
  'tikv.sink.transaction' = 'minibatch',
  'tikv.sink.delete_enable' = 'true'

INSERT INTO `tidb`.`test`.`target_table` SELECT id,name FROM `tidb`.`test`.`source_table`;

Insert into source table, and you will find data also be inserted into target table

INSERT INTO `test`.`source_table` VALUES(1,'zs');
INSERT INTO `test`.`source_table` VALUES(2,'ls');
INSERT INTO `test`.`source_table` VALUES(3,'is');

Delete from source table, and you will find data also be deleted from target table

DELETE FROM `test`.`source_table` WHERE id = 1 or id = 2;


  • Delete is only supported in streaming mode, which means delete can only work in minibatch because global transaction is for batch mode. If you work in GLOBAL transaction, an exception will be thrown.
  • Delete is only supported in upsert mode, If you work in append mode, an exception will be thrown.
  • Delete is only supported in tables with at least one pk or valid uk, or an exception will be thrown. valid uk means:
    • The uk's value should not be null.
    • Every column should not be null if uk has multiple-column.
  • Delete is compatible with all the codecs that is supported by the source, currently including json, craft and canal_json.

7 Configuration

In addition to supporting the configuration in TiDB Batch Mode, the streaming mode adds the following configuration:

Configuration Default Value Description
tidb.source.semantic at-least-once TiDB batch stage consumption semantics, which takes effect when the read data fails, optionally at-least-once and exactly-once.
tidb.streaming.source - The data source(messaging system) where TiDB's change logs are stored, currently only supports Kafka and Pulsar will be supported later.
tidb.streaming.codec craft TiDB's change log encoding method, currently supports json(called default in the lower version of tidb), craft, canal-json, canal-protobuf. See Codec
tidb.streaming.kafka.bootstrap.servers - Kafka server address
tidb.streaming.kafka.topic - Kafka topic - Kafka group id
tidb.streaming.ignore-parse-errors false Whether to ignore exceptions in case of decoding failure
tidb.metadata.included - TiDB Metadata, see TiDB Metadata
tikv.sink.delete_enable false Whether enable delete in streaming, this config only works in tidb.sink.impl=TIKV

8 Codec

TiBigData supports several TiCDC encoding types, namely json(called default in the lower version of tidb), craft, and canal-json, canal-protobuf.

  1. json is the default implementation of TiCDC and is highly readable;
  2. craft sacrifices readability, is fully binary encoded, has higher compression, and requires a high version of TiDB(5.x). Currently, craft is still incubating, but it is working properly;
  3. canal-json is the compatibility for the canal json format;
  4. canal-protobuf is the compatibility for the canal protobuf format;

9 TiDB Metadata

TiBigData supports adding some additional columns as metadata, which will be appended to the end of the original data.

Currently, the following metadata columns can be selected:

Metadata Description
source_event Data source is stream or batch
commit_version Version
commit_timestamp time

Enable all metadata:'tidb.metadata.included' = '*'

Enable partial metadata and rename metadata column names:'tidb.metadata.included' = 'commit_timestamp=ts,commit_version=version,source_event=source'.

10 Note

  1. The first time you run a job, TiBigData will read from TiDB by snapshot time(configured by tidb.snapshot_timestamp or tidb.snapshot_version ),then read the CDC data from Kafka after this snapshot time, the consumption of Kafka data starts from the earliest offset. After that, when the job is restarted and resumed from checkpoint/savepoint, the data will not be read from TiDB again, but will be consumed from the last recorded Kafka offset;
  2. If you do not configure snapshot time, we will choose the current time as the snapshot time. The configuration must meet this condition (${now} - ${snapshot_timestamp}) + ${batch stage execution time}) < ${GC lifetime}. Configuring it yourself may result in incomplete data due to the selection of the wrong version, so we recommend not configuring it;
  3. When metadata columns are enabled, writing will be disabled in Flink, because metadata columns are not real data in TiDB;
  4. Job parallelism must be less than or equal to the number of kafka topic partitions.

11 Questions and Answers

What is the difference between TiBigData Unified Batch & Streaming mode and Flink TiDB CDC

TiBigData leaves the complexity of CDC entirely to native TiCDC, it only needs to consume the data sent to Kafka by TiCDC instead of starting TiCDC inside Flink itself, which may be safer. When you need to reuse CDC data (a TiKV cluster with multiple databases and multiple tables), TiBigData is a good choice. If you don't want to introduce additional components like TiCDC or Kafka, Flink TiDB CDC is a good choice.